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open access

2-pi Photoproduction from CLAS and CB-ELSA - The Search for Missing Resonances

Description: 2-pi-photoproduction is one of the promising reactions to search for baryon resonances that have been predicted but have not yet been observed. The gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup 0}-pi{sup 0}(CB-ELSA) and the gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup +}-pi{sup -} (CLAS) data show interesting resonance structures. A partial wave analysis (PWA) has to be done to determine which baryon resonances contribute what their quantum numbers and their relative couplings to the different accessible rho-2-pi-channels and to… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Thoma, Ulrike
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2002 Site Environmental Report.

Description: The 2002 Site Environmental Report (SER) is prepared in accordance with DOE Order 231.1, ''Environment, Safety and Health Reporting'', and summarizes the status of Brookhaven National Laboratory's (BNL) environmental programs and performance and restoration efforts, as well as any impacts, both past and present, that Laboratory operations have had on the environment. The document is intended to be technical in nature. A summary of the report is also prepared as a separate document to provide a … more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Brookhaven National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abortion: Legislative Response

Description: The primary focus of this issue brief is legislative action in the 108th Congress with respect to abortion. However, discussion of those legislative proposals necessarily involves a brief discussion of the leading U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate her pregnancy. For a more detailed discussion of the relevant case law, see CRS Report 95-724, Abortion Law Development: A Brief Overview.
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Lewis, Karen J.; Shimabukuro, Jon O. & Ely, Dana
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Above- and belowground competition from longleaf pine plantations limits performance of reintroduced herbaceous species.

Description: Although overstory trees limit the abundance and species richness of herbaceous vegetation in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) plantations, the responsible mechanisms are poorly understood because of confounding among limiting factors. In fall 1998, research was initiated to determine the separate effects of above- and belowground competition and needlefall from overstory pines on understory plant performance. Three 13- to 15-yr-old plantations near Aiken, SC, were thinned to 0, 25, 50, or… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Harrington, T. B.; Dagley, C. M. & Edwards., M. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acoustic Tests of Small Wind Turbines: Preprint

Description: Eight small wind turbines ranging from 400 watts to 100 kW in rated power were tested for acoustic emissions at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Rigorous test procedures based on international standards were followed for measurements and data analyses. Results are presented in the form of sound pressure level versus wind speed, where the sound was recorded downwind of the turbine at a distance equal to the hub height plus half the rotor diameter. When there … more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Migliore, P.; van Dam, J. & Huskey, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Active Filter Hardware Design & Performance for the DIII-D Plasma Control System

Description: OAK-B135 The digital plasma control system (PCS), currently in operation on the DIII-D tokamak, requires inputs from a large number of sensors. Due to the nature of the digitizers and the relative noisy environment from which these signals are derived, each of the 32 signals must be conditioned via an active filter. Two different types of filters, Chebyshev and Bessel with fixed frequencies: 100 Hz Bessel was used for filtering the motional Stark effect diagnostic data. 800 Hz Bessel was design… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Sellers, D.; Ferron, J. R.; Walker, M. L. & Broesch, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adaptive Full-Spectrum Solar Energy Systems Cross-Cutting R&D on Adaptive Full Spectrum Solar Energy Systems for More Efficient and Affordable Use of Solar Energy in Buildings and Hybrid Photobioreactors

Description: This RD&D project is a three year team effort to develop a hybrid solar lighting (HSL) system that transports day light from a paraboloidal dish concentrator to a luminaire via a large core polymer fiber optic. The luminaire can be a device to distribute sunlight into a space for the production of algae or it can be a device that is a combination of day lighting and fluorescent lighting for office lighting. In this project, the sunlight is collected using a one-meter paraboloidal concentrat… more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Wood, Byard D. & Muhs, Jeff D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adaptive network countermeasures.

Description: This report describes the results of a two-year LDRD funded by the Differentiating Technologies investment area. The project investigated the use of countermeasures in protecting computer networks as well as how current countermeasures could be changed in order to adapt with both evolving networks and evolving attackers. The work involved collaboration between Sandia employees and students in the Sandia - California Center for Cyber Defenders (CCD) program. We include an explanation of the need… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: McClelland-Bane, Randy; Van Randwyk, Jamie A.; Carathimas, Anthony G. & Thomas, Eric D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The adequacy of current import and export controls on sealed radioactive sources.

Description: Millions of sealed radioactive sources (SRSs) are being used for a wide variety of beneficial purposes throughout the world. Security experts are now concerned that these beneficial SRSs could be used in a radiological dispersion device to terrorize and disrupt society. The greatest safety and security threat is from those highly radioactive Category 1 and 2 SRSs. Without adequate controls, it may be relatively easy to legally purchase a Category 1 or 2 SRS on the international market under fal… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Longley, Susan W.; Cochran, John Russell; Price, Laura L. (Beta Corporation, Glendale, AZ) & Lipinski, Kendra J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Research is being conducted under United States Department of Energy (DOE) Contract DE-FC26-02NT41621 to develop a conceptual design and determine the performance characteristics of a new IGCC plant configuration that facilitates CO{sub 2} removal for sequestration. This new configuration will be designed to achieve CO{sub 2} sequestration without the need for water gas shifting and CO{sub 2} separation, and may eliminate the need for a separate sequestration compressor. This research introduce… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Nehrozoglu, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced, Low/Zero Emission Boiler Design and Operation

Description: This document reviews the work performed during the quarter July--September 2003. Significant progress has been made in Task 1 (Site Preparation), Task 2 (Test performance) and Task 3 (Techno-Economic Study) of the project: the site preparation has been completed, two weeks of tests have been performed and the power generating units to be compared from an economical standpoint have been selected and accurately described. In the experimental part of this effort (task1), the partners in this proj… more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Chatel-Pelage, Fabienne
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Processing of CdTe- and CuIn1-xGaxSe2-Based Solar Cells: Final Technical Report, 26 May 1998--22 December 2001

Description: This project addresses most of the key CdTe technology areas, with focus on improving the manufacturability and long-term stability of this technology. The activities over this 3-year period include developing simplified processing, studying novel front and back contacts, and improving long-term stability. This report describes work carried out during the last year of the project. The solar cells discussed below are fabricated by various deposition technologies that include chemical vapor depos… more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Morel, D. L. & Ferekides, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Rolls-Royce Corporation has completed a cooperative agreement under Department of Energy (DOE) contract DE-FC21-96MC33066 in support of the Advanced Turbine Systems (ATS) program to stimulate industrial power generation markets. This DOE contract was performed during the period of October 1995 to December 2002. This final technical report, which is a program deliverable, describes all associated results obtained during Phases 3A and 3B of the contract. Rolls-Royce Corporation (formerly Allison … more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Macri, Frank
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Algorithm development for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM).

Description: This report summarizes the results of a three-year LDRD project on prognostics and health management. System failure over some future time interval (an alternative definition is the capability to predict the remaining useful life of a system). Prognostics are integrated with health monitoring (through inspections, sensors, etc.) to provide an overall PHM capability that optimizes maintenance actions and results in higher availability at a lower cost. Our goal in this research was to develop PHM… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Swiler, Laura Painton; Campbell, James E.; Doser, Adele Beatrice & Lowder, Kelly S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Algorithmic support for commodity-based parallel computing systems.

Description: The Computational Plant or Cplant is a commodity-based distributed-memory supercomputer under development at Sandia National Laboratories. Distributed-memory supercomputers run many parallel programs simultaneously. Users submit their programs to a job queue. When a job is scheduled to run, it is assigned to a set of available processors. Job runtime depends not only on the number of processors but also on the particular set of processors assigned to it. Jobs should be allocated to localized cl… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Leung, Vitus Joseph; Bender, Michael A. (State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY); Bunde, David P. (University of Illinois, Urbna, IL) & Phillips, Cynthia Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Answering Key Fuel Cycle Questions

Description: The Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) program has both “outcome” and “process” goals because it must address both waste already accumulating as well as completing the fuel cycle in connection with advanced nuclear power plant concepts. The outcome objectives are waste geological repository capacity and cost, energy security and sustainability, proliferation resistance, fuel cycle economics, and safety. The process objectives are readiness to proceed and adaptability and robustness in the fa… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Piet, Steven J.; Dixon, Brent W.; Herring, J. Stephen; Shropshire, David E. & Dunzik-Gougar, Mary Lou
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Architectural requirements for the Red Storm computing system.

Description: This report is based on the Statement of Work (SOW) describing the various requirements for delivering 3 new supercomputer system to Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) as part of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) program. This system is named Red Storm and will be a distributed memory, massively parallel processor (MPP) machine built primarily out of commodity parts. The requirements presented here distill extensive architectural and design ex… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Camp, William J. & Tomkins, James Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ASHRAE and residential ventilation

Description: In the last quarter of a century, the western world has become increasingly aware of environmental threats to health and safety. During this period, people psychologically retreated away from outdoors hazards such as pesticides, smog, lead, oil spills, and dioxin to the seeming security of their homes. However, the indoor environment may not be healthier than the outdoor environment, as has become more apparent over the past few years with issues such as mold, formaldehyde, and sick-building sy… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Sherman, Max H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessing mesoscale material response under shock & isentropic compression via high-resolution line-imaging VISAR.

Description: Of special promise for providing dynamic mesoscale response data is the line-imaging VISAR, an instrument for providing spatially resolved velocity histories in dynamic experiments. We have prepared two line-imaging VISAR systems capable of spatial resolution in the 10-20 micron range, at the Z and STAR facilities. We have applied this instrument to selected experiments on a compressed gas gun, chosen to provide initial data for several problems of interest, including: (1) pore-collapse in copp… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Hall, Clint Allen; Furnish, Michael David; Podsednik, Jason W.; Reinhart, William Dodd; Trott, Wayne Merle & Mason, Joshua
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of Low Cost Novel Sorbents for Coal-Fired Power Plant Mercury Control

Description: This is a Technical Report under a program funded by the Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to obtain the necessary information to assess the viability of lower cost alternatives to commercially available activated carbon for mercury control in coal-fired utilities. Tests and analysis on samples from Powerton and Valley to yield waste characterization results for the COHPAC long-term tests were conducted. A draft final report for the sorbent evaluations at Valle… more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Ley, Trevor
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of Tank 241-S-112 Liquid Waste Mixing in Tank 241-SY-101

Description: The objectives of this study were to evaluate mixing of liquid waste from Tank 241-S-112 with waste in Tank 241-SY-101 and to determine the properties of the resulting waste for the cross-site transfer to avoid potential double-shell tank corrosion and pipeline plugging. We applied the time-varying, three-dimensional computer code TEMPEST to Tank SY-101 as it received the S-112 liquid waste. The model predicts that temperature variations in Tank SY-101 generate a natural convection flow that is… more
Date: October 2003
Creator: Onishi, Yasuo; Trent, Donald S.; Wells, Beric E. & Mahoney, Lenna A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Association of Airborne Moisture-Indicating Microorganisms With Building-Related Symptoms and Water Damage in 100 U.S. Office Buildings: Analyses of the U.S. EPA Base Data

Description: Metrics of culturable airborne microorganisms for either total organisms or suspected harmful subgroups have generally not been associated with symptoms among building occupants. However, the visible presence of moisture damage or mold in residences and other buildings has consistently been associated with respiratory symptoms and other health effects. This relationship is presumably caused by adverse but uncharacterized exposures to moisture-related microbiological growth. In order to assess t… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Mendell, Mark J.; Lei, Quanhong; Cozen, Myrna O.; Shendell, DerekG.; Macher, Janet M. & Tsai, Feng C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Benefit System Requirements: Checklist for Reviewing Systems under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (Supersedes GAO-02-762G)

Description: Guidance issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This publication supersedes GAO-02-762G, Benefit System Requirements: Checklist for Reviewing Systems under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act, September 2002. The Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA) requires, among other things, that agencies implement and maintain financial management systems that substantially comply with federal financial management system requirements. Thes… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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