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open access


Description: The program is organized into three developmental periods. In Phase 1 the team will develop and demonstrate a proof-of-concept prototype design and develop a manufacturing plan to substantiate potential producibility at a target cost level of $800/kW factory manufacturing cost. Phase 2 will further develop the design and reduce the manufacturing cost to a level of $600 kW. Depending on an assessment of the maturity of the technology at the end of Phase 1, Phase 2 may be structured and supplemen… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Norrick, Dan; Palmer, Brad; Romine, Todd; Vesely, Charles; Barringer, Eric; DeBellis, Cris et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 2001 Economic Recession: How Long, How Deep, and How Different From the Past?

Description: From Summary: "This report examines the 2001 recession and the recessions of the previous three decades in detail. It gives a brief overview of the other post-war recessions. It outlines the fiscal and monetary policy response to each recession."
Date: August 25, 2003
Creator: Labonte, Marc & Makinen, Gail
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2002 Hyperspectral Analysis of Hazardous Waste Sites on the Savannah River Site

Description: Hazardous waste site inspection is a labor intensive, time consuming job, performed primarily on the ground using visual inspection and instrumentation. It is an expensive process to continually monitor hazardous waste and/or landfill sites to determine if they are maintaining their integrity. In certain instances, it may be possible to monitor aspects of the hazardous waste sites and landfills remotely. The utilization of multispectral data was suggested for the mapping of clays and iron oxide… more
Date: August 28, 2003
Creator: Gladden, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Shallow Injection Well Verification and Status Report

Description: A detailed verification of the shallow injection well inventory for Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC and Argonne National Laboratory-West-operated facilities was performed in 2003. Fourteen wells, or 20%, were randomly selected for the verification. This report provides updated information on the 14 shallow injection wells that were randomly selected for the 2003 verification. Where applicable, additional information is provided for shallow injection wells that were not selected for the 2003 verificatio… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Lewis, Mike
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Shallow Injection Well Verification and Status Report

Description: A detailed verification of the shallow injection well inventory for Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC and Argonne National Laboratory-West-operated facilities was performed in 2003. Fourteen wells, or 20%, were randomly selected for the verification. This report provides updated information on the 14 shallow injection wells that were randomly selected for the 2003 verification. Where applicable, additional information is provided for shallow injection wells that were not selected for the 2003 verificatio… more
Date: August 21, 2003
Creator: Lewis, M.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 research briefs : Materials and Process Sciences Center.

Description: This report is the latest in a continuing series that highlights the recent technical accomplishments associated with the work being performed within the Materials and Process Sciences Center. Our research and development activities primarily address the materials-engineering needs of Sandia's Nuclear-Weapons (NW) program. In addition, we have significant efforts that support programs managed by the other laboratory business units. Our wide range of activities occurs within six thematic areas: … more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Cieslak, Michael J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2003 RIA R and D Workshop.

Description: The 2003 RIA R&D Workshop was held on August 26-28, 2003 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Bethesda, Maryland. This Workshop was chaired by Satoshi Ozaki of BNL and sponsored by the Nuclear Physics Division of DOE, with the help of Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The purpose of this workshop was to understand the present status of R&D efforts for RIA, to evaluate the needs for further R&D, and to identify opportunities for international collaborations. The … more
Date: August 26, 2003
Creator: Ozaki, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accounting for fuel price risk: Using forward natural gas prices instead of gas price forecasts to compare renewable to natural gas-fired generation

Description: Against the backdrop of increasingly volatile natural gas prices, renewable energy resources, which by their nature are immune to natural gas fuel price risk, provide a real economic benefit. Unlike many contracts for natural gas-fired generation, renewable generation is typically sold under fixed-price contracts. Assuming that electricity consumers value long-term price stability, a utility or other retail electricity supplier that is looking to expand its resource portfolio (or a policymaker … more
Date: August 13, 2003
Creator: Bolinger, Mark; Wiser, Ryan & Golove, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acoustic telemetry.

Description: Broadcasting messages through the earth is a daunting task. Indeed, broadcasting a normal telephone conversion through the earth by wireless means is impossible with todays technology. Most of us don't care, but some do. Industries that drill into the earth need wireless communication to broadcast navigation parameters. This allows them to steer their drill bits. They also need information about the natural formation that they are drilling. Measurements of parameters such as pressure, temperatu… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Drumheller, Douglas Schaeffer & Kuszmaul, Scott S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addressing Problems with Scene-Based Wave Front Sensing

Description: Scene-Based Wave Front Sensing uses the correlation between successive subimages to determine phase aberrations which blur digital images. Adaptive Optics technology uses deformable mirrors to correct for these phase aberrations and make the images clearer. The correlation between temporal subimages gives tip-tilt information. If these images do not have identical image content, tip-tilt estimations may be incorrect. Motion detection is necessary to help avoid errors initiated by dynamic subima… more
Date: August 5, 2003
Creator: Chan, C
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The objectives set for this cooperative project between Washington University (WU), Ohio State University (OSU), and Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (APCI) to advance the understanding of the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) slurry bubble column reactor hydrodynamics for proper design and scale-up via advanced diagnostic techniques have been accomplished successfully despite the unexpected challenging technical difficulties in implementing the advanced techniques in high pressure stainless steel slurry bu… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Al-Dahhan, M.H.; Fan, L.S. & Dudukovic, M.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Duct Sealing Testing

Description: Duct leakage has been identified as a major source of energy loss in residential buildings. Most duct leakage occurs at the connections to registers, plenums or branches in the duct system. At each of these connections a method of sealing the duct system is required. Typical sealing methods include tapes or mastics applied around the joints in the system. Field examinations of duct systems have typically shown that these seals tend to fail over extended periods of time. The Lawrence Berkeley Na… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Sherman, Max H. & Walker, Iain S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Stripper Gas Produced Water Remediation, Quarterly Technical Report: April-June 2003

Description: Natural gas and oil production from stripper wells also produces water contaminated with hydrocarbons, and in most locations, salts and trace elements. The hydrocarbons are not generally present in concentrations that allow the operator to economically recover these liquids. Produced liquids, (Stripper Gas Water) which are predominantly water, present the operator with two options; purify the water to acceptable levels of contaminates, or pay for the disposal of the water. The project scope inv… more
Date: August 2003
Creator: Bonner, Harry & Malmquist, Roger
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan: Current Issues and U.S. Policy

Description: The United States and its allies are helping Afghanistan emerging from more than 22 years of warfare, although substantial risk to Afghan stability remains. Before the U.S. military campaign against the orthodox Islamist Taliban movement began on October 7, 2001, Afghanistan had been mired in conflict since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The defeat of the Taliban has enabled the United States and its coalition partners to send forces throughout Afghanistan to search for Taliban and… more
Date: August 27, 2003
Creator: Katzman, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan: Current Issues and U.S. Policy

Description: The United States and its allies are helping Afghanistan emerging from more than 22 years of warfare, although substantial risk to Afghan stability remains. Before the U.S. military campaign against the orthodox Islamist Taliban movement began on October 7, 2001, Afghanistan had been mired in conflict since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The defeat of the Taliban has enabled the United States and its coalition partners to send forces throughout Afghanistan to search for Taliban and… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Katzman, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AIDS in Africa

Description: Sub-Saharan Africa has been far more severely affected by AIDS than any other part of the world. The United Nations reports that 29.4 million adults and children are infected with the HIV virus in the region, which has about 10% of the world's population but more than 70% of the worldwide total of infected people. This report discusses this issue in detail, including the cause of the African AIDS epidemic, the social and economic consequences, response and treatment, and U.S. policy.
Date: August 28, 2003
Creator: Copson, Raymond W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Air Force KC-767 Tanker Lease Proposal: Key Issues for Congress

Description: The Air Force is proposing to replace 133 of its oldest Boeing KC-135E aerial refueling tanker aircraft by leasing 100 new Boeing KC-767 tankers instead of initially buying them outright. The proposed lease was authorized by Section 8159 of the FY2002 DOD Appropriations Act (P.L. 107-117 of January 10, 2002). The main issue for Congress is whether to approve or disapprove the lease. This report examines the lease proposal and its ramifications by providing background information on the Air Forc… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Bolkcom, Christopher
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft wire system laboratory development : phase I progress report.

Description: An aircraft wire systems laboratory has been developed to support technical maturation of diagnostic technologies being used in the aviation community for detection of faulty attributes of wiring systems. The design and development rationale of the laboratory is based in part on documented findings published by the aviation community. The main resource at the laboratory is a test bed enclosure that is populated with aged and newly assembled wire harnesses that have known defects. This report pr… more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Dinallo, Michael Anthony & Lopez, Christopher D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airport Improvement Program

Description: This issue brief discusses the Airport Improvement Program and its complement, the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC). After a brief history of federal support for airport construction and improvement, the report describes AIP funding, its source of revenues, funding distribution, the types of projects the program funds, AIP and PFC policy issues, and the allowable use of AIP funds for airport security purposes.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Kirk, Robert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alaska Oil and Gas Exploration, Development, and Permitting Project

Description: The objective of this project is to eliminate three closely inter-related barriers to oil production in Alaska through the use of a geographic information system (GIS) and other information technology strategies. These barriers involve identification of oil development potential from existing wells, planning projects to efficiently avoid conflicts with other interests, and gaining state approvals for exploration and development projects. Each barrier is the result of either current labor-intens… more
Date: August 4, 2003
Creator: McMahon, Richard; Crandall, Robert; Dense, Chas & Weems, Sean
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Allocations and Subdivisions in the Congressional Budget Process

Description: The annual budget resolution sets forth total spending and revenue levels for at least five fiscal years. The spending amounts are allocated, or “crosswalked,” to the House and Senate committees having jurisdiction over discretionary spending (the Appropriations Committees) and direct spending (the legislative committees). This report very briefly discusses the allocations and subdivisions portions of the congressional budget process.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Heniff, Bill, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alloy Thin-films and Surfaces for New Materials. Final Report

Description: Within the framework of a DOE National Laboratory/EPSCoR state partnership, investigations by researchers at Louisiana State University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory were focused on revealing the unique nanophase properties of alloy thin-films and bimetallic surfaces. Employing a number of experimental preparation techniques and characterization probes (synchrotron-based angle-resolved and valence/core-level PES and variable-temperature STM/STS), the goal of this program was to elucidate of… more
Date: August 10, 2003
Creator: Sprunger, P. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Design Study Report: WindPACT Advanced Wind Turbine Drive Train Designs Study; November 1, 2000 -- February 28, 2002

Description: This report presents the Phase I results of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) WindPACT (Wind Partnership for Advanced Component Technologies) Advanced Wind Turbine Drive Train Designs Study. Global Energy Concepts, LLC performed this work under a subcontract with NREL. The purpose of the WindPACT project is to identify technology improvements that will enable the cost of energy (COE) from wind turbines to be reduced. Other parts of the WindPACT project have examined blade and … more
Date: August 1, 2003
Creator: Poore, R. & Lettenmaier, T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Amendments on the House Floor: Summary of Major Restrictions

Description: This report discusses the opportunities for Representatives to offer floor amendments to a bill or resolution procedures by which the House considers the measure.
Date: August 22, 2003
Creator: Schneider, Judy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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