Search Results

Primary view of Saturated Liquid Densities of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, and Parahydrogen
Roder, H. M.; McCarty, R. D. & Johnson, V. J.
January 31, 1968
Primary view of Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns: Section 5. Data for 80 Substances
Swanson, H. E.; McMurdie, H. F.; Morris, M. C. & Evans, E. H.
August 31, 1967
Primary view of Technical and economic potentials of shale oil production by nuclear explosives
Heiss, Klaus-Peter
August 31, 1967
Primary view of Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement, January 1960 to December 1965
Brombacher, W. G.
May 31, 1967
Primary view of Piqua Nuclear Power Facility Operations Analysis Program Progress Report Number 8: 1966
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
December 31, 1966
Primary view of Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1966
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
August 31, 1966
Primary view of Development, Acceptance and Qualification Testing of the SNAP 10A Ejectable Heat Shield
Sperow, H. L.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of Effect of Carburization on the Low Strain Rate Behavior of Type 304 Stainless Steel: Interim Report
Stone, D. H. & Schwartz, A. D.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of The High-Temperature Irradiation Behavior of Hypostoichiometric Uranium Monocarbide
Hahn, R. D.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of SRE Heat Transfer System Demolition
Nicholson, J. O.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of U-10 Wt % Mo Fuel Element: Irradiation in SRE
Arnold, J. L.; Miller, K. J. & Peterson, R. M.
August 31, 1965
Primary view of The Education, Experience, Training, and Certification of Reactor Operators at AEC-Owned Reactors
Wilgus, Walter S.; McCool, Whittie J. & Biles, Martin B.
October 31, 1964
Primary view of Steam Cycle Optimization Study for Large Sodium Graphite Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Schneider, G. A.
August 31, 1964
Primary view of Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns: Section 3. Data for 51 Substances
Swanson, Howard E.; Morris, Marlene Cook; Evans, Eloise H. & Ulmer, Linda
July 31, 1964
Primary view of Equilibrium Dissociation Pressures of the Delta and Epsilon Phases in the Zirconium-Hydrogen System
Raymond, J. W.
May 31, 1964
Primary view of Curves of Input Impedance Change Due to Ground for Dipole Antennas
Vogler, L. E. & Noble, J. L.
January 31, 1964
Primary view of Research and Developement on Fabrication of Pin and Lid Detectors and the Dry Run Interface System, Final Report
Ziemba, F. P.; Katzenstein, H. S.; Zatzick, M. R. & Bernescut, R.
August 31, 1963
Primary view of Study of Fast Reactor Meltdown Accidents Using Simulant Materials
Huebotter, P. R.
August 31, 1963
Primary view of Maritime Gas-Cooled Reactor Program, Quarterly Progress Report: April-June 1961
unknown creator
July 31, 1963
Primary view of Pressure Pulses in Rapid Transient Boiling
Wright, R. W.
July 31, 1963
Primary view of Gas-Phase Radiolysis of Propane
Ausloos, Pierre J.; Lias, Sharon G., 1935- & Sandoval, L. B., (Mrs.)
May 31, 1963
Primary view of Nuclear Superheat Project. Internal Steam Separation Development of Radial Vane Steam Separators
Moen, R. H.
May 31, 1963
Primary view of Electrostatic Classification of Submicron Airborne Particles : Final Report, August 16, 1961 to January 31, 1963
Langer, G.
January 31, 1963
Primary view of EVESR Nuclear Superheat Fuel Development Project: First Quarterly Report, May 4-August 31, 1962
Pennington, R. T.
January 31, 1963
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