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Health Protection in Beryllium Facilities Summary of Ten Years of Experience

Description: From Introduction: "The purpose of this report is to summarize the information gathered during the design and operation of these facilities so that it may be used in providing for the safe handling of beryllium materials."
Date: May 1, 1958
Creator: Breslin, A. J. & Harris, W. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Strontium Program: Quarterly Summary Report, May 29, 1959

Description: From Abstract: "This report is one of a sequence of quarterly reports, each designed to up-date its predecessor beginning with HASL-42, "Environmental Contamination from Weapon Tests". Herein are presented data which have accrued since HASL-55. Levels of strontinum-90 in fallout, milk, air, water, vegetation, foods, and bone are given, based on data available from February 1, 1959 to May 20, 1959."
Date: May 29, 1959
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr. & Klein, Stanley
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Scattering of Thermal Radiation Into Open Underground Shelters

Description: From Introduction: "The elimination of the burn hazard in shelters depends upon a separate, systematic investigation of each suspected agent. The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the contribution made by radiant energy and, if such contribution proved to be significant, to suggest means of eliminating this component."
Date: May 1959
Creator: Davis, T. P.; Miller, N. D.; Ely, T. S.; Basso, J. A. & Pearse, H. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazard Summary Report Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II)

Description: From Forward: "This report describes the present conceptions of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II as well as the safety procedures and precautions which are currently anticipated for its operation."
Date: May 1957
Creator: Koch, L. J.; Monson, H. O.; Okrent, D.; Levenson, M.; Simmons, W. R.; Humphreys, J. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fabrication of Certain Jacketed Uranium Helices

Description: Report describing the fabrication of Doppler Helices, which were 1/8 inch diameter x 12 foot long uranium core completely enclosed within a thin metal jacket and wound into a spring or helix shape.
Date: May 1957
Creator: Yaggee, F. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculations on U235 Fission Product Decay Chains

Description: Report of equations for calculating decay of U235. The introduction states" Calculations have been made on the U235 fission product decay schemes. The results for a typical example, that of a reactor operating at 1000 kilowatts for 180 days, have been tabulated and graphed. General formulae have been used so that the results can be applied for any power level and any time of irradiation" (p. 2).
Date: May 1952
Creator: Faller, I. L.; Chapman, T. S. & West, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theoretical Analysis of the Interference Effects of Several Supersonic Tunnel Walls Capable of Absorbing the Shock Caused by the Nose of a Model

Description: Memorandum presenting a theoretical analysis of the supersonic flow about two-dimensional and three-dimensional axially symmetric models restricted by theoretical walls capable of removing the nose shock. Results regarding the supersonic-tunnel interference due to nonreflecting walls and supersonic-tunnel interference due to porous walls are provided.
Date: May 26, 1958
Creator: Matthews, Clarence W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Evaluation of Swirl Can Elements for Hydrogen Fuel Combustor

Description: Memorandum presenting a study of the performance of swirl-can combustor elements for an experimental short-length turbojet combustor utilizing hydrogen fuel at high-altitude operating conditions. Fuel was injected into each element through a tangential, sonic orifice that created a swirling fuel-air mixture within each element. Results regarding combustor blowout, combustion efficiency, outlet temperature distribution, and preliminary performance of multielement combustor are provided.
Date: May 13, 1957
Creator: Rayle, Warren D.; Jones, Robert E. & Friedman, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Altitude Performance of a Turbojet Engine Using Pentaborane Fuel

Description: Memorandum presenting a turbojet engine with a two-stage turbine operated with pentaborane fuel continuously for 11.5 minutes at a simulated altitude of 55,000 feet at a flight Mach number of 0.8. The engine incorporated an NACA combustor designed specifically for use with pentaborane fuel. Results regarding oxide formation and deposition, engine operating point, effect of oxide deposits on component performance, effect of oxide deposition on overall performance, and some operational comments a… more
Date: May 20, 1957
Creator: Sivo, Joseph N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Flutter Characteristics of Three Low-Aspect-Ratio All-Movable Half-Span Control Surfaces at Mach Numbers From 1.49 to 2.87

Description: Memorandum presenting results of a supersonic flutter investigation of three low-aspect-ratio control surfaces. Two controls were all-movable but the third had a fixed cutout. Results regarding the experiments and calculations are provided.
Date: May 2, 1958
Creator: Morgan, Homer G.; Figge, Irving E. & Presnell, John G., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Effects of Flow Spoilers and of Aerodynamic Balance on the Oscillating Hinge Moments for a Swept Fin-Rudder Combination in a Transonic Wind Tunnel

Description: Memorandum presenting force-oscillation tests made in the 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel to investigate some effects of an overhang-type aerodynamic balance and of a flow spoiler on the dynamic hinge-moment characteristics of a full-span flap-type rudder on a 5-percent-thick, swept vertical fin of low aspect ratio. Test results how that the aerodynamic damping moment on the plain rudder becomes unstable near a Mach number of 0.975 and remains unstable to the maximum speed of the tests.
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Herr, Robert W.; Gibson, Frederick W. & Osborne, Robert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance at Mach Numbers 3.07, 1.89, and 0 of Inlets Designed for Inlet-Engine Matching Up to Mach 3

Description: Report presenting performance of a two-dimensional external-compression inlet designed for various methods of inlet-engine matching up to Mach 3 at Mach 1.89 and Mach 0. Results regarding shock geometry, two-shock ramps, isentropic ramps, profiles, and cowl drag for the various Mach number tests are provided.
Date: May 20, 1958
Creator: Gertsma, L. W. & Beheim, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance of Isentropic Nose Inlets at Mach Number of 5.6

Description: Memorandum presenting an investigation of the performance of inlet configurations with a forebody designed for isentropic external compression at a nominal Mach number of 5.6. At zero angle of attack, all the configurations yielded larger total-pressure recoveries than had previously been obtained with a single-conical-shock inlet. Results regarding the flow about the forebody, inlet performance, and performance comparisons are provided.
Date: May 6, 1954
Creator: Bernstein, Harry & Haefeli, Rudolph C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium as High-Temperature Internal Coolants With Several Skin Materials

Description: Memorandum presenting an investigation of hemispherical nose shapes of titanium, stainless steel coated with aluminum oxide, and uncoated stainless steel with lithium hydride and magnesium as internal coolants. Results regarding titanium models, stainless-steel models (uncoated), stainless-steel models coated with aluminum oxide, solution effects on the decomposition temperature of lithium hydride, effect of lithium hydride and magnesium on temperature measurements, and efficiency of models coo… more
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Modisette, Jerry L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Modifications to a Control Surface on a 6-Percent-Thick Unswept Wing on the Transonic Control-Surface Flutter Derivatives

Description: Transonic flutter derivatives for unswept wing control surface configurations determined by pressure cell measurements. The control surfaces were mounted on a wing with an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.6, and a wing-thickness ratio of 0.06. Results regarding aerodynamic balance, vortex generators, splitter-plate configurations, and wedges are provided.
Date: May 2, 1958
Creator: Wyss, John A.; Sorenson, Robert M. & Gambucci, Bruno J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Summary of Results Obtained During Flight Simulation of Several Aircraft Prototypes With Variable-Stability Airplanes

Description: Memorandum describing an investigation using two airplanes, an F6F-3 and F-86A, each fitted with servo equipment for varying in flight the lateral and directional stability and handling characteristics, which have been flown by test pilots to simulate the predicted dynamic behavior of six prototype airplanes. The methods of simulation and the types and ranges of variables considered are presented and the results of the individual programs are discussed.
Date: May 25, 1956
Creator: McNeill, Walter E. & Creer, Brent Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Feasibility Study of the Flare-Cylinder Configuration as a Reentry Body Shape for an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

Description: "A study has been made of a flare-cylinder configuration to investigate its feasibility as a reentry body of an intermediate range ballistic missile. Factors considered were heating, weight, stability, and impact velocity. A series of trajectories covering the possible range of weight-drag ratios were computed for simple truncated nose shapes of varying pointedness, and hence varying weight-drag ratios" (p. 1).
Date: May 28, 1958
Creator: Hall, James R. & Garland, Benjamine J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Blunt-Trailing-Edge Modifications on the High-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane

Description: An investigation was conducted on a 35 deg swept-wing fighter airplane to determine the effects of several blunt-trailing-edge modifications to the wing and tail on the high-speed stability and control characteristics and tracking performance. The results indicated significant improvement in the pitch-up characteristics for the blunt-aileron configuration at Mach numbers around 0.90. As a result of increased effectiveness of the blunt-trailing-edge aileron, the roll-off, customarily experienced… more
Date: May 26, 1954
Creator: Sadoff, Melvin; Matteson, Frederick H. & Van Dyke, Rudolph D., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of pressure distributions for a series of tip and trailing-edge controls on a 60 deg wing at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

Description: Report presenting an investigation at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01 to determine the pressure distributions for a series of 20 controls on a 60 degree delta wing. Tests occurred at a range of angles of attack and control deflections. Results regarding basic pressure distributions, comparison of experimental and theoretical results, and experimental comparisons are provided.
Date: May 16, 1958
Creator: Lord, Douglas R. & Czarnecki, K. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NACA Investigations of Icing-Protection Systems for Turbojet-Engine Installations

Description: "Investigations have been made in flight and in wind tunnels to determine which components of turbojet installations are most critical in icing conditions, and to evaluate several methods of icing protection. From these studies, the requirements necessary for adequate icing protection and the consequent penalties on engine performance can be estimated. Because investigations have indicated that the compressor-inlet screen constitutes the greatest icing hazard and is difficult to protect, comple… more
Date: May 2, 1951
Creator: von Glahn, Uwe; Callaghan, Edmund E. & Gray, Vernon H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Ejection Releases of an MB-1 Rocket From a 0.04956-Scaled Model of the Convair F-106A Airplane at Mach Number 1.59

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the ejection release characteristics of the MB-1 rocket from the missile bay of a model of the Convair F-106A airplane with its fin tips retracted at a simulated altitude of 18,670 feet. Successful ejections of the rocket were made at supersonic speeds by applying a combination of ejection velocity and nose-down pitching moment at release.
Date: May 20, 1957
Creator: Lee, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

De-Icing and Runback Characteristics of Three Cyclic Electric, External De-Icing Boots Employing Chordwise Shedding

Description: Memorandum presenting an icing investigation conducted to determine the general de-icing and runback characteristics of three production samples of electric rubber-clad cyclic de-icing boots. The overall de-icing characteristics of two of the boots investigated were quite similar. Results regarding boot surface temperatures and general de-icing and runback characteristics are provided.
Date: May 25, 1953
Creator: Ruggeri, Robert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of Various Configurations of a Revised 1/22-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

Description: Report presenting an investigation of a model of the Republic F-105 airplane to determine the static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a revised configuration. The revisions included a lengthened fuselage, a relocated canopy, a contoured fuselage afterbody, a ventral fin, and an enlarged vertical tail. Results regarding the effect of stores, effect of dive-brake flaps, effect of forebody modifications, gun blisters, and duct air bleed, and a comparison of the modified model with the o… more
Date: May 4, 1956
Creator: Foster, Gerald V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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