Search Results

Primary view of A Correlated Study of the Response of a Satellite to Acoustic Radiation Using Statistical Energy Analysis and Acoustic Test Data
Cap, Jerome S. & Tracey, Brian
November 15, 1999
Primary view of Evaluation of H2 Getter Materials for Use in the TRUPACT-II
Livingston, R. R.
November 15, 1999
Primary view of Hadamard transform spectrometry: A new analytical technique; Progress report, Second year, March 15, 1992--November 15, 1992
Fateley, W. G. & Hammaker, R. M.
November 15, 1992
Primary view of Bubble Radiation Detection: Current and Future Capability
Peurrung, AJ & Craig, RA
November 15, 1999
Primary view of Electric Power monthly, November 1995 with data for August 1995
unknown creator
November 15, 1995
Primary view of Imaging sciences workshop
Candy, J.V.
November 15, 1994
Primary view of High-Level Waste Tanks Multi-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Model Development
Collard, L.B.
November 15, 1999
Primary view of Waste Package Project quarterly report, July 1, 1995--September 30, 1995
Ladkany, S.G.
November 15, 1995
Primary view of Second progress report on pre-test calculations for the large block test
Lee, K. H.
November 15, 1995
Primary view of 2-D electric fields and drifts near the magnetic separatrix in divertor tokamaks
Mattor, N.; Porter, G. D.; Rognlien, T. D. & Ryutov, D. D.
November 15, 1998
Primary view of Strategic Petroleum Reserve quarterly report
unknown creator
November 15, 1995
Primary view of The relative physiological and toxicological properties of americium and plutonium
Carter, R.E.; Busch, E. & Johnson, O.
November 15, 1951
Primary view of Krakow clean fossil fuels and energy efficiency program. Final report: Initial site investigation
unknown creator
November 15, 1995
Primary view of Needs assessment for fire department services and resources for the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Final report
unknown creator
November 15, 1995
Primary view of Smoothing by spectral dispersion using random phase modulation for inertial confinement fusion
Rothenberg, J.E.
November 15, 1995
Primary view of Measured Delayed Neutron Spectra from the Fission of U-235 and Np-237
Charlton, W. S.; Comfort, C.; Parish, T. A. & Raman, S.
November 15, 1998
Primary view of Comparison of Analytical and Experimental Effectiveness of Four-Row Plate-Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers with Water, R-22, and R-410A
Baxter, V. D.; Chen, T. D. & Conklin, J. C.
November 15, 1998
Primary view of Audit of groundwater monitoring at Hanford
unknown creator
November 15, 1996
Primary view of ARTI refrigerant database
Calm, J. M.
November 15, 1996
Primary view of Development & testing of industrial scale, coal fired combustion system, Phase 3. Eleventh quarterly technical progress report, July 1, 1994--September 30, 1994
Zauderer, B.
November 15, 1994
Primary view of Data management system: User`s guide
unknown creator
November 15, 1994
Primary view of Continuous, Rapid Production of Uniform Microparticles by Electrodispersion
DePaoli, D.W. & Hu, M.Z.-C.
November 15, 1998
Primary view of Control rod studies (Tory II-C)
Hadley, J. W.
November 15, 1962
Primary view of Human Macrophage Differentiation Involves an Interaction Between Integrins and Fibronectin
Laouar, Amale; Chubb, Cynthia B. H.; Collart, Frank & Huberman, Eliezer
November 15, 1996
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