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open access

Thermal Expansion of Insulating Materials

Description: Scientific paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies on thermal expansion. Expansivity tests are conducted on many different insulating materials. The results of the tests are discussed. This paper includes tables, photographs, and illustrations.
Date: December 27, 1919
Creator: Souder, Wilmer H. & Hidnert, Peter
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Alcogas Aviation Fuel With Export Aviation Gasoline

Description: Mixtures of gasoline and alcohol when used in internal combustion engines designed for gasoline have been found to possess the advantage of alcohol in withstanding high compression without "knock" while retaining advantages of gasoline with regard to starting characteristics. Test of such fuels for maximum power-producing ability and fuel economy at various rates of consumption are thus of practical importance, with especial reference to high-compression engine development. This report discusse… more
Date: November 25, 1919
Creator: Gage, V. R.; Sparrow, S. W. & Harper, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Apparatus for Measuring the Relative Wear of Sole Leathers, and the Results Obtained with Leather from Different Parts of a Hide

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the quality of sole leather. As stated in the introduction, "the development of a simple method for quickly determining the durability of sole leather seemed desirable, and this paper discusses a laboratory apparatus designed for this purpose and also presents the results of tests made to date to determine the relative wear of leather from different parts of the hide" (p. 3). This paper includes illustrations, and photo… more
Date: November 22, 1919
Creator: Hart, R. W. & Bowker, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approximate Quantitative Microscopy of Pulverized Ores, Including the Use of the Camera Lucida

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over microscopy of pulverized ores. As stated in the introduction, "this paper, which deals with the study of pulverized ores and the use of the camera lucida in such work, discusses an investigation undertaken at the Seattle and the Golden mining experiment stations of the Bureau of Mines" (p. 3). This paper includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: October 1919
Creator: Coghill, Will H. & Bonardi, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiment Stations of the Bureau of Mines

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over the eleven experiment stations established near important mining fields. The work done by the stations are discussed. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: August 1919
Creator: Manning, Van. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Explosives and Miscellaneous Investigations

Description: Report discussing explosives research requested by the U.S. Army and Navy and conducted by the Bureau of Mines.
Date: August 1919
Creator: Manning, Van. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Rate of Temperature Change on the Transformations in an Alloy Steel

Description: Scientific paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the effects of temperature change on alloy steel. The experimental methods used and the results are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, photographs, and illustrations.
Date: July 10, 1919
Creator: Scott, Howard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ultra-Violet and Visible Transmission of Eye-Protective Glasses

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on the development of protective eye wear. The methods and equipment used are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: June 7, 1919
Creator: Gibson, K. S. & McNicholas, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petroleum Investigations and Production of Helium

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines over studies conducted on petroleum and helium production. The results of the studies are presented and discussed.
Date: June 1919
Creator: Manning, Van. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Petroleum Investigations and Production of Helium

Description: Report discussing petroleum investigations and the production of helium by the Bureau of Mines during World War I.
Date: June 1919
Creator: Manning, Van. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cost Keeping for Small Metal Mines

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over the accounting for small metal mines. As stated in the introduction, "this report outlines methods of cost keeping suitable for metal mines of small or moderate size and presents various forms and cost sheets that have been found useful in actual practice" (p. 5). This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: February 1919
Creator: Pickering, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Traps for Saving Gas at Oil Wells

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over the use of gas traps at oil wells. Different types of traps are presented and discussed. This paper includes photographs, and illustrations.
Date: February 1919
Creator: Hamilton, Walter Raleigh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: May to September, 1918

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines: "This publication is devoted exclusively to a review and abstracts of decisions based on the laws governing the rights and duties of mine owners, operators, miners, and persons trafficking in all kinds of mining properties. It includes abstracts of current decisions of all the Federal and State courts of last resort on questions relating to the mining industries" (Bulletin 61, p. 9).
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: September to December, 1918

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines: "This publication is devoted exclusively to a review and abstracts of decisions based on the laws governing the rights and duties of mine owners, operators, miners, and persons trafficking in all kinds of mining properties. It includes abstracts of current decisions of all the Federal and State courts of last resort on questions relating to the mining industries" (Bulletin 61, p. 9).
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: January to May 1919

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines: "This publication is devoted exclusively to a review and abstracts of decisions based on the laws governing the rights and duties of mine owners, operators, miners, and persons trafficking in all kinds of mining properties. It includes abstracts of current decisions of all the Federal and State courts of last resort on questions relating to the mining industries" (Bulletin 61, p. 9).
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airplane Dopes and Doping

Description: Report details some examples of dopes and doping on airplanes and balloons and the various properties of different materials. Topics covered include cellulose nitrate dopes, cellulose acetate dopes, dope covers, application of dopes, and fireproof dopes
Date: 1919
Creator: Smith, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Airplane Tensiometer

Description: Certain parts of an airplane are subjected not only to the stresses imposed by the aerodynamic or flying load, but also to the initial stresses, caused by the tension in the stay and drift wires. Report describes a tensiometer that measures such stresses which is simple in construction, accurate, and easily and quickly operated even by inexperienced persons. Two sizes of the instrument are available. One is suitable for wires up to one-fourth inch in diameter and the other for wires from one-fo… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Larson, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances in 1916

Description: From Introduction: " This bibliography follows the same general scheme as the bibliography of petroleum and allied substances for 1915. References to articles in these journals have been taken from such sources as were available and credit has been given to those sources. American and foreign patents have been entered by title, without abstracts. A few minor changes have been made in the scheme of classification, which is, on the whole, the same is given in the 1915 bibliography."
Date: 1919
Creator: Burroughs, E. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Copper Deposits of Ray and Miami, Arizona

Description: This is a report on the copper deposits of Ray and Miami, Arizona.
Date: 1919
Creator: Ransome, Frederick Leslie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Decline and Ultimate Production of Oil Wells, with Notes on the Valuation of Oil Properties

Description: From General Statement Purpose of the Report: "The present investigation was undertaken for the purpose of supplying some of the material so badly needed in the valuation and more efficient operation of oil properties. Because of the lack of time for further studies, the amount of data already accumulated and the policy of the Bureau of Mines of publishing as soon as possible any information that may be of use to an industry, the bulletin is issued now."
Date: 1919
Creator: Beal, Carl H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design of Wind Tunnels and Wind Tunnel Propellers

Description: Report discusses the theory of energy losses in wind tunnels, the application of the Drzewiecki theory of propeller design to wind tunnel propellers, and the efficiency and steadiness of flow in model tunnels of various types.
Date: 1919
Creator: Warner, Edward P.; Norton, F. H. & Hebbert, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Compression Ratio, Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity on Power

Description: Among other factors which affect the horsepower of an airplane engine are the atmospheric pressure, and consequently the altitude at which the engine is working, and the compression ratio, or cylinder volume divided by clearance volume. The tests upon which this report is based were selected from a large number of runs made during the intercomparison of various gasolines to determine the variation of horsepower with altitude at three different compression ratios. The test results and conclusion… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Dickinson, H. C.; James, W. S.; Anderson, G. V. & Brinkerhoff, V. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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