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open access

Achieving Greater Tornado Resilience: Investigating Perceptions of Anchoring Systems among Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners

Description: Changing weather patterns have led to an increase in the frequency of tornadoes in the socially vulnerable southeast United States. This is concerning to manufactured and mobile homeowners, as these structures are highly vulnerable to tornado impacts. In recent years, the installation of ground anchors on manufactured and mobile homes (MMHs) has emerged as a strategy to mitigate against risks posed by tornadoes and high winds. Although these systems decrease horizontal movement and rollover pot… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Kelly, Ruxton Samuel
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

AgroString: Exploring Distributed Ledger for Effective Data Management in Smart Agriculture

Description: Creating a robust supply chain is one of the factors for more sturdy agriculture. Most of the agricultural produce is getting wasted while storing and transporting the goods. AgroString in Section 3 system collects real-time temperature and humidity data from the IoAT edge device and performs secure data storage and transmission through a distributed ledger. Research and studies are being conducted to forecast the availability of clear groundwater with the help of traditional techniques to meet… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Tirumala Vangipuram, Lakshmi Sukrutha
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Aiming at Apposite Artworks: An Aggregating of Alain Locke's Aesthetics

Description: Do works of art exert their influence on us across time and culture? The so-called "godfather of the Harlem Renaissance," Alain Locke, argued that Black artworks would lead to racial uplift, so he thought art crossed cultural boundaries, at least. In fact, Locke argued again and again for a universal appeal in art while at the same time expounding a thoroughgoing psychological approach to value theory, including aesthetic value. The two seemingly disparate aesthetic theories adverted by Locke h… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Lobstein, Jamie Wayne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Air to Air Channel Modeling for Advanced Air Mobility Services

Description: A channel model is a mathematical or conceptual representation employed to describe the behavior and characteristics of a communication channel through which signal or data can be transferred from the transmitter (Tx) to the receiver (Rx) or between two transceivers. In wireless communication, the channel model represents the wireless medium with parameters like pathloss, impulse response, and multipath effects. A2A channel poses various challenges when UAVs operate at a higher altitude greater… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Das Rochi, Sudesna
Partner: UNT Libraries

Alternative Estimation Approaches Predicting College Retention amongst African American Students

Description: This quasi-experimental study explored African American student's sense of belonging (SOBE), academic self-efficacy (ASE), parents' educational attainment (PEA), and academic success (GPA) at historically Black colleges and universities and predominantly white institutions. The purpose of the present study measured how the factors influenced the rate of persistence to see how colleges and universities could assist to retain African American students in the pursuit of full matriculation through … more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Turner, Christal-Joy Jewell
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

America's First Radio Demagogues: How Charles Coughlin and Robert P. Shuler Used Propaganda Techniques to Build Massive Radio Audiences during the Great Depression

Description: Conservative talk radio has had a long and controversial history in the United States of America. Two early controversial radio hosts who rose to fame in the United States were the "radio priest" Charles Coughlin (1889-1979), a Roman Catholic priest who had a massive national radio audience of approximately 30 million people during the 1930s, and the Reverend Robert P. Shuler (1879-1965), the fundamentalist Evangelical pastor of the 5,000 member Trinity Methodist Church in Los Angeles Californ… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Enochs, Lee Edward
Partner: UNT Libraries

Application of Genetic Algorithm in Designing Matching and Decoupling Networks for Asymmetric Two-Element Antenna Arrays

Description: In this thesis, I demonstrate a genetic-algorithm-based optimization method for designing matching and decoupling networks (MDNs) for asymmetric two-element antenna arrays. The proposed method considers practical aspects in MDN realization by accounting for short pieces of transmission lines between the lumped elements and only using capacitor/inductor values from a predefined database of commercially available lumped component values. In addition, the proposed algorithm is able to explore all … more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Chakma, Nishako
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Approaches, Methods and Techniques for Acoustic Voice Placement: An Empirical Analysis of the Methods of Weston Noble, James Bass, and Joe Miller

Description: Acoustic Voice Placement has been in use in the United States choral ensembles since the mid-twentieth century, yet research on the topic is limited. Beyond the techniques of Weston Noble (1922-2016), who championed the practice in the United States from 1948 until his death in 2016, there is little known about methods of Acoustic Voice Placement. The purpose of this research is not only to deepen the information available for the reader, but to create a pathway for future research and debate w… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Brady, Matthew Donald
Partner: UNT Libraries

Artifex Patriae: The Specter of Augustus in Petronius' "Satyrica"

Description: Petronius' Satyrica is uniquely situated as the Roman literary work most concerned with performance, theatricality, and the disconnect between perception and reality. Throughout the Satyrica, Petronius conjures the specter of the first princeps, Augustus. Augustan resonances are a constant occurrence in the Satyrica as Petronius' characters continuously reenact Augustan moments significant to the foundation of the principate. Such reenactments destabilize and alter any meaning essential to Augu… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Mitchell, Jordan David George
Partner: UNT Libraries

Assessing Procedural Fidelity with Multiple Measurement Systems during Simulated Live Sessions

Description: Measuring procedural fidelity helps behavior analysts assess staff performance and make decisions about a treatment's effectiveness. However, there is limited research comparing different methods of measuring procedural fidelity. Therefore, we systematically replicated a study that examined how procedural fidelity of discrete-trial-instruction sessions varies depending on the measurement system and calculation. We scored videos depicting behavior technicians conducting discrete-trial instructio… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Resendez, Walberto Jaime
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Assessing the Readiness for Implementing Linked Open Government Data: A Study on Indonesian Government Agencies' Library

Description: The main purpose of this study is to assess the factors of library readiness in Indonesian government agencies for implementing and using linked open government data (LOGD). The studies investigated readiness factors in the context of TOE framework: technology, compatibility, complexity, relative advantage, organization: top management support, internal readiness, environment: competitive pressure, external support, peer pressure. This study employed a mixed-methods approach, encompassing surve… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Irhamni, Irhamni
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Birendra Glacial Lake, Nepal

Description: This study was done on 86 images from Landsat 5 and 8 from the years 1990 to 2023, and emphasized the spatial change of Birendra Lake. The Otsu method was used on the normalized difference water index (NDWI), modified normalized difference water index 1 and 2 (MNDWI), and automated water extraction index (AWEI) for this study. The area of Birendra Glacial Lake area grew significantly between 1990 and 2023 (94,500 m2 to 222,300 m2) because of climate change. The mean annual temperature was incr… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Bhattarai, Injal
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Augsburg Stadtpfeifer: Financial, Sonic, and Social Significance in the Early Modern German City

Description: Civic music from German cities in the early modern Holy Roman Empire have remained comparatively underrepresented in musicological research until recent reexaminations of records and use of alternative methodologies.This dissertation seeks to dispel dismissive understandings of civic musicians to demonstrate their significance and dominance in the cultural life of cities as equal to those employed by the church or court. As performers and composers, they worked with everyday people and dignitar… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Hicks, Emily Michelle
Partner: UNT Libraries

Barriers to Housing Access for People Living with HIV/AIDS

Description: This study investigates the interaction of HIV/AIDS and housing, identifying barriers affecting people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in accessing fair housing options essential in understanding physical and mental health outcomes associated with unstable housing and homelessness in this population. This research follows a three-essay format to examine the relationship between HIV and housing. The first essay, a systematic review, evaluated peer-reviewed literature reporting housing access/insecu… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2026.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Chaminuka, Arthur Simbarashe
Partner: UNT Libraries

Behaviorism and Neuroscience: Explorations into Stroke Recovery and the Dopaminergic System

Description: Every forty seconds, a stroke occurs in the United States alone. This dissertation delves into the collaborative potential of behaviorism and neuroscience to enhance post-stroke recovery through the dopaminergic pathway, while also refining the measurement of stroke indices in rodent models. In the initial study, electrical stimulation of the ventral tegmental area was employed to augment recovery in rodent models. The findings indicate that activating dopaminergic nuclei in conjunction with re… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Armshaw, Jared Thomas
Partner: UNT Libraries

Bio-Inspired Self-Flowing Wood Treatment

Description: Wood chemical treatment is an important process in the wood industry, in that such treatment alters the properties of wood so that a variety of wood-based products can be fabricated with enhanced performance. However, wood's complex composition and structure make it difficult to achieve consistent and controllable treatment. An innovative self-flowing process presented for the chemical treatment of wood is inspired by liquid transportation in trees. Effectiveness of the self-flowing process is … more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2026.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Wang, Xuan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Birth of Energy from the Spirit of Revenge: On the Genealogy of the Concept of 'Energy' and Its Relation to Time

Description: I develop a genealogy of the concept of ‘energy' in western philosophy and science, focusing on how energy concepts (e.g., energeia, vis viva, kinetic/potential energy) have been theorized in relation to time. Looking especially to the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, Henri Bergson, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Martin Heidegger, I argue that the thread that connects energy concepts through time is the epistemological tendency to derive conceptual accounts of change from a prior ontological sameness or esse… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Brea, Pedro
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Breakdown and Adaptation: The Western Allies and the Liberation of the Concentration Camps

Description: In mid-April 1945, US and UK forces swept through Germany. The Western Allies had spent years preparing for the moment, cultivating a civil affairs capacity since the Interwar Period and devoting thousands of hours to planning for the occupation. However, the rapid pace of the advance stretched the new capability beyond its limits as frontline forces seized large swaths of Germany and encountered exponentially increasing numbers of displaced persons. The accidental discoveries of Buchenwald an… more
Date: July 2024
Creator: Reeves, Jeremy Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries

Catalogers' Practices Representing Thesis and Dissertation Bibliographic Records at Kuwaiti Institutions: A Comparative Case Study

Description: This study compares the practices of catalogers. Bibliographic records and subject headings were used for exploration of thesis and dissertation records in the databases of two Kuwaiti institutions to suggest ways to identify the best practices of library catalogers. This is the first research study to examine the bibliographic records for theses and dissertations in the databases of two Kuwaiti institutions. The researcher employed quantitative analysis of bibliographic records and an online s… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2029.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Alazemi, Mardhi F.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access


Description: My documentary film, Chhau, investigates how chhaupdi is practices in Nepal today. During chhaupdi, woman must isolate themselves during their menstruation, refraining from taking part in daily activities such as preparing meals for the family, having dinner with the family, consume dairy products and going to scared places.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Sunuwar, Saja
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collaboration of the School Librarian and Teachers of Life Skills Services

Description: School librarians are trained to service a diverse population of students. Despite this training, school librarians do not always have the opportunity to service students who are severely and cognitively disabled or who receive special education services within a resource classroom. Many of these students receive special education services that are referred to as Life Skills Services (LSS). There is limited literature about the collaborative efforts of school librarians and special education te… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2025.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Milburn, Stacie Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries

Collaborative Mobile System Design, Evaluation, and Applications

Description: This dissertation explores the integration and optimization of advanced communication technologies within the collaborative mobile system (CMS), focusing on the system design, implementation, and evaluation over unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Collectively, this dissertation tackles the key challenges of connectivity and performance within CMS. This work demonstrates practical implementations and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for CMS. The dissertation emphasizes the importanc… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2026.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Zhang, Jinran
Partner: UNT Libraries

Community and Connectedness: An Exploratory Study of Online Community Development in the Learning Technologies Program

Description: The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate graduate student perceptions of community and connectedness enrolled in an online doctoral program at a Texas university. This research is relevant to students enrolled at the University of North Texas in the learning technologies (LTEC) PhD program. The aim was to identify elements that facilitate community and connectedness among residential and distributed students. The study utilized a mixed method approach employing the Brief Sense o… more
This item is restricted from view until August 1, 2026.
Date: July 2024
Creator: Lipscomb, Sharonda R.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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