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open access

Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement, January 1960 to December 1965

Description: From Abstract: "The bibliography, a supplement to NBS Monograph 35, of the same title, covers the years 1960 to 1965, inclusive, and include 109 references for prior years not listed in Monograph 35. It contains 1787 references, 38 of which are to books. The references, besides those directly concerned with pressure measurement, include those on vacuum technology which may bear on the technique of vacuum measurement, such as on adsorption and desorption, diffusion of gases into solids, gas cond… more
Date: May 31, 1967
Creator: Brombacher, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns: Section 3. Data for 51 Substances

Description: Report documenting standard x-ray diffraction powder patterns for various compounds, intended to replace previous data or provide information for new substances. It describes the methods and, for each substance, outlines any previous data as well as information about the sample used and structural data, with a table of diffraction patterns.
Date: July 31, 1964
Creator: Swanson, Howard E.; Morris, Marlene Cook; Evans, Eloise H. & Ulmer, Linda
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns: Section 5. Data for 80 Substances

Description: Report documenting standard x-ray diffraction powder patterns for various compounds, intended to replace previous data or provide information for new substances. It describes the methods and, for each substance, outlines any previous data as well as information about the sample used and structural data, with a table of diffraction patterns.
Date: August 31, 1967
Creator: Swanson, H. E.; McMurdie, H. F.; Morris, M. C. & Evans, E. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the Calibration of Cascade Impactors

Description: From Abstract: "In the following paper, the two customary methods of calibrating cascade impactors are compared. It is shown that the method of determining collection efficiency as a function of particle size for each stage provides information for interpreting results in terms of impactor theory, making it possible to establish adequate jet performance."
Date: August 31, 1962
Creator: Mercer, T. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Method for Estimating Lift Interference of Wing-Body Combinations at Supersonic Speeds

Description: Memorandum presenting the use of the modified slender-body method to predict the lift and moment interference of triangular wing-body combinations adapted to combinations with other than triangular wings. The methods are applied to the prediction of the lit-curve slopes of nearly 100 triangular, rectangular, and trapezoidal wing-body configurations.
Date: December 31, 1951
Creator: Nielsen, Jack N. & Kaattari, George E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of Static Forces on Externally Carried Bombs of Fineness Ratios 7.1 and 10.5 in the Flow Field of a Swept-Wing Fighter- Bomber Configuration at a Mach Number of 1.6

Description: Memorandum presenting forces and moments measured at Mach number 1.6 in the 4- by 4-foot supersonic pressure tunnel on bombs of fineness ratios 7.0 and 10.5 in the presence of a swept-wing fighter-bomber airplane configuration for a large number of positions under the fuselage. The results can be used to calculate bomb-drop paths.
Date: January 31, 1957
Creator: Geier, Douglas J. & Carlson, Harry W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Investigation of Flutter and Divergence Characteristics of the Rocket-Motor Fin of the ASROC Missile

Description: Report presenting testing of models of rocket-motor fins of the ASROC missile for flutter and divergence in the supersonic flutter tunnel for a range of Mach numbers. Results indicate that both divergence of the overhung leading edge and flutter occur within the sea-level operating conditions of the missile at Mach numbers above 1.0. Results regarding the flutter boundary, type of flutter encountered, possible solutions to flutter problems, and possible effects of nondestructive type of flutter… more
Date: July 31, 1958
Creator: Levey, Gilbert M. & Hanson, Perry W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Afterbody Pressure Characteristics of Specialized Store Configurations at Transonic Speeds

Description: Report presenting an investigation to determine the longitudinal stability and afterbody pressure characteristics of the TX-14 and TX-16 special weapons at transonic and supersonic speeds. Results regarding dynamic testing and pressure testing are provided.
Date: March 31, 1954
Creator: Braden, John A. & Henry, Beverly Z., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Nose Shape and Wing Thickness Ratio on the Drag at Zero Lift of a Missile Having Triangular Wings and Tails

Description: "Free-flight tests have been made to determine the drag at zero lift of several configurations of a missile having triangular wings and tails. Base-pressure measurements were also obtained for some of the configurations. The results show that increasing the wing thickness ratio from 4 to 6 percent increased the wing drag by about 100 percent at M = 1.3 and by about 30 percent at M = 1.8" (p. 1).
Date: May 31, 1950
Creator: Hall, James R. & Sandahl, Carl A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of Four Thin NACA 63-Series Airfoils

Description: Memorandum presenting high-speed wind-tunnel tests of four thin NACA 63-series airfoil sections with a design lift coefficient of 0.2 with the uniform-load type of mean camber line to determine the effectiveness of forward movement of the minimum-pressure position in improving the high-speed lift characteristics of low-drag airfoils. Results regarding the tunnel-wall effects, lift coefficient, drag coefficient, and moment coefficient are provided.
Date: December 31, 1947
Creator: Ilk, Richard J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Supersonic-Tunnel Tests of Two Supersonic Airplane Model Configurations

Description: Report presenting supersonic-tunnel tests of two models of similar supersonic airplane configurations at Mach numbers of 1.55, 1.90, and 2.32 to determine values of the drag, lift, pitching moment, yawing moment, and side force. The models were similar except for the vertical wing location relative to the body axis and horizontal tail; one had a high wing and one had a low wing. Results regarding the precision of data, Reynolds numbers of tests, results at the different Mach numbers, and Schile… more
Date: December 31, 1947
Creator: Ellis, Macon C., Jr.; Hasel, Lowell E. & Grigsby, Carl E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental investigation of the effectiveness of various suction-slot arrangements as a means for increasing the maximum lift of the NACA 65(sub 3)-018 airfoil section

Description: Report presenting a wind-tunnel investigation to explore the possibility of employing boundary-layer suction slots as a means for delaying laminar separation at the leading edge and turbulent separation over the rear portions of the airfoil section at high lift coefficients. Results regarding lift and drag are explored.
Date: March 31, 1950
Creator: Racisz, Stanley F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of wing sweep, taper, and thickness ratio on the transonic drag characteristics of wing-body combinations

Description: Report presenting the transonic drag characteristics of a series of wing-body combinations and their component parts using the free-fall method. The configurations examined had wings of various sweeps and thickness ratios mounted on identical bodies of fineness ratio 12.
Date: December 31, 1948
Creator: Thompson, Jim Rogers & Mathews, Charles W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flight Investigation at High-Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds to Determine Zero-Lift Drag of Bodies of Revolution Having Fineness Ratio of 6.04 and Varying Positions of Maximum Diameter

Description: Report presenting a flight investigation of rocket-powered models at high-subsonic, transonic, and supersonic speeds to determine the zero-lift drag of fin-stabilized bodies of revolution differing in maximum diameter. All bodies had 6.04 fineness ratio and cut-off sterns with equal base area. The most favorable location out of the 20-percent, 40-percent, and 60-percent positions were evaluated for different speeds.
Date: August 31, 1949
Creator: Katz, Ellis R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of blade cooling to gas turbines

Description: From Summary: "A review of the status of the knowledge on turbine-blade cooling and a description of pertinent NACA investigations are presented. The current limitations in performance of uncooled and cooled engines are briefly discussed. Finally, the knowledge available and investigations to increase the knowledge on heat transfer, cooling-flow, and performance characteristics of cooled turbines are discussed."
Date: May 31, 1950
Creator: Ellerbrock, Herman H., Jr. & Schafer, Louis J., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-dimensional aerodynamic characteristics of 34 miscellaneous airfoil sections

Description: The aerodynamic characteristics of 34 miscellaneous airfoils tested in the Langley two-dimensional low-turbulence tunnels are presented. The data include lift, drag, and in some cases, pitching-moment characteristics, for Reynolds numbers between 3.0 x 10 (exp 6) and 9.0 x 10 (exp 6).
Date: January 31, 1949
Creator: Loftin, Laurence K., Jr. & Smith, Hamilton A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Sweepback on the Flutter of a Uniform Cantilever Wing With a Variably Located Concentrated Mass

Description: Report presenting data from 95 subsonic flutter tests conducted in the flutter research tunnel on untapered cantilever wings with sweepback angles of 0, 45, and 60 degrees and carrying a single concentrated weight. The primary purpose of the investigation was to present experimental information to be used to evaluate analytical procedures for determining the flutter speed of weighted sweptback wings. The dynamic pressure, flutter velocity, Mach number, natural and flutter frequencies, and phase… more
Date: August 31, 1949
Creator: Nelson, Herbert C. & Tomassoni, John E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effects of various parameters including Mach number on propeller blade flutter with emphasis on stall flutter

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the effects of many of the parameters significant to wing flutter on several untwisted rotating models to determine their significance with respect to stall flutter of propeller blades. The parameters included torsional stiffness, section thickness ratio, sweepback, length-chord ratio, section center-of-gravity location, blade taper, Mach number, and fluid density. Results regarding the considerations on method of presentation, experimental data and discuss… more
Date: January 31, 1951
Creator: Baker, John E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-jet performance of 16-inch ram-jet engine with several fuels

Description: Report presenting an investigation of several fuels in a 16-inch ramjet engine during a free-jet investigation of ramjet performance in a wind tunnel. The fuels used were gasoline, kerosene, blend of 50-percent gasoline and 50-percent propylene oxide, blend of 75-percent kerosene and 25-percent propylene oxide, and isopentane. Results regarding ranges of operation, combustion efficiencies, and weight and volume specific fuel consumptions obtained with various fuels.
Date: October 31, 1950
Creator: Wilcox, Fred A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of a 1/5-scale model of a proposed high-submerged-speed submarine in the Langley full-scale tunnel

Description: Report presenting the results of an investigation to determine the drag, static stability, control effectiveness, boundary-layer conditions, and first-order effects of propeller operation on a scale model of a proposed high-submerged-speed submarine with various bridge-fairwater and tail configurations.
Date: October 31, 1950
Creator: Lipson, Stanley; Cocke, Bennie W. & Scallion, William I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A radar method of calibrating airspeed installations on airplanes in maneuvers at high altitudes and at transonic and supersonic speeds

Description: A method of calibrating the static-pressure source of a pitot static airspeed installation on an airplane in level flight, dives, and other maneuvers at high altitude and at transonic and supersonic speeds is described. The method principally involves the use of radar-phototheodolite tracking equipment. The various sources of error in the method are discussed and sample calibrations are included.
Date: August 31, 1949
Creator: Zalovcik, John A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A method of analysis of V-G records from transport operations

Description: A method has been developed for interpreting v-g records taken during the course of commercial transport operation. This method involves the utilization of fairly simple statistical procedures to obtain "flight envelopes," which predict that, on the average, in a stated number of flight hours, one value of airspeed will exceed the envelope, and one positive and one negative acceleration increment will exceed the envelope with equal probability of being experienced at any airspeed. Comparison wi… more
Date: August 31, 1945
Creator: Peiser, A. M. & Wilkerson, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Correlation of cylinder-head temperatures and coolant heat rejections of a multicylinder, liquid-cooled engine of 1710-cubic-inch displacement

Description: "Data obtained from an extensive investigation of the cooling characteristics of four multicylinder, liquid-cooled engines have been analyzed and a correlation of both the cylinder-head temperatures and the coolant heat rejections with the primary engine and coolant variables was obtained. The method of correlation was previously developed by the NACA from an analysis of the cooling processes involved in a liquid-cooled-engine cylinder and is based on the theory of nonboiling, forced-convection… more
Date: August 31, 1948
Creator: Lundin, Bruce T.; Povolny, John H. & Chelko, Louis J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Jet-Propulsion-Engine Combustion-Chamber Pressure Losses

Description: From Summary: "The development and the use of a chart for estimating the pressure losses in jet-engine combustion chambers are described. By means of the chart, the pressure losses due to fluid friction and to momentum changes in the air flow accompanying combustion can be separately evaluated. The over-all pressure losses computed from the pressure-loss chart are within 7 percent of the experimental values for the three types of combustion chambers considered herein."
Date: July 31, 1946
Creator: Pinkel, I. Irving & Shames, Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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