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open access

Accurate Calculation of Multispar Cantilever and Semicantilever Wings With Parallel Webs Under Direct and Indirect Loading

Description: In the present report the computation is actually carried through for the case of parallel spars of equal resistance in bending without direct loading, including plotting of the influence lines; for other cases the method of calculation is explained. The development of large size airplanes can be speeded up by accurate methods of calculation such as this.
Date: March 1932
Creator: Sänger, Eugen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model Wing Having a Split Flap Deflected Downward and Moved to the Rear

Description: "Tests were made on a model wing with three different sized split trailing-edged flaps, in the NACA 7 by 10 foot wind tunnel. The flaps were formed of the lower rear portion of the wing and were rotated downward about axes at their front edges. The lift, drag, and center of pressure were measured with the axis in its original position and also with it moved back in even steps to the trailing edge of the main wing, giving in effect an increase in area. The split flaps when deflected about their … more
Date: May 1932
Creator: Weick, Fred E. & Harris, Thomas A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The aerodynamic characteristics of a slotted Clark y wing as affected by the auxiliary airfoil position

Description: From Summary: "Aerodynamic force tests on a slotted Clark Y wing were conducted in a vertical wind tunnel to determine the best position for a given auxiliary airfoil with respect to the main wing. A systematic series of 100 changes in location of the auxiliary airfoil were made to cover all the probable useful ranges of slot gap, slot width, and slot depth. The results of the investigation may be applied to the design of automatic or controlled slots on wings with geometric characteristics sim… more
Date: 1932~
Creator: Wenzinger, Carl J. & Shortal, Joseph A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils at Negative Angles of Attack

Description: From Introduction: "The present report gives all the results, including those published in reference 1 and the results of previously un-published tests tests of the airfoils at positive angles of attack."
Date: February 26, 1932
Creator: Anderson, Raymond F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic characteristics of circular-arc airfoils at high speeds

Description: From Summary: "The aerodynamic characteristics of eight circular-arc airfoils at speeds of 0.5, 0.8, 0.95, and 1.08 times the speed of sound have been determined in an open-jet air stream 2 inches in diameter, using models of 1-inch chord. The lower surface of each airfoil was plane; the upper surface was cylindrical. As compared with the measurements described in NACA-TR-319, the circular-arc airfoils at speeds of 0.95 and 1.08 times the speed of sound are more efficient than airfoils of the R… more
Date: 1932~
Creator: Briggs, L. J. & Dryden, H. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The aerodynamic characteristics of eight very thick airfoils from tests in the variable density wind tunnel

Description: Report presents the results of wind tunnel tests on a group of eight very thick airfoils having sections of the same thickness as those used near the roots of tapered airfoils. The tests were made to study certain discontinuities in the characteristic curves that have been obtained from previous tests of these airfoils, and to compare the characteristics of the different sections at values of the Reynolds number comparable with those attained in flight. The discontinuities were found to disappe… more
Date: 1932~
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The aerodynamic safety of airplanes

Description: This report presents several hypotheses regarding airplane safety, mainly concerning the nondimensional coefficient of air, speed, acceleration, and wing area on aerodynamic considerations of safety.
Date: September 1932
Creator: Kahn, Louis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airfoil section characteristics as affected by protuberances

Description: From Introduction: "The present report deals with another phase of the investigation; that is, the effects on airfoil section characteristics of protuberances extending along the entire span from the airfoil surface."
Date: July 11, 1932
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airplane Flight in the Stratosphere

Description: This brief survey of the problems encountered in high-altitude flight deals in particular with the need for high lift coefficient in the wings, large aspect ratios in the wings, and also the problem of hermetically sealing the cabin.
Date: February 1932
Creator: de Caria, Ugo
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airplane Stability in Taxying

Description: The stability analysis of an airplane while rolling is much more simplified to the extent that it can be obtained for numerical data which can be put to practical use in the design of landing gear dimensions. Every landing gear type attains to a critical ground friction coefficient that decides the beginning of instability, i.e., nosing over. This study has, in addition, a certain interest for the use of wheel brakes.
Date: September 1932
Creator: Anderlik, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of the Theory of Free Jets

Description: Based upon Kirchoff's theory of free jets the flow through different screen arrangements of flat plates, as chiefly encountered with turbines in the cavitation zone is defined. It is shown by experiments that these theoretical results are very well representative in most cases of the conditions of discharge from water in air and consequently by cavitation. In addition, the experiments reveal a picture of the discrepancies between the actual flow and the theory of discharge of air in air (of wat… more
Date: April 1932
Creator: Betz, A. & Petersohn, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approximate Calculation of Multispar Cantilever and Semicantilever Wings With Parallel Ribs Under Direct and Indirect Loading

Description: A method is presented for approximate static calculation, which is based on the customary assumption of rigid ribs, while taking into account the systematic errors in the calculation results due to this arbitrary assumption. The procedure is given in greater detail for semicantilever and cantilever wings with polygonal spar plan form and for wings under direct loading only. The last example illustrates the advantages of the use of influence lines for such wing structures and their practical int… more
Date: August 1932
Creator: Sänger, Eugen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 16 Military Airplane (British): A Single-Seat Biplane

Description: Circular presenting a description of the A.W. XVI, which is a single-bay staggered biplane of metal construction with a clean external design. A description of the tail unit, control system, cockpit, fuselage, characteristics, performance, drawings, and photographs are provided.
Date: January 1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ashland Coal Field, Rosebud, Powder River, and Custer Counties, Montana

Description: From introduction: The detailed information concerning the coal deposits of the Ashland field set forth in this report has been obtained in the course of an investigation that has been conducted both as a part of the United States Geological Survey's general systematic study of western coal lands and as an aid in the administration of the public lands. With the information obtained on the location of outcrops, the number, distribution, and thickness of coal beds, the accessibility of the coal, … more
Date: 1932
Creator: Bass, N. Wood
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Stability of Airplanes

Description: It is endeavored in this report to give a full outline of the problem of airplane stability and to classify the proposed solutions systematically. Longitudinal stability, which can be studied separately, is considered first. The combination of lateral and directional stabilities, which cannot be separated, will be dealt with later.
Date: December 1932
Creator: Haus
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Automotive Ignition Coil

Description: This report gives the results of a series of measurements on the secondary voltage induced in an ignition coil of typical construction under a variety of operating conditions. These results show that the theoretical predictions hitherto made as to the behavior of this type of apparatus are in satisfactory agreement with the observed facts. The large mass of data obtained is here published both for the use of other investigators who may wish to compare them with other theoretical predictions and… more
Date: 1932%
Creator: Darnell, T. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Avro 631 Training Airplane (British): A Two-Seat Light Biplane

Description: Circular describing the Avro 631 training airplane, which is a British two-seat light biplane that is meant to be affordable and small. Details regarding the wings, fuselage, tail unit, landing gear, power plant, accommodation, characteristics, performance, drawings, and photographs are provided.
Date: May 1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Breguet 410 and 411 Military Airplanes (French): Multiplace Sesquiplane Fighters

Description: Circular presenting a description of the Breguet 410 and 411 military airplanes, which are both multiplace sesquiplane fighter aircraft. Details of the design, components, flying qualities, drawings, and photographs are provided.
Date: May 1932
Creator: Léglise, Pierre
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The C.A.M.S. 80 Amphibian (French): An Observation Monoplane

Description: Circular presenting a description of the C.A.M.S. 80, which is a shipboard or observation patrol, light-bombing, long-range amphibian. Details of the hull, landing gear, wing, tail surfaces, power plant, front cockpit, pilot's compartment, photographer's compartment, radio cabinet, rear gunner's cockpit, stern compartment, and flying qualities are provided.
Date: March 1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculation of Potential Flow Past Airship Bodies in Yaw

Description: An outline of Von Karman's method of computing the potential flow of airships in yaw by means of partially constant dipolar superposition on the axis of the body is followed by several considerations for beginning and end of the superposition. Then this method is improved by postulating a continuous, in part linearly variable dipolar superposition on the axis. The second main part of the report brings the calculation of the potential flow by means of sources and sinks, arranged on the surface o… more
Date: July 1932
Creator: Lotz, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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