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open access

Buildup and Decay Factors for Members of the U-232 Decay Chain

Description: Activity ratios for the important members of the U/sup 232/ chain are presented in tabular form. These ratios are presented for initially pure U/sup 232/, initially pure Th/sup 228/ and initially pure Ra/sup 224/.- (auth)
Date: July 31, 1958
Creator: Arnold, E.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. I

Description: This report analyzes a linear, hard-core pinch tube built to examine tubes afflicted by small-scale instabilities evident from many observations.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. II

Description: This report describes a toroidal version of the hard-core pinch and the additional information it can obtain to what the analogous linear pinch can get.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D. H.; Colgate, Stirling A. & Furth, Harold P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hard-Core Pinch. Part I

Description: It is well known that a pinch column with internal H/sub Z/ and external conducting shell can be made grossly stable, but that small-scale instabilities persist; especiaily in the tubular region of maximum current density. To investigate further these small-scale instabilities of the stabilized pinch,'' we are using 12-in.-i.d. linear pinch tube with a 3-in.-o.d. insulated center rod. By controlling a current along this rod, as well as a current along external conducting straps, and a third cur… more
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D.H.; Colgate, S.A. & Furth, H.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The toroidal version of the hard-core pinch tube is created by levitating a ring conductor inside a toroidal shell. The magnitude of induced H/ sub theta / necessary for levi-tation is small in terms of field strengths normally desired for energetic pinches. In a 3-in. glass-and-copper toroid of square cross section a 3/4-in. hollow copper ring has been levitated with a 60- cycle current of 3 kiloamperes. A 12-in stainless steel tube of round cross section is being built. The stability of nearv… more
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Birdsall, D.H.; Colgate, S.A. & Furth, H.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report on Purification of Thorium Nitrate by Solvent Extraction With Tributyl Phosphate: 2. Mixer-Settler Pilot Plant Investigations

Description: From abstract: "This report describes the construction and operation of a mixer-settler pilot plant for the purification of mantle-grade thorium nitrate. The liquid-liquid extraction process utilized 30% tributyl phosphate - 70% 'Solvesso-100' as the organic solvent and nitric acid as the salting agent. Continuous steady-state operation of the equipment was demonstrated, with very good recovery of thorium."
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Burkhart, C. A.; Foley, D. D.; Retzke, F. A.; Filbert, Robert B., Jr. & Clegg, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Zirconium Diboride, Boron Nitride, and Boron Carbide Compatibility With Austenitic Stainless Steel

Description: The compatibility of zirconium diboride, boron carbide, and boron nitride with type 304 stainless steel was evaluated as a function of temperature (1000 to 12OO deg C), time (1-3 hr). Appropriate loadings of the boron compounds and stainless steel powder were blended and fashioned into a compact powder metallurgically. Each compact was roll clad into a plate and subsequently heat treated at a temperature equal to the initial sintering temperature. Metallographic examination of the fabricated an… more
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Cherubini, J. H. & Leitten, C. F. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Zirconium Diboride, Boron Nitride, And Boron Carbide Compatibility with Austenitic Stainless Steel

Description: The compatibility of zirconium diboride, boron carbide, and boron nitride with type 304 stainless steel was evaluated as a function of temperature (1000-1200°C), time (1-3 hr). Appropriate loadings of the boron compounds and stainless steel powder were blended and fashioned into a compact powder metallurgically. Each compact was roll clad into a plate and subsequently heat treated at a temperature equal to the initial sintering temperature. Metallographic examination of the fabricated and heat-… more
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Cherubini, Julian H. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical Discussion of Brookhaven Off-Site Personnel Monitoring Service

Description: A number of questions have arisen in regard to the interpretation of personnel monitoring results reported to users of the Brookhaven neutron monitoring service. The original announcement was rather brief and did not contain most of the technical characteristics upon which an evaluation of results must be based. The following paragraphs have been composed with the hope that they will clarify the meaning of the exposure reports.
Date: July 31, 1953
Creator: Cowan, F. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron and Photon Transport: Plane, Cylinder, Sphere (Digital Computer Programs)

Description: Digital comnputer Program S constructs neutron and proton transport theory solutions having plane, cylindrical, or spherical symmetry. Lattice detail in geometry, energy, and momentum-angles is flexibleAnisotropic scattering- transfer is neglected. For aircraft nuclear propulsion applications, the initial version of the program developed as the Los Alamos SNG Neutron Code has been generalized to include the effects of time-delayed neutron or photon production and to provide the flux adjoint. Th… more
Date: July 31, 1957
Creator: Duane, B. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report on Purification of Thorium Nitrate by Solvent Extraction With Tributyl Phosphate: 1. Laboratory Investigations

Description: Report discussing laboratory investigations of thorium nitrate purification. Batch equilibrium data, solubility data, viscosity data, density data, and the results seven batch countercurrent extraction tests and two selective stripping tests are included.
Date: July 31, 1952
Creator: Ewing, R. A.; Fishel, J. B.; Kiehl, S. J., Jr.; Sharpe, R. E. & Bearse, A. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Strength Properties of Joint Designs for Joining Tubes to Tube Sheets

Description: This report describes the results of a study to determine the mechanical properties of joining stainless steel tubes to stainless steel tube sheets and evaluating the joint types made by various combinations of rolling and welding.
Date: July 31, 1953
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solution Corrosion Group Quarterly Report for the Period Ending July 31, 1957

Description: The second All-Ti loop, 1OOA loop H, was placed in operation for more than 400 hr with UO/sub 2/SO/sub 4/ solution at 250 deg C and -- 1000 psi. A fourth test of the mockup of the Zircaloy-2--stainless steel transition joint used in the HRT reactor vessel was completed. The joint and bellows functioned properly and were leaktight. The series of long-term runs at 200, 250, and 300 deg C with solution proposed for use in the HRT was concluded. Stainless steel and Ti stress specimens exposed durin… more
Date: July 31, 1957
Creator: Griess, J. C.; Savage, H. C.; English, J. L.; Ulrich, W. C.; Buxton, S. R.; Neumann, P. D. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Report of the Solution Corrosion Group for the Period Ending July 31, 1958

Description: 6 6 5 4 ; 6 6 5 6 4 8 4 : the chemica: stability of possible fuel solutions, and the results obtained from these runs have been compared with data obtained by others. A solution containing 0.04 m UO/sub 2/SO/ sub 4/, 0.03 m CuSO/sub 4/, 0.03 m NiSO/sub 4/, and 0.023 m D/sub 2/SO/sub 4/ in heavy water was not completely stable at 175 deg C or at other higher temperatures. About 7% of the copper was lost at 175 to 275 deg C, and an additional 9% was lost when the temperature was increased to 300 … more
Date: July 31, 1958
Creator: Griess, J. C.; Savage, H. C.; Greeley, R. S.; English, J. L.; Bolt, S. E.; Buxton, S. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fabrication of the PRTR Zircaloy-2 High Pressure Process Tubes

Description: Development of a fabrication process and the manufacture of 95 PRTR process tubes demonstrates that the commercial fabrication of high quality Zircaloy-2 pressure tubing is feasible.
Date: July 31, 1959
Creator: Knecht, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultra High Flux Research Reactors

Description: Verbatim transcriptions of nine seminars on ultra high flux research reactors are revised and collected here. The seminars included: production of transuranic elements, isotope production using high fluxes, high fluxes for neutron diffraction experiments and velocity selector experiments, solid state physics and the materials for high flux reactors, physics of flux-trap and other ultra high flux reactors, and design considerations of aqueous flux-trap reactors. (T.R.H.)
Date: July 31, 1958
Creator: Lane, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: No Description Available.
Date: July 31, 1956
Creator: Leibson, M.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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