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open access

Characterization of Mixed Wettablility at Different Scales and Its Impact on Oil Recovery Efficiency

Description: The objectives of the this research project were to: (1) Quantify the pore scale mechanisms that determine the wettability state of a reservoir; (2) Study the effect of crude oil, brine and mineral compositions in the establishment of mixed wet states; (3) Clarify the effect of mixed-wettability on oil displacement efficiency in waterfloods; and (4) Develop a new tracer technique to measure wettability, fluid distributions, residual saturations and relative permeabilities.
Date: August 31, 2003
Creator: Sharma, Mukul M. & Hirasaki, George J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coal Ash Corrosion Resistant Materials Testing

Description: In April 1999, three identical superheater test sections were installed into the Niles Unit No.1 for the purpose of testing and ranking the coal ash corrosion resistance of candidate superheater alloys. The Niles boiler burns high sulfur coal (3% to 3.5%) that has a reasonably high alkali content, thus the constituents necessary for coal ash corrosion are present in the ash. The test sections were controlled to operate with an average surface metal temperature from approximately 1060 F to 1210 … more
Date: August 31, 2003
Creator: McDonald, D. K.; Daniel, P. L. & DeVault, D. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A first prototype of PyACTS

Description: The ACTS Collection is a set of software tools that help developers or programmers write high performance parallel codes for their scientific applications. PyACTS is a Python-based interface to some of the tools in the ACTS Collection. The main purpose of developing PyACTS is to provide a uniform easy-to-use external interface to existing ACTS tools,and support ACTS users to rapidly prototype their codes with the tools. In particular, for users who are new to ACTS, they will find PyACTS helpful… more
Date: August 31, 2003
Creator: Kang, Ning & Drummond, Leroy A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Industry-Government-University Cooperative Research Program for the Development of Structural Materials from Sulfate-Rich FGD Scrubber Sludge

Description: The main aim of our project was to develop technology, which converts flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sulfate-rich scrubber sludge into value-added decorative materials. Specifically, we were to establish technology for fabricating cost effective but marketable materials, like countertops and decorative tiles from the sludge. In addition, we were to explore the feasibility of forming siding material from the sludge. At the end of the project, we were to establish the potential of our products by… more
Date: August 31, 2003
Creator: Malhotra, V. M. & Chugh, Y. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proceedings of the USNRC/EPRI/ANL heated crevice seminar.

Description: An international Heated Crevice Seminar, sponsored by the Division of Engineering Technology, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Argonne National Laboratory, and the Electric Power Research Institute, was held at Argonne National Laboratory on October 7-11, 2002. The objective of the seminar was to provide a working forum for the exchange of information by contributing experts on current issues related to corrosion in heated crevices, particularly as it r… more
Date: August 31, 2003
Creator: Park, J. Y.; Fruzzetti, K.; Muscara, J.; Diercks, D. R.; Technology, Energy; EPRI et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data Catalog for Models Simulating Release of Contaminants from Hanford Site Waste Sources

Description: This report is an update to the previously published catalog that summarized information published since 1987 on models that have been used to simulate release of chemical and radioactive contaminants from waste sources on the Hanford Site. Tables in this report provide links to data sources needed to implement release models. These links enable users to quickly locate the specific release model information and data they need to apply the models to future site assessments.
Date: August 30, 2003
Creator: Riley, Robert G. & Lopresti, Charles A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Technical/Scientific Report: Commodity Scale Thermostable Enzymatic Transformations

Description: The conversion of corn starch to high fructose corn-syrup sweetener is a commodity process, producing over 3 billion kg/y. In the last step of the process, an enzyme catalyst is used to convert glucose to the much sweeter sugar fructose. Due to incomplete conversion in the last step, the syrup must be purified using a chromatographic separation technique, which results in equal quantities of water being added to the syrup, and finally the water must be evaporated (up to 1 lb of water/lb of syru… more
Date: August 30, 2003
Creator: Lalonde, James J. & Davison, Brian
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Soy-Based, Water-Cooled, TC W-III Two Cycle Engine Oil

Description: The objective of this project was to achieve technical approval and commercial launch for a biodegradable soy oil-based, environmentally safe, TC W-III performance, water-cooled, two cycle engine oil. To do so would: (1) develop a new use for RBD soybean oil; (2) increase soybean utilization in North America in the range of 500 K-3.0 MM bushels; and (3) open up supply opportunities of 1.5-5.0 MM bushels worldwide. These goals have been successfully obtained.
Date: August 30, 2003
Creator: Scharf, Curtis R. & Miller, Mark E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Air Force KC-767 Tanker Lease Proposal: Key Issues for Congress

Description: The Air Force is proposing to replace 133 of its oldest Boeing KC-135E aerial refueling tanker aircraft by leasing 100 new Boeing KC-767 tankers instead of initially buying them outright. The proposed lease was authorized by Section 8159 of the FY2002 DOD Appropriations Act (P.L. 107-117 of January 10, 2002). The main issue for Congress is whether to approve or disapprove the lease. This report examines the lease proposal and its ramifications by providing background information on the Air Forc… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Bolkcom, Christopher
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Airport Improvement Program

Description: This issue brief discusses the Airport Improvement Program and its complement, the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC). After a brief history of federal support for airport construction and improvement, the report describes AIP funding, its source of revenues, funding distribution, the types of projects the program funds, AIP and PFC policy issues, and the allowable use of AIP funds for airport security purposes.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Kirk, Robert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Allocations and Subdivisions in the Congressional Budget Process

Description: The annual budget resolution sets forth total spending and revenue levels for at least five fiscal years. The spending amounts are allocated, or “crosswalked,” to the House and Senate committees having jurisdiction over discretionary spending (the Appropriations Committees) and direct spending (the legislative committees). This report very briefly discusses the allocations and subdivisions portions of the congressional budget process.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Heniff, Bill, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appropriations for FY2004: Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education

Description: Appropriations are one part of a complex federal budget process that includes budget resolutions, appropriations (regular, supplemental, and continuing) bills, rescissions, and budget reconciliation bills. This Report is a guide to one of the 13 regular appropriations bills that Congress passes each year. It is designed to supplement the information provided by the House and Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittees.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Irwin, Paul M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Campaign Finance: Constitutional and Legal Issues of Soft Money

Description: Prior to enactment of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), P.L. 107-155, the term “soft money” generally referred to unregulated funds, perceived as resulting from loopholes in the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 2 U.S.C. §§ 431 et seq. Generally, the intent of BCRA, (effective Nov. 6, 2002), which amends FECA, is to restrict the raising and spending of soft money. This Issue Brief discusses constitutional and legal issues surrounding two major types of soft money that BCRA … more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Whitaker, L. Paige
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Casework in a Congressional Office

Description: This report and its appendices present a general overview of congressional office procedures associated with handling casework and the assistance provided by a Member of Congress to help constituents in their dealings with federal agencies.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Pontius, John S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Casework in a Congressional Office

Description: This report and its appendices present a general overview of congressional office procedures associated with handling casework and the assistance provided by a Member of Congress to help constituents in their dealings with federal agencies. It discusses options for assisting Members’ constituents and the role of Members and staff in providing casework services.
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Pontius, John S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of Neptunium Oxide Generated Using the HB-Line Phase II Flowsheet

Description: Approximately 98 grams of neptunium(IV) oxide (NpO{sub 2}) were produced at the Savannah River Technology Center (SRTC) for use in gas generation tests to support the neptunium stabilization program at the Savannah River Site (SRS). The NpO{sub 2} was produced according to the anticipated HB-Line flowsheet consisting of anion exchange, oxalate precipitation, filtration, and calcination. Characterization of the NpO{sub 2} product to be used in gas generation tests included bulk and tap density m… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Duffey, J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Charter Schools: New Charter Schools Across the Country and in the District of Columbia Face Similar Start-Up Challenges

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "As of the 2002-2003 school year, nearly 2,700 charter schools operated in 36 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Charter schools are public schools that are exempt from certain state and local regulations in exchange for agreeing to certain student performance goals. To increase their understanding of problems faced during the start-up process, Congress included a provision in the Omnibus Approp… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Computational Challenges in Nuclear Weapons Simulation

Description: After a decade of experience, the Stockpile Stewardship Program continues to ensure the safety, security and reliability of the nation's nuclear weapons. The Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASCI) program was established to provide leading edge, high-end simulation capabilities needed to meet the program's assessment and certification requirements. The great challenge of this program lies in developing the tools and resources necessary for the complex, highly coupled, multi-physics calculatio… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: McMillain, C F; Adams, T F; McCoy, M G; Christensen, R B; Pudliner, B S; Zika, M R et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contract Management: Civilian Agency Compliance with Revised Task and Delivery Order Regulations

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Multiple-award task and delivery order contracts were intended to streamline the acquisition of goods and services. Prior GAO reviews cited concerns that some agencies using these contracts were not attaining the level of competition Congress had initially envisioned. In response, Congress required that additional guidance be published in the Federal Acquisition Regulation and asked GAO if the guidance conform… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Inventory: Opportunities Exist to Improve Spare Parts Support Aboard Deployed Navy Ships

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "GAO is conducting a series of reviews in response to a congressional request to identify ways to improve the Department of Defense's (DOD's) availability of high-quality spare parts for ships, aircraft, vehicles, and weapons systems. This report focuses on the effectiveness of the U.S. Navy's spare parts support to deployed ships. It examines (1) the extent to which the Navy is meeting its spare parts supply g… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Real-Time Measurement of Effective Dose for High Dose Rate Neutron Fields

Description: Studies of the effects of low doses of ionizing radiation require sources of radiation which are well characterized in terms of the dose and the quality of the radiation. One of the best measures of the quality of neutron irradiation is the dose mean lineal energy. At very low dose rates this can be determined by measuring individual energy deposition events, and calculating the dose mean of the event size. However, at the dose rates that are normally required for biology experiments, the indiv… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Braby, L. A.; Reece, W. D. & Hsu, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Disaster Assistance: Information on FEMA's Post 9/11 Public Assistance to the New York City Area

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The terrorist attacks on New York City created the most costly disaster in U.S. history. In response, the President pledged at least $20 billion in aid to the city. Approximately $7.4 billion of this aid is being provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) public assistance program, which provides grants to state and local governments to respond to and recover from disasters. The Senate C… more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Edge Rotation and Temperature Diagnostic on NSTX

Description: A new diagnostic for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is described whose function is to measure ion rotation and temperature at the plasma edge. The diagnostic is sensitive to C III, C IV, and He II intrinsic emission, covering a radial region of 15 cm at the extreme edge of the outboard midplane. Thirteen chords are distributed between toroidal and poloidal views, allowing the toroidal and poloidal rotation and temperature of the plasma edge to be simultaneously measured with 10 … more
Date: August 29, 2003
Creator: Biewer, T. M.; Bell, R. E.; Feder, R.; Johnson, D. W. & Palladino, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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