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open access

$1.6 Million in Savings Identified in Augusta Newsprint Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Forest Products (Fact Sheet)

Description: Augusta Newsprint and its partners conducted a systematic plant-wide assessment (PWA) to identify energy- and cost-saving opportunities at the company's plant in Augusta, Georgia. The assessment team identified$1.6 million in potential annual savings.
Date: August 1, 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2.5 MHz feedforward beam loading compensation in the Fermilab Main Injector

Description: There are five 2.5 MHz ferrite cavities (h = 28) in the Main Injector with an R/Q of 500 that are presently used for coalescing for the Tevatron. For use with the Fermilab Recycler, feedforward (FF) beam loading compensation (BLC) is required on these cavities because they will be required to operate at a net of 2 kV. Under current Recycler beam conditions, the beam-induced voltage is of this order. Recently a system using a digital bucket delay module operating at 53 MHz (h = 588) was used to … more
Date: May 19, 2003
Creator: Dey, Joseph E.; Kourbanis, Ioanis & Steimel, James
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2 MW upgrade of the Fermilab Main Injector

Description: In January 2002, the Fermilab Director initiated a design study for a high average power, modest energy proton facility. An intensity upgrade to Fermilab's 120-GeV Main Injector (MI) represents an attractive concept for such a facility, which would leverage existing beam lines and experimental areas and would greatly enhance physics opportunities at Fermilab and in the U.S. With a Proton Driver replacing the present Booster, the beam intensity of the MI is expected to be increased by a factor o… more
Date: June 4, 2003
Creator: Chou, Weiren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2-pi Photoproduction from CLAS and CB-ELSA - The Search for Missing Resonances

Description: 2-pi-photoproduction is one of the promising reactions to search for baryon resonances that have been predicted but have not yet been observed. The gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup 0}-pi{sup 0}(CB-ELSA) and the gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup +}-pi{sup -} (CLAS) data show interesting resonance structures. A partial wave analysis (PWA) has to be done to determine which baryon resonances contribute what their quantum numbers and their relative couplings to the different accessible rho-2-pi-channels and to… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Thoma, Ulrike
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Force-balanced Magnetospheric Configurations

Description: The knowledge of plasma pressure is essential for many physics applications in the magnetosphere, such as computing magnetospheric currents and deriving magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. A thorough knowledge of the 3-D pressure distribution has however eluded the community, as most in-situ pressure observations are either in the ionosphere or the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. With the assumption of pressure isotropy there have been attempts to obtain the pressure at different locatio… more
Date: February 10, 2003
Creator: Zaharia, Sorin; Cheng, C. Z. & Maezawa, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D full waveform inversion of seismic data; Part I. Theory

Description: Full waveform inversion of seismic data is a challenging subject partly because of the lack of precise knowledge of the source. Since currently available approaches involve some form of approximations to the source, inversion results are subject to the quality and the choice of the source information used. A new full waveform inversion scheme has been introduced (Lee and Kim, 2003) using normalized wavefield for simple two-dimensional (2-D) scalar problems. The method does not require source in… more
Date: May 12, 2003
Creator: Lee, Ki Ha
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Seismic Methods for Geothermal Reservoir Exploration and Assessment--Summary

Description: A wide variety of seismic methods covering the spectrum from DC to kilohertz have been employed at one time or the other in geothermal environments. The reasons have varied from exploration for a heat source to attempting to find individual fractures producing hot fluids. For the purposes here we will assume that overall objective of seismic imaging is for siting wells for successful location of permeable pathways (often fracture permeability) that are controlling flow and transport in naturall… more
Date: July 14, 2003
Creator: Majer, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 3-Dimensional discrete fracture network generator to examine fracture-matrix interaction using TOUGH2

Description: Water fluxes in unsaturated, fractured rock involve the physical processes occurring at fracture-matrix interfaces within fracture networks. Modeling these water fluxes using a discrete fracture network model is a complicated effort. Existing preprocessors for TOUGH2 are not suitable to generate grids for fracture networks with various orientations and inclinations. There are several 3-D discrete-fracture-network simulators for flow and transport, but most of them do not capture fracture-matrix… more
Date: April 9, 2003
Creator: Ito, Kazumasa & Yongkoo, Seol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

$4.1 Million in Savings Identified in Paramount Petroleum Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Petroleum (Fact Sheet)

Description: The Paramount Petroleum Corporation (PPC) and its partners conducted a systematic plant-wide assessment (PWA) to identify energy- and cost-saving opportunities at the company's plant in Paramount, California. The assessment team identified$4.1 million in potential annual savings.
Date: August 1, 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[5 people standing arm in arm in a dim restaurant: Lone Star Ride 2003 event photo]

Description: Photograph of five individuals standing with their arms around each other in a dimly lit restaurant. The woman on the far right wears an LSR name tag clipped to her shirt. The man in the center wears a 2001 LSR t-shirt with a small digital camera on a lanyard around his neck. The shot captures wooden arches and bright windows behind the group.
Date: June 29, 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

''6-Degrees of Freedom'' Single Crystal Plasticity Experiments

Description: A deformation experiment has been developed specifically for the purpose of validation of dislocation dynamics simulations of plastic flow up to strains on the order of 1% [1]. The experiment has been designed so that a compressive uniaxial stress field is essentially super imposed on the test sample, and the crystal is free to deform with 3 orthogonal translation directions, and 3 rotation/tilt axes of freedom and has been given the name ''6-degrees of freedom'' (6DOF) experiment. The rotation… more
Date: May 21, 2003
Creator: Lassila, D. H.; Florando, J. N.; LeBlanc, M. M.; Arsenlis, T. & Rhee, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[7 people sitting under a stripped tent by a wooden deck: Lone Star Ride 2003 event photo]

Description: Photograph of seven people sitting around a picnic table under a striped tent. The people are gathered around a picnic table with various drinks. A table in the sun outside the tent has stacks of papers and brochures laid out to be taken. In the vicinity, a wooden deck with people gathered on the stairs can be seen hung with a large white LSR banner.
Date: 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

An 8-GeV Synchrotron-Based Proton Driver

Description: In January 2002, the Fermilab Director initiated a design study for a high average power, modest energy proton facility. Such a facility is a possible candidate for a construction project in the U.S. starting in the middle of this decade. The key technical element is a new machine, dubbed the ''Proton Driver,'' as a replacement of the present Booster. The study of an 8-GeV synchrotron-based proton driver has been completed and published. This paper will give a summary report, including machine … more
Date: June 4, 2003
Creator: Chou, Weiren
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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