Search Results

Primary view of Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of a propeller with the diameter changed by cutting off the blade tips
Wood, Donald H.
December 10, 1929
Primary view of Water pressure distribution on a flying boat hull
Thompson, F. L.
December 4, 1929
Primary view of Airplane Drag
Töpfer, Carl
December 1929
Primary view of The Balance of Moments and the Static Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes
Müller, Horst
December 1929
Primary view of Calculation of the Pressures on Aircraft Engine Bearings
Steigenberger, O.
December 1929
Primary view of Contribution to the Aileron Theory
Betz, A. & Petersohn, E.
December 1929
Primary view of The Morane Sauliner 222 Airplane (French): A Single-Seat Pursuit Monoplane
Frachet, André
December 1929
Primary view of Some effects of air flow on the penetration and distribution of oil sprays
Rothrock, A. M. & Beardsley, E. G.
December 1929
Primary view of Wind tunnel pressure distribution tests on a series of biplane wing models Part III: effects of charges in various combinations of stagger, gap, sweepback, and decalage
Knight, Montgomery & Noyes, Richard W.
December 1929
Primary view of Water pressure distribution on a twin-float seaplane
Thompson, F. L.
December 28, 1928
Primary view of Experimental and analytical determination of the motion of hydraulically operated valve stems in oil engine injection systems
Gelalles, A. G. & Rothrock, A. M.
December 26, 1928
Primary view of Drag and Cooling With Various Forms of Cowling for A "Whirlwind" Radial Air-Cooled Engine - 2
Weick, Fred E.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Flow and Force Equations for a Body Revolving in a Fluid
Zahm, A. F.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Tables for pressure of air on coming to rest from various speeds
Zahm, A. F. & Louden, F. A.
December 17, 1928
Primary view of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Empirical Profiles and Their Application to the Tail Surfaces and Ailerons of Airplanes
Toussaint, A. & Carafoli, E.
December 1928
Primary view of The European starling in the United States.
Kalmbach, E. R. (Edwin Richard), 1884-
December 1928
Primary view of The husker-shredder on eastern Corn Belt farms.
Collier, George W., 1897-; Humphries, W. R. (Walter Raymond), b. 1886 & McComas, E. W. (Earl W.)
December 1928
Primary view of Influence of Fuselage on Propeller Design
Troller, Theodor
December 1928
Primary view of Propeller Problems
Betz, A.
December 1928
Primary view of Structures of Thin Sheet Metal: Their Design and Construction
Wagner, Herbert
December 1928
Primary view of The torsional strength of wings
Burgess, C. P.
December 1928
Primary view of The Comparative Performance of Roots Type Aircraft Engine Superchargers as Affected by Change in Impeller Speed and Displacement
Ware, Marsden & Wilson, Ernest E.
December 23, 1927
Primary view of Water-pressure distribution on seaplane float
Thompson, F. L.
December 22, 1927
Primary view of "Avimeta" Three-Engine Commercial Monoplane: Type A.V.M. 132
unknown creator
December 1927
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