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open access

Theoretical Investigation of the Performance of Proportional Navigation Guidance Systems-Effect of Method of Positioning the Radar Antenna on the Speed of Response

Description: Memorandum presenting a linear theoretical analysis of the performance of three proportional navigation guidance systems installed in a given supersonic, variable-incidence, boost-glide, antiaircraft missile at Mach numbers of 2.7 and 1.3. It is shown that, with the antenna stabilized in space, the effect of component lags on the response is small, so that the speed of response is small, so that the speed of response can be made to approach closely that of the airframe alone.
Date: August 13, 1952
Creator: Abramovitz, Marvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theoretical Investigation of the Performance of Proportional Navigation Guidance Systems: Effect of Method of Positioning the Radar Antenna on the Speed of Response

Description: Memorandum presenting a linear theoretical analysis made of the performance of three proportional navigation guidance systems installed in a given supersonic, variable-incidence, boost-glide, antiaircraft missile at Mach numbers of 2.7 and 1.3. Three guidance systems are compared on the basis of the maximum obtainable speed of response of the missile and guidance-system combination consistent with adequate stability. Results regarding the effect of method of positioning the radar antenna on the… more
Date: August 13, 1952
Creator: Abramovitz, Marvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Electric Energy Usage in Air Force Houses Equipped with Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

Description: From Introduction: "One part of this study, which is presented in this Monograph, consists of an analysis of electric energy usage and electric power demand data obtained from a sample group of occupied houses at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, equipped with heat pumps, water heaters, cooking ranges, clothes dryers, and miscellaneous appliances all operated by electricity."
Date: July 13, 1962
Creator: Achenbach, Paul R.; Davis, Joseph C. & Smith, William T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of Mercury Cooled Breeder Reactors

Description: Abstract: The technical feasibility and economic potential of fast breeder power reactor systems cooled with boiling mercury have been investigated by American-Standard under the United States Atomic Energy Commission's New Reactor Concepts Evaluation Program.
Date: October 13, 1959
Creator: Advanced Technology Laboratories
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flight Tests to Determine the Effect of Taper on the Zero-Lift Drag of Wings at Low Supersonic Speeds

Description: Report presenting the results of tests to determine the effect of taper on the zero-lift drag of wings of constant exposed aspect ratio at low supersonic speeds. Findings indicated that maximum thickness, leading-edge, and trailing-edge sweep are all important in determining the drag coefficient of a tapered wing.
Date: July 13, 1947
Creator: Alexander, Sidney R. & Nelson, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Apparent Observations Ionic Sound Waves in an Arc Plasma

Description: Oscillations have been observed in a magnetically supported cylindrical rod of plasma. This rod of plasma can be the discharge occurring in the defining aperture of a Mode II, pressure gradient arc. Similar oscillations can also occur in the column of a Mode I arc. These oscillations appear to be the mechanism that drives the Mode II blowup phenomena.
Date: February 13, 1961
Creator: Alexeff, I. & Neidigh, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation at Low Speed of a Large-Scale Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio Two 1: Characteristics of a Wing Having a Double-Wedge Airfoil Section With Maximum Thickness at 20-Percent Chord

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the low-speed characteristics of a 25-foot span triangular wing with an aspect ratio of 2. the airfoil section of the wing was a symmetrical double wedge with 5-percent maximum thickness at 20-percent chord. Results regarding the longitudinal characteristics, lateral characteristics, and directional characteristics are provided.
Date: November 13, 1947
Creator: Anderson, Adrien E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Longitudinal stability characteristics of the Convair YF-102 airplane determined from flight tests

Description: Report presenting an analysis of the longitudinal stability characteristics of the cambered-wing version of the Convair YF-102 airplane at a range of Mach numbers and altitudes. Results regarding longitudinal trim, stall maneuvers, dynamic longitudinal stability, maneuvering stability, stability and control effectiveness parameters, and artificial-feel system are provided.
Date: December 13, 1956
Creator: Andrews, William H.; Sisk, Thomas R. & Darville, Robert W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biological Effects of Thermal Neutrons and the B10 (n,c) Li7 Reaction

Description: Boron-10 has a high thermal neutron capture cross section (3880 barns). Following neutron capture, the subsequent nuclear disintegration produces an alpha particle and a lithium-7 nucleus with the release of an average of 2.34 MeV for the particle irradiation, and in 93% of the reactions there is also the emission of an 0.48 MeV gamma ray: [equation not transcribed]. The kinetic energy is divided between the lithium-7 nucleus and the alpha particle giving the equal and opposite momentums with a… more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Archambeau, J. O.; Alcober, V; Calvo, W. & Brenneis, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dose-survival Curves for HeLa Cell Cultures Using Thermal Neutrons and the B10 (n,α)Li7 Reaction

Description: The biological evaluation of the thermal neutron capture reaction of boron-10, B10 (n,α)Li7 + 2.786 MeV, has previously been studied, using different particles from the boron-10 thermal neutron capture reaction compared with 250 kvp x-rays has been reported as 1.05 for spleen-thymic weight reduction (1), as 1.5 to 2.0 for skin lesions in pigs (2), and 1.87 for skin lesions of the rabbit's ear (3). The significance of such a calculation is felt to be unreliable for the boron-10 reaction in anima… more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Archambeau, J. O.; Drew, R. M. & Robertson, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculated effects of turbine rotor-blade cooling-air flow, altitude, and compressor bleed point on performance of a turbojet engine

Description: Effects of air-cooling turbine rotor blades on performance of a turbojet engine were calculated for a range of altitudes from sea level to 40,000 feet and a range of coolant flows up to 3 percent of compressor air flow, for two conditions of coolant bleed from the compressor. Bleeding at required coolant pressure resulted in a sea-level thrust reduction approximately twice the percentage coolant flow and in an increase in specific fuel consumption approximately equal to percentage coolant flow.… more
Date: August 13, 1951
Creator: Arne, Vernon L. & Nachtigall, Alfred J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental investigation of the effect of boundary-layer transition on the average heat transfer to a yawed cylinder in supersonic flow

Description: Report presenting the average heat-transfer to the forward half of a circular cylinder measured in a blowdown jet at a stream Mach number of 4.15. Most of the tests was made at a wall-to-stagnation temperature ratio of about 0.8. Report presenting pressure distributions, heat transfer and recovery temperatures, and effect of yaw on transition are provided.
Date: July 13, 1956
Creator: Beckwith, Ivan E. & Gallagher, James J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements of the wing and tail loads during the acceptance tests of Bell XS-1 research airplane

Description: Report presenting flight measurements obtained during acceptance tests conducted by the Bell Aircraft Corporation on the XS-1 research airplane. The primary focus was on the aerodynamic loads, handling qualities, maximum lift, and buffet boundaries of the airplane.
Date: April 13, 1948
Creator: Beeler, De E. & Mayer, John P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of radiant energy on vaporization and combustion of liquid fuels

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the radiative processes involved in combustion to determine the present role of radiant energy transfer in combustors. The equivalent gray-body emissivity of a hydrocarbon fuel may be increased by use of liquid or solid, soluble or nonsoluble, additives. Results regarding the experimental apparatus and methods, emission characteristics of luminous and nonluminous flames, absorptivity of fuels and of solutions of possible additives, and absorption by slurrie… more
Date: November 13, 1952
Creator: Berlad, A. L. & Hibbard, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Equation of State of Solids at Low Temperature

Description: Technical report describing and evaluating the the three experimental methods for obtaining equation of state data at low temperatures; (1) approximate measurement of the PVT relationship by a piston-displacement technique, (2) the measurement of a heat capacity at constant volume as a function of molar volume and temperature, and (3) direct measurement of the pressure variation of the elastic constants using ultrasonic techniques. X-ray methods also might be applicable.
Date: October 13, 1961
Creator: Bernardes, N. (Newton), 1931- & Swenson, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Four- and Six-Blade Single- and Dual-Rotating Tractor Propellers

Description: "Test of 10-foot diameter, four and six blade single-rotating and dual-rotating propellers were conducted in the NACA propeller-research tunnel. The propellers were mounted at the front end of a streamline body incorporating spinners to house the hub portions. The effect of a symmetrical wing mounted in the slipstream ranged from 20 degrees to 65 degrees setting corresponds to airplane speeds greater than 500 miles per hour. The results indicate that dual-rotating propellers were from 0 to 6 pe… more
Date: July 13, 1942
Creator: Biermann, David & Hartman, Edwin P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Extraction and Recovery of Uranium (and Vanadium) from Acidic Liquors with DI (2-Ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid and Some Other Organophosphorus Acids

Description: Bench scale studies have been made of the recovery of uranium from acid leach liquors (and slurries) by solvent extracting with di (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid in an organic diluent. Uranium may be stripped from the organic solvent by either alkaline or acidic reagents, the former having been studied in greater detail. On the basis of these tests, a recovery process may be considered which shows promise both from the standpoint of operation and chemical costs. Under proper conditions, vanadiu… more
Date: May 13, 1955
Creator: Blake, C. A.; Brown, K. B.; Coleman, C. F.; Horner, D. E. & Schmitt, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-flight pressure measurements over a flare-stabilized rocket model with a modified Von Karman nose for Mach numbers up to 4.3

Description: Report presenting pressures measured during a free-flight test at zero angle of attack over a rocket model with a modified Von Karman nose in combination with a cylindrical center section and a 10 degree half-angle flare.
Date: January 13, 1958
Creator: Bland, William M., Jr. & Kolenkiewicz, Ronald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-Flight Aerodynamic-Heating Data at Mach Numbers Up to 10.9 on a Flat-Faced Cylinder

Description: Memorandum presenting a five-stage rocket-propelled model flown up to a Mach number of 10.9 and a corresponding free-stream Reynolds number of 6.57 x 10(exp 6) based on nose diameter. Temperatures were measured at 16 stations on the inside of a flat-faced cylinder made of copper. Results regarding the flight test, wall temperatures, heat-transfer data, measurement repeatibility and effects of angle of attack, comparison of measured and theoretical stagnation-point heating rates, and measured an… more
Date: January 13, 1958
Creator: Bland, William M., Jr.; Swanson, Andrew G. & Kolenkiewicz, Ronald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Neutron Effects on Du Pont 1290 Film

Description: Abstract: "Fast neutron effects on a widely used x-ray film have been investigated. The neutron flux was provided by the (d, t) reaction of a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator. Integrated exposures to 10-10 n/cm-2 were given the film. It was found that perturbations on film that were pre-exposed to Co-60 gamma rays from 10 to 2000 r were negligible. Simultaneous exposure of neutrons plus gammas also indicated negligible effect on the film insofar as the gamma dose was concerned."
Date: June 13, 1958
Creator: Block, Seymour & Hughes, Lewis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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