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open access

The characteristics of 78 related airfoil sections from tests in the variable-density wind tunnel

Description: An investigation of a large group of related airfoils was made in the NACA variable-density wind tunnel at a large value of the Reynolds number. The tests were made to provide data that may be directly employed for a rational choice of the most suitable airfoil section for a given application. The variation of the aerodynamic characteristics with variations in thickness and mean-line form were systematically studied. (author).
Date: December 20, 1932
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N.; Ward, Kenneth E. & Pinkerton, Robert M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Photomicrographic studies of fuel sprays

Description: A large number of photomicrographs of fuel sprays were taken for the purpose of studying the spray structure and the process of spray formation. They were taken at magnifying powers of 2.5, 3.25, and 10, using a spark discharge of very short duration for illumination. Several types and sizes of nozzles were investigated, different liquids were used, and a wide range of injection pressures was employed. The sprays were photographed as they were injected into a glass-walled chamber in which the a… more
Date: December 15, 1932
Creator: Lee, Dana W. & Spencer, Robert C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Stability of Airplanes

Description: It is endeavored in this report to give a full outline of the problem of airplane stability and to classify the proposed solutions systematically. Longitudinal stability, which can be studied separately, is considered first. The combination of lateral and directional stabilities, which cannot be separated, will be dealt with later.
Date: December 1932
Creator: Haus
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Meteorological Conditions During the Formation of Ice on Aircraft

Description: These are the results of a number of records recently secured from autographic meteorological instruments mounted on airplanes at times when ice formed. Ice is found to collect on an airplane only when the airplane is in some form of visible moisture, such as cloud, fog, mist, rain. etc., and the air temperature is within certain critical limits. Described here are the characteristics of clear ice and rime ice and the specific types of hazards they present to airplanes and lighter than air vehi… more
Date: December 1932
Creator: Samuels, L. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The pressure distribution over a long elliptical wing tip on a biplane in flight

Description: This note presents the results of flight pressure-distribution tests on the right upper wing panel of a Douglas M-3 airplane equipped with an elliptical tip of length equal to the wing chord. The results are given in such form that the load distribution for any normal-force coefficient within the usual range encountered in flight may easily be determined.
Date: December 1932
Creator: Rhode, Richard V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

General Potential Theory of Arbitrary Wing Sections

Description: The problem of determining the two dimensional potential flow around wing sections of any shape is examined. The problem is condensed into the compact form of an integral equation capable of yielding numerical solutions by a direct process. An attempt is made to analyze and coordinate the results of earlier studies relating to properties of wing sections. The existing approximate theory of thin wing sections and the Joukowski theory with its numerous generalizations are reduced to special cases… more
Date: November 4, 1932
Creator: Theodorsen, T. & Garrick, I. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Combustion of Gaseous Mixtures

Description: This report not only presents matters of practical importance in the classification of engine fuels, for which other means have proved inadequate, but also makes a few suggestions. It confirms the results of Withrow and Boyd which localize the explosive wave in the last portions of the mixture burned. This being the case, it may be assumed that the greater the normal combustion, the less the energy developed in the explosive form. In order to combat the detonation, it is therefore necessary to … more
Date: November 1932
Creator: Duchene, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Clearance Distribution on the Performance of a Compression-Ignition Engine with a Precombustion Chamber

Description: "The clearance distribution in a precombustion chamber cylinder head was varied so that for a constant compression ratio of 13.5 the spherical auxiliary chambers contained 20, 35, 50, and 70 per cent of the total clearance volume. Each chamber was connected to the cylinder by a single circular passage, flared at both ends, and of a cross-sectional area proportional to the chamber volume, thereby giving the same calculated air-flow velocity through each passage. Results of engine-performance tes… more
Date: November 1932
Creator: Moore, C. S. & Collins, J. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effect of connecting-passage diameter on the performance of a compression-ignition engine with a precombustion chamber

Description: Results of motoring tests are presented showing the effect of passage diameter on chamber and cylinder compression pressures, maximum pressure differences, and f.m.e.p. over a speed range from 300 to 1,750 r.p.m. Results of engine performance tests are presented which show the effect of passage diameter on m.e.p., explosion pressures, specific fuel consumption, and rates of pressure rise for a range of engine speeds from 500 to 1,500 r.p.m. The cylinder compression pressure, the maximum pressur… more
Date: November 1932
Creator: Moore, C. S. & Collins, J. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Influence of Several Factors on Ignition Lag in a Compression-Ignition Engine

Description: "This investigation was made to determine the influence of fuel quality, injection advance angle, injection valve-opening pressure, inlet-air pressure, compression ratio, and engine speed on the time lag of auto-ignition of a Diesel fuel oil in a single-cylinder compression-ignition engine as obtained from an analysis of indicator diagrams. Three cam-operated fuel-injection pumps, two pumps cams, and an automatic injection valve with two different nozzles were used. Ignition lag was considered … more
Date: November 1932
Creator: Gerrish, Harold C. & Voss, Fred
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Messerschmidt M.29 Touring Airplane (German): A Two-Seat Cantilever Monoplane

Description: Circular describing the Messerschmidt M.29 touring airplane, which is a two-seat cantilever monoplane that was specifically developed as a sport and touring airplane. Details of the flight characteristics, wing structure, fuselage, tail surfaces, landing gear, controls, power plant, instruments, miscellaneous details, characteristics, drawings, and photographs are provided.
Date: November 1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Methods of Recording Rapid Wind Changes

Description: "The purpose of our research was to determine the rapid changes of air currents which impose varying stresses on the wings of airplanes. We attempted to express in figures the turbulence of the air, which perhaps plays some role in the behavior of airplanes in flight, as well as in the realization of certain methods of gliding flight. This is the reason which led us to conceive and develop the experimental equipment (hot-wire anemometer) described herein" (p. 1).
Date: November 1932
Creator: Magnan, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nieuport-Delage 590 Military Airplane (French): A Two-Place High-Wing Cantilever Monoplane

Description: Circular presenting a description of the Nieuport-Delage 590 three-engine colonial cantilever monoplane, which meets the requirements of the program established by the French Government. Information is provided regarding the design, construction, and instruments are provided.
Date: November 1932
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Ideas on Racing Seaplanes

Description: This report presents the author's designs and construction of various seaplanes to raced in the Schneider Cup. The results of tests are presented as well as discussions of various structures like floats and wings.
Date: November 1932
Creator: Pegna, Giovanni
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Testing of Airplane Fabrics

Description: This report considers the determining factors in the choice of airplane fabrics, describes the customary methods of testing and reports some of the experimental results. To sum up briefly the results obtained with the different fabrics, it may be said that increasing the strength of covering fabrics by using coarser yarns ordinarily offers no difficulty, because the weight increment from doping is relatively smaller.
Date: November 1932
Creator: Schraivogel, Karl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wing Characteristics as Affected by Protuberances of Short Span

Description: "The drag and interference caused by short-span protuberances from the surface of an airfoil have been investigated in the NACA variable-density wind tunnel at a Reynolds number of approximately 3,100,000, based on the chord length of the airfoil. The effects of variations of protuberance span length, span position, and shape were measured by determining how the wing characteristics were affected by the addition of the various protuberances" (p. 155).
Date: October 24, 1932
Creator: Jacobs, Eastman N. & Sherman, Albert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drag Tests of 4/9-Scale Model Engine Nacelles With Various Cowlings

Description: "Results are given of drag tests of 4/9-scale model radial air-cooled engine nacelles made as a part of a general investigation of wing-nacelle-propeller interference. A small nacelle of the type commonly used with exposed engine cylinders was tested with various forms of cowling over the cylinders. The effects of cowling-ring position and of angle of ring chord to the thrust line were investigated. An N.A.C.A. cowled nacelle and a smooth body were also tested. The results are given at 50, 75, … more
Date: October 1932
Creator: Windler, Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Methods for Facilitating the Blind Landing of Airplanes

Description: "Since the introduction of blind flying, the accomplishment of blind landing on prepared fields has become one of the most pressing problems, and many attempts are being made to solve it. The methods employed, in so far as they have been published, are summarized in this report" (p. 1).
Date: October 1932
Creator: Gloeckner, M. Heinrich
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The pressure distribution over a standard and a modified Navy elliptical wing tip on a biplane in flight

Description: "This note presents the results of flight pressure distribution tests on the right upper wing panel of a Douglas M-3 airplane equipped in turn with a standard Navy elliptical tip and a tip having the same plan form but modified in its front elevation from the swept-up aspect of the standard tip to a symmetrical aspect. The results are given in such form that the load distribution for any normal-force coefficient within the usual range encountered in flight may easily be determined. The results … more
Date: October 1932
Creator: Rhode, Richard V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Problem of Tire Sizes for Airplane Wheels

Description: On the basis of experiments and theoretical considerations a proposal is made for a standard tire series for airplane wheels, without regard to existing standards. Some of the components of the investigation included loading tests to determine the load absorption on a level supporting surface, definition of power absorbed, rise in wheel force when rolling over an obstacle, portion of tire on shock absorption of the airplane, and some other factors affecting the dimensions of the tires are provi… more
Date: October 1932
Creator: Michael, Franz
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Speed and Pressure Recording in Three-Dimensional Flow

Description: "Van der Megge Zijnen's spherical Pitot tube with its 5 test holes insures a simultaneous record of static pressure and magnitude and direction of velocity in three-dimensional flow. The report treats the method as well as the range of application of this Pitot in the light of modern knowledge on flow around spheres" (p. 1).
Date: October 1932
Creator: Krisam, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transmission of Heat From a Flat Plate to a Fluid Flowing at a High Velocity

Description: "The writer, starting with the consideration of the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations for the turbulent boundary layer of a flat plate when it is necessary to take into account the heat produced by friction, arrives at the conclusion that the transmission of the heat follows the same law that is valid when the frictional heat is negligible, provided the temperature of the fluid is considered to be that which the fluid would reach if arrested adiabatically. It is then shown how the same l… more
Date: October 1932
Creator: Crocco, Luigi
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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