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open access

Performance of B. M. W. 185-horsepower airplane engine

Description: Report discusses the results of testing on a B.M.W. engine in an altitude chamber where temperature and pressure can be controlled to simulate flight at various altitudes. Results for various engine speeds, altitudes, and propeller speeds are provided.
Date: April 13, 1922
Creator: Sparrow, Stanwood Willston
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Zirconium Alloys Quarterly Report: April - June 1962

Description: The following report is part of a series of quarterly reports discussing investigations on the development of zirconium-base alloys having corrosion resistance and strength superior to Zircaloy-2 and/or development of materials of equivalent corrosion resistance by exhibiting enhanced strength. This report covers the period between May 29 and June 18 of 1958, made by the United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).
Date: July 13, 1962
Creator: Weinstein, Daniel & Holtz, F. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Particle Size Distribution and Surface Area by Photometry

Description: The following report describes procedures taken to utilize the photelometer to procure the most rapid and reliable determinations, but the goal of the tests presented was to create satisfactory dispersions of particles to analyze.
Date: May 13, 1948
Creator: King, D. R. & Panowski, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Applied Potential Corrosion of Aluminum and 18-8 Stainless Steel Alloys

Description: Introduction: In anticipation of the design of equipment for heat transfer tests, a series of short exposure corrosion tests was initiated in an effort to determine the order of magnitude of the corrosion involved. Information was required on the effect on corrosion rates of applying a potential between two concentric tubes, the annulus between them containing condensate water.
Date: March 13, 1930
Creator: Sanborn, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Grain Refinement of the As-Cast Uranium-5 w/o Chromium Alloy by Heat Treatment

Description: Introduction: "The uranium-5 w/o chromium alloy has been intensively investigated for use in a power reactor in the as-cast condition. However, when cast sample fuel elements were subjected to irradiation, their stability was found to be unsatisfactory. In order to improve the behavior of the alloy, a program of grain refinement by heat treatment was begun. The effect of chill casting on the heat-treated grain size was also investigated."
Date: May 13, 1955
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Rough, Frank A. & Bauer, Arthur A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flow Distribution Across the Core. Test Results DL-S-182 (T-550097). Section II

Description: The purpose of the test was to determine the flow mixing characteristics of the lower plenum. Conclusion: Mixing appears to be quite small. The temperature indicated by the thermocouple nearest the cold loop decreased approximately 15 F. The cold loop temperature was 15 below the initial reactor coolant average temperature when the cold loop was places in services. The thermocouple furthest from the cold loop showed little or no change in temperature. The rate of change of reactor coolant tempe… more
Date: January 13, 1959
Creator: Nadolny, Frank, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Evaluation of Swirl Can Elements for Hydrogen Fuel Combustor

Description: Memorandum presenting a study of the performance of swirl-can combustor elements for an experimental short-length turbojet combustor utilizing hydrogen fuel at high-altitude operating conditions. Fuel was injected into each element through a tangential, sonic orifice that created a swirling fuel-air mixture within each element. Results regarding combustor blowout, combustion efficiency, outlet temperature distribution, and preliminary performance of multielement combustor are provided.
Date: May 13, 1957
Creator: Rayle, Warren D.; Jones, Robert E. & Friedman, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hydrolysis of Tributyl Phosphate Ad Its Effect on the Purex Process

Description: From abstract: "The rate of hydrolysis of TBP and the effect of the hydrolysis products in the Purex Process have been studied. Hydrolytic conditions may be encountered in the process which would lead to formation of dibutyl phosphoric acid, causing significant losses of tetravalent plutonium in stripping. This situation may be easily alleviated by reducing and stripping the plutonium in the trivalent state."
Date: December 13, 1951
Creator: Reilly, V. J. & Lanham, W. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion Tests : SAE 1010 Mild Steel in Synthetic Neutralized Redox Waste Solution

Description: From introduction: "This report gives the results of a 1000-hour corrosion test of SAE 1010, low carbon steel, in synthetic Redox waste solutions...The present test was designed to obtain corrosion rates for waste solution temperatures of 180 F, 200 F, and 220 F in solutions neutralized to pH values of 11, 12, and 13.
Date: November 13, 1952
Creator: Endow, Noborn
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion Test of Type 502 Stainless Steel

Description: The following report provides complete data and test procedure from hot water corrosion tests of type 502 stainless steel.
Date: August 13, 1952
Creator: Zimmerman, D. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Works Analytical Manual for Reactor Process Water

Description: Purpose: "The Hanford Works Analytical Manual for Process Water is designed to specify the analytical methods to be applied for control purposes in the Reactor Section, Process Sub-Section laboratories. The procedures are in general form and serve as references rather than outlined laboratory instructions. The manual us designed to replace the "Hanford Works Manual," HW-12862."
Date: February 13, 1953
Creator: Hanford Works
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Sulfamic Acid Tank Valve Failures

Description: This report examines the failure of two 18-8 grade stainless steel gate valves used in sulfamic acid and determines the cause of the failures through a series of tests.
Date: November 13, 1952
Creator: Endow, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reconnaissance of Red Rock Valley, Apache County, Arizona

Description: Abstract: Reconnaissance of Red Rock Valley was begun on December 10, 1953, and completed on February 11, 1954. The mines in the region were investigated and all exposures of Salt Wash were walked. Paleostream directions and alterations of the sandstones were observed and recorded on a base map. No important new mineralization was discovered-and the area is considered to be of no commercial significance if judged by the outcrops alone. However, a vast amount of Salt Wash lies at slight depth di… more
Date: July 13, 1954
Creator: Hanshaw, Bruce B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium-Copper Deposits Near Copper Canyon Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona

Description: From introduction: During the summer of 1951, Navajos conducted John W. Chester, Russell C. Cutter, and E. V. Reinhardt, Grand Junction Exploration Branch, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, to a copper deposit in Copper Canyon. Little radioactivity was noted, and no further work was done in the area at that time. In October 1951, the same group of Navajos reported the discovery of uranium ore in another portion of the same area. The site was visited by Cutter who noted that an excavation made by … more
Date: March 13, 1952
Creator: Reinhardt, E. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geologic and Radiometric Reconnaissance Along the San Juan and Colorado Rivers Between Mexican Hat, Utah, and Lees Ferry Arizona

Description: Abstract: Ten days were spent during June 1955, examining the sedimentary rocks along the San Juan and Colorado Rivers between Mexican Hat, Utah, and Lee's Ferry, Arizona. The most favorable area for uranium deposits occurs in the Shinarump member of the Chinle formation between Clay Hills Crossing and Spencer Camp along the San Juan River. Mineralization is spotty and deposits are small and almost all below ore-grade. Only one small mine, the Whirlwind, is currently producing ore. Gray-green a… more
Date: October 13, 1955
Creator: Dahl, Harry M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Single Stage Axial Compressor Blade Test Facility

Description: Abstract: This report gives a general description of the single stage axial compressor blade test facility located at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Fee, G. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A High-Voltage Pulse Generator for Testing Dielectric Samples

Description: Abstract: The purpose of this report is to describe the problems inherent to general dielectric strength measurements, and to act as a guide in establishing a method for pulse dielectric strength measurements.
Date: July 13, 1960
Creator: Kelly, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Basic Data for Manhattan NTMS Quadrangle, Kansas

Description: from Abstract: "Results are reported of a reconnaissance geochemical survey of the Manhattan quadrangle, Kansas. Field and laboratory data are presented for 674 groundwater and 718 stream sediment samples. Statistical and areal distributions of uranium and possible uranium-related variables are displayed. A generalized geologic map of the survey area is provided, and pertinent geologic factors which may be of significance in evaluating the potential for uranium mineralization are briefly discus… more
Date: July 13, 1979
Creator: National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Equation of State of Solids at Low Temperature

Description: Technical report describing and evaluating the the three experimental methods for obtaining equation of state data at low temperatures; (1) approximate measurement of the PVT relationship by a piston-displacement technique, (2) the measurement of a heat capacity at constant volume as a function of molar volume and temperature, and (3) direct measurement of the pressure variation of the elastic constants using ultrasonic techniques. X-ray methods also might be applicable.
Date: October 13, 1961
Creator: Bernardes, N. (Newton), 1931- & Swenson, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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