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open access

Final report for DOE Grant No. DE-SC0006609 - Persistence of Microbially Facilitated Calcite Precipitation as an in situ Treatment for Strontium-90

Description: Subsurface radionuclide and metal contaminants throughout the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex pose one of DOE?s greatest challenges for long-term stewardship. One promising stabilization mechanism for divalent ions, such as the short-lived radionuclide Sr-90, is co-precipitation in calcite. We have previously found that nutrient addition can stimulate microbial ureolytic activity, that this activity accelerates calcite precipitation and co-precipitation of Sr, and that higher calcite pr… more
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Smith, Robert W. & Fujita, Yoshiko
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

UV Excited Photoacoustic Raman

Description: No Description Available.
Date: November 15, 2013
Creator: Carter, J; Chambers, D; Steele, P; Haugen, P & Heller, D
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY12 LLNL OMEGA Experimental Programs

Description: No Description Available.
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: Heeter, R.; Fournier, K.; Baker, K.; Celliers, P.; Fratanduono, D.; Hawreliak, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydroacoustic Evaluation of Juvenile Salmonid Passage and Distribution at Detroit Dam, 2011

Description: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory evaluated juvenile salmonid passage and distribution at Detroit Dam (DET) on the North Santiam River, Oregon for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to provide data to support decisions on long-term measures to enhance downstream passage at DET and others dams in USACE’s Willamette Valley Project. This study was conducted in response to regulatory requirements necessitated by the listing of Upper Willamette River Spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tsh… more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: Khan, Fenton; Royer, Ida M.; Johnson, Gary E. & Ham, Kenneth D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monitoring of Juvenile Subyearling Chinook Salmon Survival and Passage at John Day Dam, Summer 2010

Description: The purpose of this study was to evaluate dam passage survival of subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; CH0) at John Day Dam (JDA) during summer 2010. This study was conducted by researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in collaboration with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) and the University of Washington (UW). The study was designed to estimate the effects of 30% and 40% spill treatment levels on single release survival rates of C… more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: Weiland, Mark A.; Ploskey, Gene R.; Hughes, James S.; Woodley, Christa M.; Deng, Zhiqun; Carlson, Thomas J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monitoring of Juvenile Yearling Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Survival and Passage at John Day Dam, Spring 2010

Description: The purpose of this study was to compare dam passage survival, at two spill treatment levels, of yearling Chinook salmon and steelhead smolts at John Day Dam during spring 2010. The two treatments were 30% and 40% spill out of total project discharge. Under the 2008 Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp), dam passage survival should be greater than or equal to 0.96 and estimated with a standard error (SE) less than or equal 0.015. The study also estimated forebay … more
Date: November 15, 2012
Creator: Weiland, Mark A.; Ploskey, Gene R.; Hughes, James S.; Woodley, Christa M.; Deng, Zhiqun; Carlson, Thomas J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Novel Membranes and Processes for Oxygen Enrichment

Description: The overall goal of this project is to develop a membrane process that produces air containing 25-35% oxygen, at a cost of $25-40/ton of equivalent pure oxygen (EPO2). Oxygen-enriched air at such a low cost will allow existing air-fueled furnaces to be converted economically to oxygen-enriched furnaces, which in turn will improve the economic and energy efficiency of combustion processes significantly, and reduce the cost of CO{sub 2} capture and sequestration from flue gases throughout the U.S… more
Date: November 15, 2011
Creator: Lin, Haiqing
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report for the NGFA-5 project.

Description: The objective of this project is to provide DHS a comprehensive evaluation of the current genomic technologies including genotyping, TaqMan PCR, multiple locus variable tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), microarray and high-throughput DNA sequencing in the analysis of biothreat agents from complex environmental samples. To effectively compare the sensitivity and specificity of the different genomic technologies, we used SNP TaqMan PCR, MLVA, microarray and high-throughput illumine and 454 sequencin… more
Date: November 15, 2011
Creator: Jaing, C; Jackson, P; Thissen, J; Wollard, J; Gardner, S & McLoughlin, K
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

RNA Helicase DDX5 Regulates MicroRNA Expression and Contributes to Cytoskeletal Reorganization in Basal Breast Cancer Cells

Description: RNA helicase DDX5 (also p68) is involved in all aspects of RNA metabolism and serves as a transcriptional co-regulator, but its functional role in breast cancer remains elusive. Here, we report an integrative biology study of DDX5 in breast cancer, encompassing quantitative proteomics, global MicroRNA profiling, and detailed biochemical characterization of cell lines and human tissues. We showed that protein expression of DDX5 increased progressively from the luminal to basal breast cancer cell… more
Date: November 15, 2011
Creator: Wang, Daojing; Huang, Jing & Hu, Zhi
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calendar Year 2009 Program Benefits for ENERGY STAR Labeled Products

Description: ENERGY STAR is a voluntary energy efficiency labeling program operated jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE), designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products, buildings and practices. Since the program inception in 1992, ENERGY STAR has become a leading international brand for energy efficient products, and currently labels more than thirty products, spanning office equipment, heating, cooling and ventilation equipment, com… more
Date: November 15, 2010
Creator: Homan, Gregory K; Sanchez, Marla C. & Brown, Richard E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Kinetic Models for HCCI and Diesel Combustion

Description: Predictive engine simulation models are needed to make rapid progress towards DOE's goals of increasing combustion engine efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions. These engine simulation models require chemical kinetic submodels to allow the prediction of the effect of fuel composition on engine performance and emissions. Chemical kinetic models for conventional and next-generation transportation fuels need to be developed so that engine simulation tools can predict fuel effects. The object… more
Date: November 15, 2010
Creator: Pitz, W J; Westbrook, C K; Mehl, M & Sarathy, S M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kinetics and Mechanisms of Calcite Reactions with Saline Waters

Description: 1. Objective The general objective of this research was to determine the kinetics and mechanisms of calcite reactions with saline waters over a wide range of saline water composition, carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), and modest ranges of T and P. This would be done by studying both reaction rates and solubility from changes in solution chemistry. Also, nanoscale observations of calcite surface morphology and composition would be made to provide an understanding of rate controlling mecha… more
Date: November 15, 2010
Creator: Chapman, Piers & Morse, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Screening Analysis for the Environmental Risk Evaluation System: Task 2.1.1: Evaluating Effects of Stressors – Fiscal Year 2010 Progress Report: Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy

Description: Possible environmental effects of marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy development are not well understood, and yet regulatory agencies are required to make decisions in spite of substantial uncertainty about environmental impacts and their long-term effects. An understanding of risk associated with likely interactions between MHK installations and aquatic receptors, including animals, habitats, and ecosystems, can help reduce the level of uncertainty and focus regulatory actions and scientific… more
Date: November 15, 2010
Creator: Anderson, Richard M.; Copping, Andrea E. & Van Cleve, Frances B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Date: November 15, 2010
Creator: Harpenau, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Description: The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) are a suite of parallel computer performance benchmarks. They were originally developed at the NASA Ames Research Center in 1991 to assess high-end parallel supercomputers. Although they are no longer used as widely as they once were for comparing high-end system performance, they continue to be studied and analyzed a great deal in the high-performance computing community. The acronym 'NAS' originally stood for the Numerical Aeronautical Simulation Program at N… more
Date: November 15, 2009
Creator: Bailey, David H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Resource Form Factor and Installation of GFA Controllers

Description: The focus of this task is to optimize the form and placement of a controller comprising the Grid Friendly™ appliance (GFA) controller, power supply and power relay (and/or a solid-state power electronic switch) that would command a domestic water heater to shed its load in response to stress on the electric power grid. The GFA controller would disconnect the water heater from its supply circuit whenever it senses a low voltage signal or other indicators of system stress communicated via the ele… more
Date: November 15, 2009
Creator: DeSteese, John G. & Hammerstrom, Donald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Security Assessment Simulation Toolkit (SAST) Final Report

Description: The Department of Defense Technical Support Working Group (DoD TSWG) investment in the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Security Assessment Simulation Toolkit (SAST) research planted a technology seed that germinated into a suite of follow-on Research and Development (R&D) projects culminating in software that is used by multiple DoD organizations. The DoD TSWG technology transfer goal for SAST is already in progress. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), the Defense-wide I… more
Date: November 15, 2009
Creator: Meitzler, Wayne D.; Ouderkirk, Steven J. & Hughes, Chad O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Technical Report for Project "Improving the Simulation of Arctic Clouds in CCSM3"

Description: This project has focused on the simulation of Arctic clouds in CCSM3 and how the modeled cloud amount (and climate) can be improved substantially by altering the parameterized low cloud fraction. The new formula, dubbed 'freeezedry', alleviates the bias of excessive low clouds during polar winter by reducing the cloud amount under very dry conditions. During winter, freezedry decreases the low cloud amount over the coldest regions in high latitudes by over 50% locally and more than 30% averaged… more
Date: November 15, 2008
Creator: Vavrus, Stephen J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluating Zoltan for Static Load Balancing on BlueGene Architectures

Description: The purpose of this TechBase was to evaluate the Zoltan load-balancing library from Sandia National Laboratories as a possible replacement for ParMetis, which had been the load balancer of choice for nearly a decade but does not scale to the full 64,000 processors of BlueGene/L. This evaluation was successful in producing a clear result, but the result was unfortunately negative. Although Zoltan presents a collection load-balancing algorithms, none were able to meet or exceed the combined scala… more
Date: November 15, 2007
Creator: Kumfert, G
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutral Particle Analyzer Vertically Scanning Measurements of MHD-induced Energetic Ion Redistribution or Loss in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

Description: Observations of magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) induced redistribution or loss of energetic ions measured using the vertically scanning capability of the Neutral Particle Analyzer diagnostic on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) are presented along with TRANSP and ORBIT code analysis of the results. Although redistribution or loss of energetic ions due to bursting fishbone-like and low-frequency (f ~ 10 kHz) kinktype MHD activity has been reported previously, the primary goal of this wo… more
Date: November 15, 2007
Creator: S.S. Medley, R. Andre, R.E. Bell, D.S. Darrow, C.W. Domier, E.D. Fredrickson, N.N. Gorelenkov, S.M. Kaye, B.P. LeBlanc, K.C. Lee, F.M. Levinton, D. Liu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., J.E. Menard, H. Park, D. Stutman, A.L. Roquemore, K. Tritz, H. Yuh and the NSTX Team
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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