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[Campus aerial, North Texas State Normal College]

Description: Photograph of a photograph of the NTSNC campus from the air. Buildings that can be seen are the Main Building, the Education Building, the Hospital, the Power Plant, the Manual Arts Building, and the Library. On the right side of the image is Avenue A.The print is framed by tape and a note on the photograph reads "Air-plane view, North Texas State Normal College, Photograph Copyright 1919 by-Albert Addison."
Date: 1919
Creator: Addison, Albert
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

The Larger Corn Stalk-Borer

Description: This report discusses a pale, dark-spotted caterpillar known as the larger cornstalk-borer which bores into and weakens cornstalks. "Only corn is injured seriously by this insect; some of the larger grasses are food plants, and sugar cane sometimes is damaged slightly. This bulletin gives the life history of the insect, its feeding habits, and methods of combating it. There are two generations in a season, so greater vigilance is necessary. The second generation passes the winter only in the co… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Ainslie, George G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The War with Germany: A Statistical Summary

Description: Book containing statistical figures regarding the United States of America's conflict with Germany during World War I, including statistics for casualties, expenditures, and ordnance. Index starts on page 151.
Date: 1919
Creator: Ayres, Leonard Porter, 1879-1946
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conserving Corn From Weevils in the Gulf Coast States

Description: This report discusses the destructive impact of weevils on the corn crop in the southern United States and controls measures which farmers may find effective in reducing their losses to this pest. Among the insects discussed are the Angoumois grain moth and the rice or "black" weevil.
Date: 1919
Creator: Back, E. A. (Ernest Adna), 1886-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Decline and Ultimate Production of Oil Wells, with Notes on the Valuation of Oil Properties

Description: From General Statement Purpose of the Report: "The present investigation was undertaken for the purpose of supplying some of the material so badly needed in the valuation and more efficient operation of oil properties. Because of the lack of time for further studies, the amount of data already accumulated and the policy of the Bureau of Mines of publishing as soon as possible any information that may be of use to an industry, the bulletin is issued now."
Date: 1919
Creator: Beal, Carl H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The City Home Garden

Description: "Fresh vegetables for an average family may be grown upon a large back yard or city lot.... Thousands of acres of idle land that may be used for gardens are still available within the boundaries of our large cities. Some of the problems that confront the city gardener are more difficult than those connected with the farm garden, and it is the object of this bulletin to discuss these problems from a practical standpoint." -- p. 2. Soil preparation, tools, seeding, watering, diseases and pests, a… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Beattie, W. R. (William Renwick), b. 1870
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fowl Tick and How Premises May Be Freed from It

Description: Report discussing the fowl tick, which commonly affects chickens but also other poultry. Topics discussed include fowl tick distribution, effects of tick attacks or infections, life cycle, and methods of combating the tick.
Date: 1919
Creator: Bishopp, F. C. (Fred Corry), 1884-1970
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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