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The Decline and Ultimate Production of Oil Wells, with Notes on the Valuation of Oil Properties

Description: From General Statement Purpose of the Report: "The present investigation was undertaken for the purpose of supplying some of the material so badly needed in the valuation and more efficient operation of oil properties. Because of the lack of time for further studies, the amount of data already accumulated and the policy of the Bureau of Mines of publishing as soon as possible any information that may be of use to an industry, the bulletin is issued now."
Date: 1919
Creator: Beal, Carl H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

War Gas Investigations: Advance Chapter from Bulletin 178, War Work of the Bureau of Mines

Description: From General Statement: "Beginning with an investigation to develop the best type of gas mask, the scope of the work extended until it included researches relating to a wide range of devices, such as different types of poisonous and irritating gases and smokes, smoke screens, gas shells and gas bombs, signal lights, and incendiary bombs. When the results obtained through this research were to be applied by the War Department, the Director of the Bureau of Mines cooperated in the selection of me… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Manning, Van. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: September to December, 1918

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines: "This publication is devoted exclusively to a review and abstracts of decisions based on the laws governing the rights and duties of mine owners, operators, miners, and persons trafficking in all kinds of mining properties. It includes abstracts of current decisions of all the Federal and State courts of last resort on questions relating to the mining industries" (Bulletin 61, p. 9).
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bibliography of Petroleum and Allied Substances in 1916

Description: From Introduction: " This bibliography follows the same general scheme as the bibliography of petroleum and allied substances for 1915. References to articles in these journals have been taken from such sources as were available and credit has been given to those sources. American and foreign patents have been entered by title, without abstracts. A few minor changes have been made in the scheme of classification, which is, on the whole, the same is given in the 1915 bibliography."
Date: 1919
Creator: Burroughs, E. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Preliminary Report on the Mining Districts of Idaho

Description: From Introduction: "The bulletin aims to give the localities of the various mining districts, and the nature of the present operations and those that have been carried out in the past."
Date: 1919
Creator: Varley, Thomas; Wright, Clarence A.; Soper, Edgar K. & Livingston, Douglas C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recovery of Zinc from Low-Grade and Complex Ores

Description: From Introduction: "Vocalization in retorts has been, until recently, the only commercial process of producing spelter, hence the zinc mine operators have had to meet the terms of the zinc mine operators have had to meet the terms of the zinc smelters in regard to the following requirements: (1) Minimum percentage of zinc the ore must contain; (2) the chemical combination of the zinc in the ore; (3) the proportion present of those elements that interfere with the successful recovery of the zinc… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Lyon, Dorsey A. & Ralston, Oliver C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Illinois Mining Statutes Annotated

Description: Report discussing Illinois mining statutes.
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Current Decisions on Mines and Mining: May to September, 1918

Description: Bulletin issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines: "This publication is devoted exclusively to a review and abstracts of decisions based on the laws governing the rights and duties of mine owners, operators, miners, and persons trafficking in all kinds of mining properties. It includes abstracts of current decisions of all the Federal and State courts of last resort on questions relating to the mining industries" (Bulletin 61, p. 9).
Date: 1919
Creator: Thompson, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent Developments in the Absorption Process for Recovering Gasoline from Natural Gas

Description: From Introduction: "This report gives the results of a study conducted by the Bureau of Mines for the purpose of informing the petroleum industry on the recent progress in the development and application of the absorption process for recovering gasoline from natural gas."
Date: 1919
Creator: Dykema, W. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Removal of the Lighter Hydrocarbons from Petroleum by Continuous Distillation: with Especial Reference to Plants in California

Description: From Introduction: "The purpose of this bulletin is to describe the methods of constructing and operating representative types in the United States used for removing the light hydrocarbons from petroleum by continuous distillation, such plants being commonly known in the trade as topping or skimming plants."
Date: 1919
Creator: Wadsworth, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrodeposition of Gold and Silver from Cyanide Solutions

Description: From Introduction: "This report on the electrodeposition of gold and silver from cyanide solutions represents work that has occupied my time at intervals during the past 20 years, The investigations has been carried on simultaneously with my duties as professor of mining and metallurgy of the University of California."
Date: 1919
Creator: Christy, S. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report of a Joint Committee Appointed from the Bureau of Mines and the United States Geological Survey by the Secretary of the Interior to Study the Gold Situation: October 30, 1918

Description: From Introduction: "The report presents statistical data compiled from various sources, showing the production of gold in the United States and other countries, with comparative figures for coal, iron, and other mineral products, and describes the sources and distribution of gold output in the United States."
Date: 1919
Creator: United States. Bureau of Mines.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Miners' Safety and Health Almanac for 1920

Description: Report presenting the Miner's Safety and Health Almanac, which contains a calendar and information on diseases that may affect miners and their families. Some more common causes of accidents in mines and show how the miner can lessen the risks of their work.
Date: 1919
Creator: Williams, Ralph C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airplane Dopes and Doping

Description: Report details some examples of dopes and doping on airplanes and balloons and the various properties of different materials. Topics covered include cellulose nitrate dopes, cellulose acetate dopes, dope covers, application of dopes, and fireproof dopes
Date: 1919
Creator: Smith, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Variation of Yawing Moment Due to Rolling

Description: The aerodynamical constants of an airplane necessary for the discussion of stability are partly observed and partly calculated. Among the calculated coefficients is n(p), which is the variation of yawing moment due to rolling. (author).
Date: 1919
Creator: Wilson, Edwin Bidwell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The General Theory of Blade Screws Including Propellers, Fans, Helicopter Screws, Helicoidal Pumps, Turbo-Motors, and Different Kinds of Helicoidal Blades

Description: Report presents a theory which gives a complete picture and an exact quantitative analysis of the whole phenomenon of the working of blade screws, but also unites in a continuous whole the entire scale of states of work conceivable for a blade screw. Chapter 1 is devoted to the establishment of the system of fundamental equations relating to the blade screw. Chapter 2 contains the general discussion of the 16 states of work which may establish themselves for a blade screw. Chapter 3 is devoted … more
Date: 1919
Creator: de Bothezat, George
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Research on Air Propellers, 2

Description: This report is a continuation of NACA Technical Report 14. It presents the results of an experimental investigation on the performance of air propellers which was divided into five parts, as follows: (1) Tests under conditions of flight on 16 model propellers of different forms, sections, or pitch ratios from those of Technical Report 14; (2) Tests under conditions of flight on one model propeller of variable pitch; (3) Tests under conditions of flight on three sets of right and left hand model… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Durand, William F. & Lesley, E. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Airplane Tensiometer

Description: Certain parts of an airplane are subjected not only to the stresses imposed by the aerodynamic or flying load, but also to the initial stresses, caused by the tension in the stay and drift wires. Report describes a tensiometer that measures such stresses which is simple in construction, accurate, and easily and quickly operated even by inexperienced persons. Two sizes of the instrument are available. One is suitable for wires up to one-fourth inch in diameter and the other for wires from one-fo… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Larson, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Compression Ratio, Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity on Power

Description: Among other factors which affect the horsepower of an airplane engine are the atmospheric pressure, and consequently the altitude at which the engine is working, and the compression ratio, or cylinder volume divided by clearance volume. The tests upon which this report is based were selected from a large number of runs made during the intercomparison of various gasolines to determine the variation of horsepower with altitude at three different compression ratios. The test results and conclusion… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Dickinson, H. C.; James, W. S.; Anderson, G. V. & Brinkerhoff, V. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metering Characteristics of Carburetors

Description: Report presents the results of an extensive experimental investigation of the performance of different types of carburetors as effecting the maintenance under all conditions of correct ratio between the weights of fuel and air. It also gives a description of the Bureau of Standards carburetor test plant, test equipment and measuring instruments used to determine the metering characteristics of carburetors.
Date: 1919
Creator: Tice, Percival S. & Dickinson, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Limiting Velocity in Falling from a Great Height

Description: The purpose of this report is to give a simple treatment of the problem of calculating the final or limiting velocity of an object falling in vertical motion under gravity in a resisting medium. The equations of motion are easily set up and integrated when the density of the medium is constant and the resistance varies as the square of the velocity. The results show that the fundamental characteristics of the vertical motion under gravity in a resisting medium is the approach to a terminal or l… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Wilson, Edwin Bidwell
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Design of Wind Tunnels and Wind Tunnel Propellers

Description: Report discusses the theory of energy losses in wind tunnels, the application of the Drzewiecki theory of propeller design to wind tunnel propellers, and the efficiency and steadiness of flow in model tunnels of various types.
Date: 1919
Creator: Warner, Edward P.; Norton, F. H. & Hebbert, C. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Alcogas Aviation Fuel With Export Aviation Gasoline

Description: Mixtures of gasoline and alcohol when used in internal combustion engines designed for gasoline have been found to possess the advantage of alcohol in withstanding high compression without "knock" while retaining advantages of gasoline with regard to starting characteristics. Test of such fuels for maximum power-producing ability and fuel economy at various rates of consumption are thus of practical importance, with especial reference to high-compression engine development. This report discusse… more
Date: November 25, 1919
Creator: Gage, V. R.; Sparrow, S. W. & Harper, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperatures in Spark Plugs Having Steel and Brass Shells

Description: "Brass has often been assumed superior to steel for spark plug shells because of its greater heat conductivity. The measurements described in this report prove the contrary, showing that the interior of a spark plug having a brass shell is from 50 degrees to 150 degrees c. (90 degrees to 270 degrees f.) hotter than that of a similar steel plug. It is to be concluded that steel is to be preferred to brass for spark plug shells. This report embodies the results of measurements taken of electrodes… more
Date: 1919
Creator: Cragoe, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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