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Progress letter No. 11 for January 1, 1960 through January 31, 1960

Description: A stainless steel autoclave for superheated water corrosion test was installed and "conditioned". Tests were begun to investigate the feasibility of densifying slip cast stainless steel by means of liquid phase sintering. Attempts to prepare tubular fuel elements by vacuum forming were resumed. Although thick-walled vacuum formed casting have been sintered on the aluminum mandrels without cracking, this has not yet been accomplished with the think sections of interest.
Date: February 15, 1960
Creator: Baron, Edeard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Upper Atmosphere Monitoring Program : Progress Report No. 8 for May 1, 1959 through July 31, 1959

Description: The overall scope of the program encompasses both research into the physical parameters involved in the collection of airborne radioactive particles and the development, fabrication and calibration of balloon-borne sampling equipment to enable the precise determination of stratospheric particle concentration and particle size distribution.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Baumstark, J.; Jones, S.; Stern, S.; Torgeson, L. & Zeller, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sampling and Analytical Data on Al-Pu Alloy for PRTR Start-Up Tests

Description: In answer to the question, "How well do we know the composition of the fuel material for the PRTR start-up tests?", the analytical data on the PRTR fuel elements and other fuel elements which were fabricated by similar processes was gathered and analyzed. The results of this analysis are presented.
Date: June 15, 1960
Creator: Bloomster, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculated Thermal Ionization And Enthalpy of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, And Argon At One Atmosphere Pressure In The 298-20, 000'K Temperature Range

Description: The degree of dissociation and ionization and the enthalpies of hydrogen and nitrogen, and the degree of ionization and the enthalpy of argon are calculated for one atmosphere pressure and temperatures up to 20,000'K. All three gases are more than 93% ionized at 20,000'K, and have enthalpies ranging from 553 kcals for argon to 1074 and 1225 kcals, respectively, for hydrogen and nitrogen.
Date: September 15, 1960
Creator: Bond, Walter Dayton
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Recorder for Nuclear Pulse Application : Covering the Period from February 6, 1960 to April 5, 1960

Description: Abstract: "The accuracies which can be achieved in analog recording systems are for the most part tape limited. While reasonable variations in tape speed do not directly affect the accuracy, such variations result in improper tape tensioning, which in turn results in poor head-to-tape contact. The quality of the tape transport mechanism should be such that the error introduced by improper head- to tape contact is less than tape errors. Some additional equipment is necessary in setting up a tape… more
Date: April 15, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unique Fabrication Processes Applied to Fuel Cladding Materials

Description: The fabrication processes applied to nuclear fuels are subject to severe limitations because of the conditions imposed by the reactor environment. The combined problems of neutrons fluxes, high heat fluxes, corrosion by the coolant , and embrittlement by hydriding or similar reactions may be minimized through establishing rigorous materials and fabrication specifications for fuel and cladding.
Date: March 15, 1960
Creator: Bush, S. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Characteristics of BeO-Moderated Cores vs Graphite-Moderated Cores

Description: Multigroup calculations were performed to compare BeO-moderated cores, using various void fractions and core diameters. The core leakages and conversion ratios which were calculated are presented in a series of curves.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Carlsmith, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Advanced Sodium-Graphite Reactor Nuclear Power Plant

Description: Abstract: This report describes an advanced sodium-cooled, graphite-moderated nuclear power plant which utilizes high-pressure, high-temperature steam to generate electricity at a high thermal efficiency.
Date: March 15, 1960
Creator: Churchill, J. R. & Renard, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Flux Isotope Reactor: a General Description

Description: Current status of the High Flux Isotope Reactor which is being planned for construction at Oak Ridge.
Date: March 15, 1960
Creator: Cole, T. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ABWR: PL-2 Design Report

Description: From preface: This report satisfies the quarterly progress report requirements for PL-1 and PL-2 plant design work for the period ending September 30, 1960 At present time a SL-1 Core 2 is under construction. This is a replacement core for SL-1 (ALPR) and will be identical to a PL-2 core; a PL condenser is under test at the SL-1 facility; final construction plans for PL components and modules which are not site sensitive will be completed in March 1961.
Date: October 15, 1960
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The SNAP II Power Conversion System. Topical Report No. 3. Dynamic Analysis

Description: SNAP II is the designation for a nuclear auxiliary power unit, designed primarily for utilization in the WS117L satellite vehicle. The SNAP II system consists of a reactor heat source, a mercury Rankine engine, and an alternator. Dynamic analysis of the power conversion system was conducted utilizing a comprehensive analog computer simulation. Feasibility of a parasitic load control for numerous system disturbances was demonstrated. This analysis was performed under a subcontract to to Atomics … more
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Deibel, David L.; Mrava, Gene L. & Seldner, Kurt
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Chemistry for KER Loop 1- June 29, 1959 to December 31, 1959

Description: One of the primary reasons for operating the high pressure KER loops is to obtain information concerning water quality control characteristics for recirculating water cooled reactors. The KER-1 loop is predominantly carbon steel and approximates the water quality conditions specified for the New Production Reactor (NPR).
Date: June 15, 1960
Creator: Demmitt, T. F. & Wood, E. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Niobium Phase Diagrams

Description: The following report is the final technical report on a series of reports under contract AT(11-1)-515, titled "Niobium Phase Diagrams", covering the period from April 15, 1957 to April 16, 1960.
Date: May 15, 1960
Creator: Elliott, Rodney P. & Komjathy, Steven
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioactive Drug Research, Final Summary Report, July 1949 to October 1959

Description: Applications of radioisotopes in the preparation of labeled drugs are reviewed. Among the applications described are the preparation of carbon-14- labeled cardiac glycosides, and the biosyinthesis of carbon-14-labeled digitoxin, morphine, colchicine, atropine, podophyllotoxin, and nicotine. The fate and metabolism of many of these drugs were traced. Radiochemical procedures were developed for the synthesis of pure compounds of pharmacological interest labeled with carbon-14, sulfur-35, and trit… more
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Geiling, E. M. K. (Eugene Maximilian Karl), 1891-1971 & Roth, Lloyd J. (Lloyd Joseph), 1911-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Study: Sodium Modular Reactor

Description: This study was undertaken for the USAEC under Contract AT(04-3)-189, Project Agreement No. 6, to investigate desirable features of a sodium cooled, graphite moderated uranium fueled power reactor using the modular concept, and, based on this investigation, evaluate the economic potential of this reactor type.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report: 300 KWe Capsule Nuclear Power Plant Study

Description: This document presents the results of investigations concerned with the conceptual design of a 300 KWe "Capsule" nuclear power plant.
Date: December 15, 1960
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of Differential Bed Study of the Kinetics of the Absorption of UF6 on Sodium Fluoride

Description: One step in the Volatility process for power reactor fuel reprocessing involves the absorption and subsequent desorption of UF6 from NaF pellets in fixed beds. In 1958 an experimental study of the kinetics of absorption of HF on NaF beds was made. The purpose of this work was to extend the study to the kinetics of UF6 absorption on NaF. The results should be useful in the design and operation of the Volatility process.
Date: January 15, 1960
Creator: Groves, F. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Project Cowboy : Physical Properties of Salt Samples

Description: The purpose of Project Cowboy was to investigate the seismic signals generated by chemical explosions in underground cavities, with particular emphasis on the possibility of decoupling of these signals from the surrounding media. The project site was the Carey Salt Company salt mine, located approximately five miles west of Winnfield, Louisiana. The tests were run during fiscal year 1960. This report presents the results of tests performed on specimens from the samples of salt taken in the area. more
Date: July 15, 1960
Creator: Guido, Raymond S. & Warner, Stanley E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Momentum and Heat Transfer to a Fluid Flowing Turbulently in a Pipe

Description: A mathematical model is presented for the prediction of heat transfer coefficients for fully developed turbulent flow of fluids in circular pipes by analogy to the transfer of momentum. There is also presented an empirical velocity distribution equation derived from existing experimental data for use in the analogy model. Heat transfer coefficients for fluids with Prandtl numbers ranging from 0.01 to 100 and Reynolds numbers ranging from 5x10^3 to 10^7 are presented in tabular and graphical for… more
Date: September 15, 1960
Creator: Hefner, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Problems in Linear Graph Theory That Arise in the Analysis of the Sequencing of Jobs Through Machines

Description: "The problems of sequencing jobs through machines are discussed in a linear graph framework. The construction of feasible schedules from given technological orderings is related to the construction of transitive graphs from given component graphs. Methods of constructing transitive graphs are given and bounds on the number of different transitive graphs constructed from given components are determined. A recursive convex function defined on the transitive graphs-the job operation completion tim… more
Date: October 15, 1960
Creator: Heller, Jack
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Numerical Solution of a Parabolic System of Differential Equations Arising in Shallow Water Theory

Description: "A finite difference approximation to a non-linear set of parabolic differential equations arising in shallow water theory is given. These difference equations were used to determine the shape and rate of propagation of a hum of fluid down a channel of constant depth. The hump of fluid was found to spread instead of steepen, as is the case in the usual shallow water theory."
Date: October 15, 1960
Creator: Heller, Jack & Isaacson, Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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