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Dataset for a traditional story about Sombeel

Description: Dataset generated during research on the Lamkang language, including a recording of SankhilThampol Khularnu of Thamlakhuren reciting the story "The Story of Sombeel," a transcription with an English translation, flextext files (from Fieldworks Language Explorer), and accompanying derivative files. Recorded by Daniel Tholung and translated by Sumshot Khular.
Date: unknown
Creator: Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Jisu Mdoplukna

Description: Illustrated text of the New Testament story describing the annunciation (Luke 1:26-28) and the birth of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1-20) translated from the Bible by Daniel Tholung.
Date: unknown
Creator: Cook, David C.
Partner: UNT College of Information

Laapuu and Laapii singing at the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu

Description: Laapuu and Laapii main singers during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi of Deering Khu. Organized by Loveson Shilshi and his family in memorial of their father. Lamkang Language Education Committee and Sil participated to document the traditional dances, songs and story telling during the celebration.
Date: unknown
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Lamkang community meat cutting by men during the first death anniversary of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu village.

Description: Recording of Lamkang Community meat preparation for the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi of Deeringkhu. Swamy Tholung Ksen discuss the various meat given to certain people and how they are prepared.
This item is restricted from view until January 1, 2050.
Date: unknown
Duration: 4 minutes 54 seconds
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

List of Lamkang words

Description: Wordlist of various words in English and Lamkang, with categories including nature, kinship, and animals. The word list was compiled by the Manipuri Language Cell for eliciting basic words for sketches and dictionaries.
Date: unknown
Creator: Thounaojam, Harimohon
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

List of ornaments and dress words

Description: This document is part of a larger wordlist created by the Tribal Language Institute of Manipur. The Lamkang translations were initally collected by Harimohon Thounaojam and then recollected with tones by Shobhana Chelliah.
Date: unknown
Creator: Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi
Partner: UNT College of Information

Loveson and Dimirty seen in this picture on video recordings of his father's death anniversary celebration at Deering Khu

Description: Loveson and Dimitry seen here discussing about the videography of the ceremony during the first death anniversay of Loveson's father late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu village Chandel, Manipur state India. The Lamkang Langauge Education Committee and SIL were documenting the stories, songs and dances performed in the celebration.
Date: unknown
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Monologue about lou kruung laa

Description: Sankhil Thamnung Tholungnu tells us how ladies make friends in the fields. They invite each other through singing songs called 'field songs' [lou kruung laa]. The speaker sings the song with and without a traditional bamboo instrument called Lampe.
Date: unknown
Duration: 2 minutes 18 seconds
Creator: Tholung, Daniel
Partner: UNT College of Information

Ren Paurina: Ungta Laa leh Pauril

Description: Lamkang translation of the New Testament books of the Bible, with Psalms and Proverbs from the Old Testament including maps of the Holy Land.
This item is restricted from view until January 1, 2050.
Date: unknown
Creator: The Bible Society of India
Partner: UNT College of Information

Shangnong Leivon taking pictureduring the anniverasry of late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khu Chandel

Description: Shangnong Leivon, wife of late Behon Shilshi taking a picture during the first death anniversary of her husband late Behon Shilshi at Deering Khuu. Organized by Loveson Shilshi and his family. Participated by community members, Lamkang Language Education Committee and SIL for documenting the Lamkang culture, songs and dances.
Date: unknown
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Shekarnong Sankhil narrating the selection of site for house construction process and the ritual involved in the Lamkang culture

Description: Recording of Shekarnong Sankhil of Thamlapokpi village narrating the selection of site for house construction process and the ritual involved in the Lamkang culture. Communal construction process as no individuals build their houses, but with the participation and contribution of the whole community.
Date: unknown
Duration: 1 minute 15 seconds
Creator: Chelliah, Shobhana Lakshmi
Partner: UNT College of Information
captions transcript

Steamed rice cooking and its processes

Description: Recording of Steamed rice cooking in Lamkang tradition and its various process before it is served for eating. Video taken during the first death anniversary celebration of late Behon Shilshi at Deerigkhu, Chandel, Manipur state, India.
Date: unknown
Duration: 2 minutes 06 seconds
Partner: UNT College of Information
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