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open access

[Letter from Birdie McGee McKinley to Mary Ann Moore and the White family, September 22, 1913]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee McKinley and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore and the White Family. In this letter, Birdie informs her kin of the goings-on in her community. The news includes: details about how they have survived the drought with their well and spring for the stock animals, a discussion about Minnie's visit and their preparation for Minnie's return to Georgia, a dialogue about Birdie's baby who likes to be in her buggy, updates… more
Date: September 22, 1913
Creator: McKinley, Birdie McGee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Lula Watkins to Linnet, Ruth, and Claude D. White, April 22, 1917]

Description: Letter to Linnet, Ruth, and Claude D. White from Lula Watkins. She wrote to express her regret that she will not be able to see Linnet until later in the year and to update her friend on her life. She mentions a new car her family has purchased, friends she has spent time with, and a high-profile divorce case involving Dr. Arthur.
Date: April 22, 1917
Creator: Watkins, Lula
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Lula Watkins to Linnet White, March 22, 1917]

Description: Letter to Linnet White from Lula Watkins. She wrote to let Linnet know that she is happy to have Linnet and her family over to visit while Linnet is in Omaha to have an operation. She mentions that it appears a war might be happening soon and that it would make times difficult.
Date: March 22, 1917
Creator: Watkins, Lula
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Byrd to Irene - February 22, 1912]

Description: Letter from Byrd to a friend named Irene, in which Byrd suggests remedies for Irene's recent sickness and appears to be responding to Irene's recent letters regarding friends in El Paso, going to see shows, and working to earn money for a trousseau.
Date: February 22, 1912
Creator: Williams, Byrd M. (Byrd Moore), Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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