Search Results

Primary view of "Avimeta" Three-Engine Commercial Monoplane: Type A.V.M. 132
unknown creator
December 1927
Primary view of The Morane Sauliner 222 Airplane (French): A Single-Seat Pursuit Monoplane
Frachet, André
December 1929
Primary view of Albert TE-1 Training Airplane
unknown creator
December 1926
Primary view of Aviation Engines in the Endurance Contest
Lehr, G.
December 1924
Primary view of Measuring Vibration and Torque With the Oscillograph
Elsässer, R.
December 1924
Primary view of The Boulton and Paul "Bugle" Airplane: Day Bomber
unknown creator
December 1926
Primary view of The Supermarine "Southampton" Seaplane: Observation or Bomber
unknown creator
December 1926
Primary view of Destructive Distillation of Mixtures of Oil and Coal
Davis, Joseph D.; Place, Palmer B. & Scott, G. S.
December 1921
Primary view of Industrial Accidents in the California Oil Fields
Miller, H. C.
December 1923
Primary view of Airplane Drag
Töpfer, Carl
December 1929
Primary view of Experimental Investigation of the Physical Properties of Medium and Heavy Oils, Their Vaporization and Use in Explosion Engines Part 4
Heinlein, Fritz
December 1926
Primary view of Aeronautical Record: No. 1 (to June, 1923)
unknown creator
December 1923
Primary view of Nomogram for Correcting Drag and Angle of Attack of an Airfoil Model in an Air Stream of Finite Diameter
unknown creator
December 1924
Primary view of Experiments on Self-Ignition of Liquid Fuels
Neumann, Kurt
December 1926
Primary view of Calculation of the Pressures on Aircraft Engine Bearings
Steigenberger, O.
December 1929
Primary view of The Balance of Moments and the Static Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes
Müller, Horst
December 1929
Primary view of Contribution to the Aileron Theory
Betz, A. & Petersohn, E.
December 1929
Primary view of Factors of Safety
Warner, Edward P.
December 1923
Primary view of Balloon Fabrics Made of Goldbeater's Skins
Chollet, L.
December 1922
Primary view of Airplane performance, past and present
Warner, Edward P.
December 1922
Primary view of Depreciation of Aircraft
Warner, Edward P.
December 1922
Primary view of Influence of Design on Cost of Operating Airplanes
Black, Archibald
December 1922
Primary view of Dependence of Propeller Efficiency on Angle of Attack of Propeller Blade
Borck, Hermann
December 1921
Primary view of Progress Made in the Construction of Giant Airplanes in Germany During the War
Baumann, A.
December 1920
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