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open access

Analysis of Multiengine Transport Airplane Fire Records

Description: Memorandum presenting an analysis of commercial airplane fire records collected during a 10-year period ending July 1, 1948. Gasoline was found to be the initial combustible ignited in flight most frequently and is considered to be the most hazardous of the combustibles carried. Electrical-ignition sources are the most frequent flight-fire ignition source by a small margin, but the exhaust system is the most hazardous ignition source because it is so close to the lubricating and gasoline system… more
Date: May 1950
Creator: Pesman, Gerard J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of the wire-mesh plotting device to incompressible cascade flows

Description: From Summary: "The methods used in the application of the wire-mesh plotting device to find the flow pattern about a cascade of airfoils in compressible inviscid flow and some mathematical checks that increase the accuracy of this application are described. Results for two typical turbine-blade cascades are shown to compare well with experimental data. A method of utilizing the wire mesh to design turbine blades with a prescribed pressure distribution in incompressible flow is presented."
Date: May 1950
Creator: Westphal, Willard R. & Dunavant, James C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Comparison of the Lateral Controllability with Flap and Plug Ailerons on a Sweptback-Wing Model

Description: Note presenting an investigation to compare the dynamic lateral control characteristics provided by step plug ailerons with those provided by conventional flap ailerons on a sweptback-wing model. The model used had a 38 degree sweptback wing with an aspect ratio of 3 and a taper ratio of 0.5.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Lovell, Powell M., Jr. & Stassi, Paul P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of theoretical and experimental heat transfer on a cooled 20 degrees cone with a laminar boundary layer at a Mach number of 2.02

Description: Report presenting heat-transfer measurements on an air-cooled 20 degree cone with a laminar boundary layer at Mach number 2.02. The surface temperature in the instrumented area on the cone was essentially constant at all test conditions, but the area was preceded by severe surface-temperature gradients.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Scherrer, Richard & Gowen, Forrest E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Correlation of physical properties with molecular structure for dicyclic hydrocarbons : I -2-n-alkylbiphenyl, 1,1-diphenylalkane,a,w-diphenylalkane; 1,1-dicyclohexylalkane, and a,w-dicyclohexylalkane series

Description: Report presenting a study of the correlation between molecular structure and physical properties of high-density hydrocarbons, including the net heat of combustion, melting point, boiling point, density, and kinematic viscosity. They are evaluated for their use as a fuel, especially in planes that are required to have smaller fuel tanks.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Wise, Paul H.; Serijan, Kasper T. & Goodman, Irving A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamics of a turbojet engine considered as a quasi-static system

Description: Report presenting a determination of the dynamic characteristics of a typical turbojet engine with a centrifugal compressor, a sonic-flow turbine-nozzle diaphragm, and a fixed-area exhaust nozzle. Results indicate that a linear differential equation for engine acceleration as a function of fuel flow and engine speed for operation near a steady-state operating condition can be written.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Otto, Edward W. & Taylor, Burt L., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effects of amount and type of camber on the variation with Mach number of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 10-percent-thick NACA 64A- series airfoil section

Description: Report presenting the results of a wind-tunnel investigation to determine the effect of varying the amount and type of camber on the section characteristics of 10-percent-chord-thick NACA 64A-series profiles. Results regarding lift- and drag-divergence characteristics, lift characteristics, drag characteristics, and pitching-moment characteristics are provided.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Summers, James L. & Treon, Stuart L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effects of stability of spin-recovery tail parachutes on the behavior of airplanes in gliding flight and in spins

Description: Note presenting an investigation with airplane models in the free-flight and 20-foot free-spinning tunnels to determine whether a stable parachute could be safely towed behind an airplane in flight and whether it would be effective as a spin-recovery device. Results regarding the parachute characteristics, behavior in gliding flight, spin-recovery effectiveness, and effect of increasing towline length are provided.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Scher, Stanley H. & Draper, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Several Adhesives and Processes for Bonding Sandwich Constructions of Aluminum Facings on Paper Honeycomb Core

Description: Note presenting testing of bonding processes evaluated by tension tests on sandwich specimens of 1-inch aluminum cubes bonded to a resin-impregnated paper honeycomb core. 6 of the 14 processes gave good-quality bonds which had average strengths of more than 350 psi or more than 75-percent failure in the core when tested at two different temperatures.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Eickner, H. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiments in External Noise Reduction of Light Airplanes

Description: This note is part of a program with the objective of finding practical ways of reducing the external noise level of light airplanes in order to make them less objectionable to people on the ground. The current report covers noise measurements on standard light airplanes and on similar airplanes equipped with engine mufflers, propeller reduction gears, and propellers with various numbers of blades and blade shapes. The results indicate that reductions in noise level were found to result from muf… more
Date: May 1950
Creator: Beranek, Leo L.; Elwell, Fred S.; Roberts, John P. & Taylor, C. Fayette
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Exploratory Scavenging Studies for the Decontamination of Redox Solutions

Description: From introduction: "This report is concerned with exploratory experiments designed to studies the efficiency of a number of scavengers for zirconium and niobium adsorption and to provide preliminary information on the best conditions to employ on the most satisfactory of those scavengers studied, namely Super Filtrol FO. The data in this report include data obtained through October, 1949, and are by no means considered to be final. The investigation is currently being actively continued."
Date: May 1, 1950
Creator: Roake, W. E. & Lowe, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Formulas and Charts for the Supersonic Lift and Drag of Flat Swept-Back Wings With Interacting Leading and Trailing Edges

Description: Note presenting formulas and design charts for the lift in cases for wings with rectilinear plan forms swept so that both leading and trailing edges lie within their respective Mach cones. The charts cover a practical range of aspect ratios and plan forms of moderate taper, with tips parallel to the stream. Numerical results and an application of the charts are included.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Cohen, Doris
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-flight investigation at transonic and supersonic speeds of the rolling effectiveness of a partial-span aileron on an inversely tapered sweptback wing

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the rolling effectiveness at transonic and supersonic speeds of an inversely tapered sweptback wing with a 10-percent-thick cambered airfoil section and outboard partial-span controls made by means of rocket-propelled test vehicles.
Date: May 1, 1950
Creator: Strass, H. Kurt; Fields, E. M. & Schult, E. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Further Experimental Studies of Area Suction for the Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Porous Bronze NACA 64A010 Airfoil

Description: Note presenting a low-turbulence wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 64A010 airfoil with a porous surface to determine the reduction in section total-drag coefficient that might be obtained at large Reynolds numbers by the use of area suction. This report primarily deals with additional tests of the same airfoil model equipped with a porous skin of lower porosity.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Braslow, Albert L. & Visconti, Fioravante
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Further experimental studies of area suction for the control of the laminar boundary layer on a porous bronze NACA 64A010 airfoil

Description: Report presenting a low-turbulence wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 64A010 airfoil with a porous surface to determine the reduction in section total-drag coefficient that can be obtained at large Reynolds numbers by using area suction. While previous testing has been reported on, the focus of this paper is primarily the results of additional tests of the same airfoil model equipped with a porous skin of lower porosity.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Braslow, Albert L. & Visconti, Fioravante
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Gas Kinetics of Very High Flight Speeds

Description: The aerodynamic forces on bodies of arbitrary shape were investigated under conditions such that the mean free path of the air molecule is greater than the dimensions of the body. Air pressures and friction forces were calculated from gas kinetic theory for surfaces facing both toward and away from the air stream at any angle. Air forces for an atmosphere of definite composition (molecular hydrogen) were calculated as a function of the flight velocity.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Sänger, Eugen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hovering and Low-Speed Performance and Control Characteristics of an Aerodynamic-Servocontrolled Helicopter Rotor System as Determined on the Langley Helicopter Tower

Description: Report presenting an investigation to obtain basic performance and control characteristics of an aerodynamic-servocontrolled rotor system. Results regarding the hovering performance, low-speed flight performance, control effectiveness, transient response to collective pitch, and transient response to cyclic pitch are provided.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Carpenter, Paul J. & Paulnock, Russell S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improvement of high-temperature properties of magnesium-cerium forging alloys

Description: Report presenting an investigation to obtain an improvement in the high-temperature properties and resistance to creep of magnesium-cerium forging alloys. Preliminary testing was carried out to determine the most optimum alloy and then further testing was carried out on different heats of magnesium containing various amounts of cerium.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Grube, K.; Davis, J. A.; Eastwood, L. W.; Lorig, C. H. & Cross, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Instrument for Measuring the Wall Shearing Stress of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Description: "It is shown that at a smooth wall in a turbulent boundary layer the velocity profile next to the wall is dependent, aside from the material constants of the flowing medium, only on the shearing stress transmitted to the wall, even with pressure rise or with pressure drop. Consequently, the heat transfer of a small element that is built into the wall and has a higher temperature than that of the flowing medium is a measure of the wall shearing stress. Theoretical considerations indicate that th… more
Date: May 1950
Creator: Ludwieg, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of spark-over voltage - density relation for gas-temperature sensing

Description: Report presenting the relation of spark-over voltage to gas density as a basis for a possible gas-temperature-sensing method. The investigation indicated that application of the spark-discharge mechanism to a gas-temperature-sensing method is feasible. Results regarding the types of electrode and effect of humidity, effect of cathode material, surface roughness, effect of gas velocity, effect of radiant energy, gas composition, effect of thermal expansion, miscellaneous effects, and reproducibi… more
Date: May 1950
Creator: Koenig, Robert J. & Cesaro, Richard S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigations of the Wall-Shearing Stress in Turbulent Boundary Layers

Description: Because of the unsatisfactory state of knowledge concerning the surface shearing stress of boundary layers with pressure gradients, the problem is re-examined. It is found that for general turbulent boundary layers in wall proximity, that is, in the laminar sublayer, in the transition zone and in the part of the completely turbulent zone near the wall, the same universal law applies as for the plate flow.
Date: May 1950
Creator: Ludwieg, Hubert & Tillmann, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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