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open access

Cockpit Control-Display Subsystem Engineering

Description: Reporting presenting cockpit control-display subsystems schedules as a sequence of design activities. The relationships between activities within control-display design and the rest of the system are shown.
Date: October 1961
Creator: Kearns, John K. & Ritchie, Malcolm L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Astronavigation Computer Research

Description: Report discussing the work accomplished in proving the feasibility of a magnetic-logic computer. The most significant accomplishments of the program are: A biaperture ferrite element was developed for use in memories and registers in the temperature range from -55 C to +125 C. The element is employed in: (1) the NDRO, random access, electrically alterable program memory, (2) the NDRO random access data memory, (3) the DRO registers in the arithmetic unit. The feasibility of using single driver … more
Date: October 1963
Creator: Sperry Rand (Corporation). Sperry Gyroscope Division
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermodynamic Properties of 20.4° K-Equilibrium Hydrogen

Description: Report summarizing a study conducted for the purpose of compiling the thermodynamic properties of 20.4°K-equilibrium hydrogen for pressures between 1 and 3000 psia and temperatures between 25°R and 5000°R. Several graphical representations of the data are given. (Introduction)
Date: October 1961
Creator: Shaffer, A. & Rousseau, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy Storage Ceramic Capacitor. Quarterly Report No. 5 [for] January 1, 1958 -- March 31, 1958

Description: The chief purpose of this contract is the development of ceramic materials with high dielectric constant and high dielectric strength values, and suitable for use of dielectrics in capacitors capable of storing large amounts of energy in small volumes. Work performed during the fifth quarter included (1) Material development and sample preparation; (2) Sample testing; (3) Optical studies of titanates; (4) Fabrication of large ceramics; and (5) Capacitor design.
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Lupfer, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Energy Storage Ceramic Capacitor. Quarterly Report No. 4 [for] August 19, 1957 -- December 31, 1957

Description: The chief purpose of this contract is the development of ceramic materials with high dielectric constant and high dielectric strength values, and suitable for use of dielectrics in capacitors capable of storing large amounts of energy in small volumes. Work performed during the fourth quarter included (1) Material development and sample preparation; (2) Sample testing; (3) discussion of ceramic density measurements; (4) Optical studies of titanates; (5) Fabrication of large ceramics; and (6) Ca… more
Date: October 31, 1960
Creator: Lupfer, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Local Reactivity "Worth" in the HRT

Description: The effect of adding small quantities of fuel or poison to the HRT has been estimated using perturbation theory. The results have been reduced to a single relation and a set of graphs which make the estimation of added reactivity relatively simple. The perturbation theory results are compared with multigroup results and reasonable agreement is demonstrated; however, there is some question concerning the prompt neutron lifetime.
Date: October 11, 1960
Creator: Jaye, S. & Vondy, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EXPIRE - A Reactivity Lifetime Calculation

Description: EXPIRE is a calculation which predicts the reactivity-lifetime, instantaneous and integrated effective multiplication constants and instantaneous and integrated effective multiplication constants and instantaneous conversion ratio for heterogeneous reactors. The concentration of all the isotopes of interest from Th232 to Am243 are calculated as a function of time using the average reactor power density and a uniform flux distribution. The equations have been programmed for the IBM-704 computer … more
Date: October 13, 1960
Creator: Jaye, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimation of Reaction and Heat Release Rates for Graphite Oxidation

Description: A literature study has been made of rates for the reaction of oxygen with high-purity artificial graphite. Values from a number of sources have been expressed on a common basis which provides approximate correction for the retarding effects of oxygen diffusion in the graphite pores. The corrected rates can be correlated by the equation k = 7.24 x 10^9 exp (-22 100/T), where k has units of weight fraction oxidized per hour and T as in °K. Effects of oxygen concentration, solid and gas-phase cont… more
Date: October 19, 1960
Creator: Prados, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dry Maintenance Facility for the HRT

Description: A portable shield has been designed, developed, fabricated and shop tested to provide the HRT with a facility for direct dry maintenance operations. It provides temporary replacement for any one of the lower roof plugs and should permit many operations to be performed without flooding the reactor cell with water.
Date: October 11, 1960
Creator: Holz, P. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrical Design Standards and Graphical Symbols

Description: This manual represents the recommendations of the Instrumentation and Controls Division committee on Electrical and Electronic Symbols and Drawing that have been issued to date, and supersedes the previously issued ORNL Electrical Symbols List and CF-58-12-141, Electrical and Electronic Drawing Standards for Wiring and Device Coding and Applications.
Date: October 1960
Creator: Bates, A.E.G; Bowelle, M.M.; Horton, J. L.; Moore, R. L.; Hyland, R. F. & Brashear, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination of EGCR Charge and Service Machines

Description: Methods for the noncorrosive removal of volatile fission products and UO2 dust from carbon steel and stainless steel have been developed. Procedures for applying these methods to the decontamination of the EGCR charge and service machines are described.
Date: October 13, 1960
Creator: Meservey, A. B.; Chilton, J. M. & Ferguson, D. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Free Acid in Highly Radioactive Solutions by Remotely Controlled Conductometric Titration

Description: A conductometric titration method described by Goldstein was adapted for use in a remote analytical facility. The results obtained by mean of experiments made prior to this adaptation indicated that methanol is the most satisfactory medium in which to determine excess sulfuric acid in uranyl sulfate solutions that stimulate Homogeneous Reactor type fuel. When methanol is used, the complexation of hydrolyzable ions with sodium fluoride, as described by Pepkowitz, Sabol, and Dustin, is not requir… more
Date: October 13, 1960
Creator: Corcoran*, R. E.; Zittel, H. E.; Dinsmore, S. R. & Koskela, U.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Instructions for the Operation of an ORACLE Code for a Monte Carlo Solution of the Transport Problem for Gamma Rays Incident Upon a Slab

Description: A program has been coded for the ORACLE which will solve, using Monte Carlo technique, the transport problem for monodirectional, monoenergetic gamma radiation incident at an angle Θ, upon an infinite laminated slab of finite thickness. Each of the laminations (or regions) is itself an infinite, homogeneous slab of finite thickness. The code is designed to give estimates of energy deposition, energy flux, tissue dose rate, reflected and transmitted energy current, and the angular and energy dis… more
Date: October 26, 1960
Creator: Aulender, S. & Trubey, D. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Statue of Pilot Plant Section Equipment Development Program

Description: A development program is being carried out in the pilot plant to improve the equipment involved in monitoring, metering and pumping process streams. The equipment under development includes an alpha monitor, a gamma monitor, a waste water monitor, a liquid flow rate meter, a canned rotor pump, a diaphragm pump, air lifts and a pressure tank pump. This report presents the present status of the testing program.
Date: October 14, 1960
Creator: Mackey, T. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Helium Purification System for the Proposed Pebble Bed Reactor Experiment

Description: A helium coolant side-stream purification system consisting of parallel sections for radioactive and non-radioactive de-contamination was designed for the proposed Pebble Bed Reactor Experiment. Primary equipment components are two gas coolers, gas heater, charcoal delay trap, CuO oxidizer, Molecular Sieve adsorber, and full flow filter. The charcoal delay trap is sized to provide a hold-up of 30 minutes for Kr isotopes, 6hr hold-up for Xe isotopes, and 99.9% retention of iodine isotopes result… more
Date: October 25, 1960
Creator: Scott, C. D.; Finney, B. C. & Suddath, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synthesis of Dimethyl Selenide

Description: The preparation of essentially pure dimethyl selenide for the Isotype Separations Group, Chemistry Division, is described. The compound was prepared by warming a mixture of selenium, sodium hydroxide, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate in aqueous solution for several hours at 50°C and then adding methyl iodide. Dimethyl selenide was removed by distillation.
Date: October 7, 1960
Creator: White, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Description of the Ibm-704 Code for the Calculation of Concentration Transients in the HRT

Description: The calculation of concentration transients caused by mixing in the interconnected three-body system of the fuel dump tanks, core and blanket has been coded for the IBM-704. The system of equations includes material balances, the dependence of critical temperature on core and blanket concentrations, and the effect of temperature (density) changes on flow rates. The controllable flow rates, the fuel dump tank weight and the initial conditions are input variables. Outputs include core and blanket… more
Date: October 4, 1960
Creator: Piper, H. B. & Haubenreich, P. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HFIR Reactor Vessel Expansion Problems

Description: The attached memo by G. N. Krouse of Sturm-Krouse, Inc. gives results of a preliminary analysis of the deflections of beam holes due to thermal expansion and internal pressure in the vessel. A partial solution of the problem is suggested. Based on preliminary pressure-temperature data the following deflections were derived: Movement of horizontal beam tubes = 0.046 in. Movement of Engineering facility tubes = 0.117 in. Vertical motion of the vessel at the horizontal beam tubes due to thermal ex… more
Date: October 3, 1960
Creator: Gall, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fundamental Studies in Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics, Status Report July 1, 1959- Feb 29, 1960

Description: Experimental determination of heat-transfer coefficients, burnout heat fluxes, and friction factors have been made for swirl flow of low-and moderate-pressure water through electrically heated aluminum, nickel, and copper tubes containing full-length Inconel twisted tapes. For nonboiling conditions, swirl-flow heat-transfer coefficient were successfully correlated with both the Froude modulus (the ratio of inertial to centrifugal forces) and a grouping of the Grashof and Reynolds moduli (ratio … more
Date: October 4, 1960
Creator: Hoffman, H. W.; Gambill, W. R.; Keyes, J. J., Jr. & Kidd, G. J., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conceptual Design of a 300-Mwe Paste-Fueled Fast Breeder Power Reactor

Description: "This report describes the conceptual design of 300 Mwe fast breeder reactor power plant that utilizes a paste-fuel system consisting of small, spherical particles settled in sodium" (p. 7). It includes a discussion of the paste-fuel system, the design of the core and blanket structure with analysis, a description of the fuel-handling system, processes for fabricating and processing the fuel, and schematics.
Date: October 1961
Creator: Blessing, W. G.; Bowers, S. D.; Hennig, R. J.; Huebotter, P. R.; Jens, W. H.; Kovacic, E. C. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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