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open access

Mechanical Property Survey of Refractory Nonmetallic Crystalline Materials and Intermetallic Compounds

Description: Report surveying literature on the mechanical properties of nonmetallic polycrystalline compounds and intermetallic compounds with melting points above 1500°C. Data collected on physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the compounds is presented in summary tables and figures, with interpreted data separated into six appendices, each discussing a separate mechanical behavior of the materials.
Date: January 1960
Creator: Smiley, William D.; Sobon, Leon E.; Hruz, Frank M.; Farley, Eldon P.; Chilton, J. Emery; Poncelet, Eugene F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Comments on the Ioffe Experiment

Description: A recent paper by Ioffe et al. indicates the presence of an additional loss mechanism (other than charge exchange) when a hot plasma is confined in a mirror geometry. It is the purpose of this note to point out that most of Ioffe's measurements fall into a very regular pattern and can be qualitatively explained by the assumption of a single monotonic relation between the unknown loss rate and the average ion energy. A discussion of some possible origins of the addition loss rate is given.
Date: January 22, 1960
Creator: Simon, Albert, 1924-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dependence of Core Power Density on Reactor Parameters in a Gas-Cooled Reactor

Description: The influences of various key parameters on the reactor average core power density of gas cooled reactors are not easily seen from inspection of general analytic equations because of the interdependence of many key variables. A method is presented by which the analytical expression is reduced to a simple, approximate relation expressing the core power density as a function of independent key parameters of limited range.
Date: January 27, 1960
Creator: Ozisik, M. Necati & Korsemeyer, P. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Protection of Space Vehicles From Meteorite Penetration

Description: Thin bumpers have been proposed as a means of protecting a space vehicle from penetration by meteorites. Equations for the determination of the bumper thickness, the minimum spacing from the vehicle, the bumper temperature and the effect of the bumper on the thermal performance of a space radiator have been developed as functions of the duration of space flight, the surface area, temperature and wall thickness of the vehicle, and the physical properties of the bumper and vehicle wall materials.… more
Date: January 20, 1960
Creator: Hefner, R. J. & Lafyatis, P. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Breeder Reactor Study: Optimization of a Blanket Processing Cycle To Obtain Minimum Total Inventory in a Chemical Reprocessing Cycle

Description: A reactor which produces U233 from Th232 needs to operate with as low total inventory of fissionable and potential fissionable material, U233 and Pa233, as possible in order to achieve short doubling times. The blanket processing cycle can be optimized to give minimum total inventory by the proper arrangement of Pa233 decay and U233 extraction steps. The optimization consists in choosing the proper storage time associated with each processing step. Graphs are presented correlating the optimized… more
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Carter, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Check-Out of Bettis Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer, Model 3

Description: A Bettis Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer was constructed, calibrated, tested on 100A-loop D, and installed at the HRT. Operating instructions for the analyzer are included in an appendix.
Date: January 14, 1960
Creator: Greeley, R. S.; Neumann, P. D.; Bolt, S. E. & Griess, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Characteristics of BeO-Moderated Cores vs Graphite-Moderated Cores

Description: Multigroup calculations were performed to compare BeO-moderated cores, using various void fractions and core diameters. The core leakages and conversion ratios which were calculated are presented in a series of curves.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Carlsmith, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Activated Charcoal Fission Gas Adsorbers Designed for the GC-ORR Loop Experiment No. 1

Description: The activated charcoal traps designed for the Gas-Cooled Oak Ridge Research Reactor Loop Experiment No. 1 are evaluated for room temperature operation involving the decontamination and atmospheric disposal of helium coolant gas contaminated by experiment failure. The maximum quantity of fission products expected to be released was calculated and the resulting hazard was examined on the basis of probable radiation doses to laboratory personnel resulting from exposure to the gas cloud.
Date: January 14, 1960
Creator: Adams, R. E. & Browning, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supplementary Report No. 1

Description: During the investigation of various vacuum problems observations are occasionally made which have no direct bearing on a particular problem but appear to be of sufficient interest to warrant reporting. A number of such observations made over the past several months are summarized in this report.
Date: January 6, 1960
Creator: Normand, C. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proposed Modifications to HRE-2 Core

Description: As a result of flow tests of a full-scale HRT flow model, it is proposed to modify the core flow by removing 5 or more screens, plugging the hole and reversing the direction of flow. This will provide better cooling and mechanical scrubbing of the core wall. A procedure for flushing solids out of the core was developed.
Date: January 12, 1960
Creator: Lawson, C. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperature Structure in the Midplane Spacer for EGCR Fuel Rod

Description: The steady-state temperature structure for a cross-sectional area at the midplane of the EGCR fuel rod is presented. The temperatures are given for the UO2 as well as for the stainless steel tubing and spacer.
Date: January 4, 1960
Creator: Epel, L. G. & Jung, J. K. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors

Description: The problems involved in building a molten-salt thermal-breeder reactor are reviewed, and it is concluded that the most feasible construction is an externally-cooled reactor with the fuel salt passing through the reactor core in graphite tubes.
Date: January 12, 1960
Creator: MacPherson, H. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of Differential Bed Study of the Kinetics of the Absorption of UF6 on Sodium Fluoride

Description: One step in the Volatility process for power reactor fuel reprocessing involves the absorption and subsequent desorption of UF6 from NaF pellets in fixed beds. In 1958 an experimental study of the kinetics of absorption of HF on NaF beds was made. The purpose of this work was to extend the study to the kinetics of UF6 absorption on NaF. The results should be useful in the design and operation of the Volatility process.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Groves, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Refinements of the Theory of the Infinitely-Long, Self-Acting, Gas-Lubricated Journal Bearing. Interim Report

Description: The lubrication equations for an arbitrary Newtonian fluid are derived directly from the general equations for conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. From the lubrication equations an inequality is obtained for the internal film temperature rise, after which the isothermal film equations are derived. Then, for perfectly-aligned self-acting journal bearings, a conservation equation is obtained. For gas bearings this condition gives: [formula] constant along the axis of the bearing. Applicat… more
Date: January 1960
Creator: Elrod, Harold G., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The SNAP II Power Conversion System. Topical Report No. 3. Dynamic Analysis

Description: SNAP II is the designation for a nuclear auxiliary power unit, designed primarily for utilization in the WS117L satellite vehicle. The SNAP II system consists of a reactor heat source, a mercury Rankine engine, and an alternator. Dynamic analysis of the power conversion system was conducted utilizing a comprehensive analog computer simulation. Feasibility of a parasitic load control for numerous system disturbances was demonstrated. This analysis was performed under a subcontract to to Atomics … more
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Deibel, David L.; Mrava, Gene L. & Seldner, Kurt
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The SNAP II Power Conversion System. Topical Report No. 4. Turbine Design and Testing

Description: SNAP II is the designation for a 3 KW nuclear auxiliary power unit to be used in a satellite vehicle. The SNAP II system consists of a reactor heat source, a mercury Rankine engine and an alternator. A two stage, full admission, axial flow turbine was chose for the APU application. Design details and test results are presented in this report. This work was performed under a subcontract to to Atomics International as part of the Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. AT(11-1)-GEN-8.
Date: January 18, 1960
Creator: Poulos, Earnest N. & Forman, Edward R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Influence of Point Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Lithium Fluoride : First Technical Report

Description: Lithium fluoride crystals were quenched into silicone oil from near the melting point. The return to an equilibrium structure during annealing was observed by means of mechanical tests and etching techniques. Crystals containing three levels of impurity, zone refined, commercially pure, and doped with 0.05 mole per cent magnesium, were used in order to separate the effects of foreign ions from those of thermal vacancies. The changes of mechanical properties produced by quenching and by subseque… more
Date: January 1960
Creator: Nadeau, J. & Washburn, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Upper Atmosphere Monitoring Program : Progress Report No. 8 for May 1, 1959 through July 31, 1959

Description: The overall scope of the program encompasses both research into the physical parameters involved in the collection of airborne radioactive particles and the development, fabrication and calibration of balloon-borne sampling equipment to enable the precise determination of stratospheric particle concentration and particle size distribution.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Baumstark, J.; Jones, S.; Stern, S.; Torgeson, L. & Zeller, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low Energy Nuclear Physics : Second Annual Report for the Period February 1, 1959 to January 31, 1960

Description: The general expression for the angular correlation between radiations produced in successive cascade transitions is derived by use of Racah algebra. The result is then specialized to the beta - gamma correlation and applied to two cases in which additional properties of the photon are specified, the circular polarization and the plane polarization. The prospect of testing time reversal and determining nuclear matrix element ratios by beta - gamma correlation measurements is explored using the n… more
Date: January 23, 1960
Creator: Jastram, Philip S. (Philip Sheldon), 1920-1992
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research on Krypton 85 : Seventh Monthly Progress Report Covering December 1, 1959 to December 31, 1959

Description: Work during this report period includes a continuation of the study of the effect of krypton 85 on the polymerization of styrene; an attempt at evaluation of the polymers produced; and the effect of krypton radiation on the electrical properties of gases, such as the rare gases, and nitrogen, and oxygen. the results obtained are summarized in the report.
Date: January 21, 1960
Creator: Miller, H. S.; Marancik, W. G. & Zufall, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies of Reactor Containment : Monthly Technical Progress Report No. 32

Description: The report covers work performed during the period December 1, 1959 through December 31, 1959. The general objectives of the program of "Studies of Reactor Containment" are to accomplish theoretical and experimental investigations of the loads to which external containment structures for nuclear reactors are subjected in the vent of a violent incident at the reactor core, the evaluation of methods of reducing that loading, and the study of the response of and design criteria for external contai… more
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Zaker, T. A. (Thomas Allen)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research and Investigation Leading to Methods of Generating and Detecting Radiation in the 100 to 1000 Micron Wavelength Range of the Spectrum. Quarterly Progress Report No. 15 for 1 September to 1 December 1959

Description: Purpose of this research is twofold:: (1) to uncover new principles or techniques from which a CW source of electromagnetic radiation for the low millimeter and submillimeter wavelength range can be developed; and (2) to develop suitable detectors, components, and measuring techniques for evaluating and using the radiation as a diagnostic tool for plasma physics
Date: January 1, 1960
Creator: Coleman, P. D.; Baird, J. R.; Enderby, C.; Hakki, B;; Kenyon, R. J.; Stafford, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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