Search Results

Primary view of Water pressure distribution on a twin-float seaplane
Thompson, F. L.
December 28, 1928
Primary view of Experimental and analytical determination of the motion of hydraulically operated valve stems in oil engine injection systems
Gelalles, A. G. & Rothrock, A. M.
December 26, 1928
Primary view of The Avesta, Volume 7, Number 2, Winter, 1928
North Texas State Teachers College
Winter 1928
Primary view of Drag and Cooling With Various Forms of Cowling for A "Whirlwind" Radial Air-Cooled Engine - 2
Weick, Fred E.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Flow and Force Equations for a Body Revolving in a Fluid
Zahm, A. F.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Tables for pressure of air on coming to rest from various speeds
Zahm, A. F. & Louden, F. A.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Empirical Profiles and Their Application to the Tail Surfaces and Ailerons of Airplanes
Toussaint, A. & Carafoli, E.
December 1928
Primary view of The European starling in the United States.
Kalmbach, E. R. (Edwin Richard), 1884-
December 1928
Primary view of The husker-shredder on eastern Corn Belt farms.
Collier, George W., 1897-; Humphries, W. R. (Walter Raymond), b. 1886 & McComas, E. W. (Earl W.)
December 1928
Primary view of Influence of Fuselage on Propeller Design
Troller, Theodor
December 1928
Primary view of Propeller Problems
Betz, A.
December 1928
Primary view of Structures of Thin Sheet Metal: Their Design and Construction
Wagner, Herbert
December 1928
Primary view of The torsional strength of wings
Burgess, C. P.
December 1928
Primary view of [Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution (TXSSAR) Membership Records: 314-415]
Sons of the American Revolution. Texas Society.
Primary view of Blériot Combat Monoplane 127 (French)
unknown creator
November 1928
Primary view of The Constructional Design of Metal Flying-Boat Hulls: Part 1 & Workshop Notes on the Building of Metal Hulls: Part 2
Langley, M.
November 1928
Primary view of Determination of the Air Forces and Moments Produced by the Ailerons of an Airplane
Wieselberger, C. & Asano, T.
November 1928
Primary view of Drag and Cooling With Various Forms of Cowling for a Whirlwind Engine in a Cabin Fuselage
Weick, Fred E.
November 1928
Primary view of The Gloster "Goldfinch" (British): Single-Seat Fighter
unknown creator
November 1928
Primary view of On the Take-Off of Heavily Loaded Airplanes
Breguet, Louis
November 1928
Primary view of Preparing Johnson hay for market in the Black Prairie belt of Alabama and Mississippi.
Crosby, M. A.
November 1928
Primary view of The Variation in Pressures in the Cockpit Fan Airplane in Flight
Carroll, Thomas & McAvoy, William H.
November 1928
Primary view of "Villiers 24" Slotted-Wing Airplane (French): Night Pursuit Sesquiplane
unknown creator
November 1928
Primary view of Report on the Agricultural Experiment Stations, 1927
United States. Office of Experiment Stations.
October 31, 1928
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