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open access

An Analysis of the Management and Leadership Development Training Needs of Texas Principals on the Texas State Board of Education's Core Curriculum

Description: The problem of this study was to determine training priorities as mandated by the Texas Legislature on the CORE Curriculum for Management and Leadership Development and their implications for Texas public school principals. Purposes of the study were to validate an instrument for assessing principals' training needs, to provide data for planning and delivering training for principals, to provide results to staff developers, and to develop a profile of similarities and differences in the percept… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Morris, Amelia Marie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Development and Validation of the College Student Attitude Toward Female Victims of Domestic Violence (CSAVDV) Scale

Description: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the College Student Attitude Toward Female Victims of Domestic Violence Scale. Procedures used were a 12-day test-retest for reliability, experts assessment for face validity, and a principal component factor analysis for construct validity. Cronbach's alpha for test-retest reliability was .86.
Date: December 1994
Creator: Wilson, Leanne S. (Leanne Sue)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Cultural Bias: a Comparison of the WISC-R and the WISC-III

Description: It has been suggested that the use of standardized intelligence tests is biased against minorities. This study investigates the newly revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III in which Wechsler states that the new scale has eliminated biased items. Comparisons of the scores on the WISC-R and the WISC-III of a clinical population of sixteen African American and eighteen Caucasian males, ages ten to sixteen, revealed significant differences between the two groups on the WISC-III. The m… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Ewing, Melissa Cox
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effects of Meal Size and Type, and Level of Physical Activity on Perceived Masculinity, Femininity, Likability and Attractiveness

Description: Previous research indicates that women are judged on the amount of food eaten and that both men and women are judged on the type of food eaten. This study is an attempt to determine whether meal size or type predominantly accounts for these findings on the variables of masculinity, femininity, attractiveness, thinness, fitness, and likability. Physical activity was also included to determine its effect on these variable. Subjects used were 313 undergraduate students. Results indicate that meal … more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Hill, Christie D.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Implementation of Transition from Spanish Reading to English Reading Programs in Bilingual Classrooms

Description: The purpose of this study was to describe the actual implementation of the transition process as observed in bilingual classrooms, and in particular, to examine the critical components (policy, curricular, and instructional characteristics) of the Spanish-to-English reading transition policies implemented in bilingual education programs in elementary schools in the Denton Independent School District in Texas. Four research questions drove this study. To investigate these questions, a multidimen… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Amaya, Jesús, 1956-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Investigation of Young Children's Awareness of Line and Line Quality in Art and Graphic Reproductions

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine whether kindergarten children possess the ability to recognize, match, and discuss lines and line qualities. Using graphics and art reproductions, three matching tasks were constructed which examined young children's awareness of the line qualities of length, width, straightness, direction, movement, and uniformity. Graphics and art reproductions were also used to construct two tracing tasks employed to examine young children's awareness of actual and … more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Young, Jeffry R. (Jeffry Ray)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

John Christopher Stevens: a Study of his Presidential Administration at Abilene Christian University Abilene, Texas, 1969-1981

Description: The purpose of this study is to examine historically the presidential administration of John Christopher Stevens at Abilene Christian University from 1969 to 1981. During this time the institution grew in enrollment, faculty, facilities, endowment, and quality of educational opportunity. Limited to selected experiences and accomplishments, this dissertation examines Stevens' personal and administrative characteristics through interviews with him and those who worked with him. Materials were als… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Roach, James Kenneth, 1935-
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Perceived Parental Goal Projections and Parental Pressure on the Development of Children's and Adolescents' Goal Orientations in Sport

Description: The present investigation evaluated sport-related motivational climates by assessing personal and perceived parental goal orientations and perceived parental pressure in children and adolescents. Data were collected from 202 middle-class, racially diverse students, including 43 male and 50 female children aged 12 or below (M age = 10.6) and 51 male and 58 female adolescents aged 13 or above (M age = 14.7), who had participated in a variety of organized sports, and were enrolled in elementary, m… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Weigand, Daniel A. (Daniel Arthur)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Plankton Community Response to Dechorination of a Municipal Effluent Discharged into the Trinity River

Description: Chorine is used by the Village Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant to kill pathogenic microorganisms prior to discharge of the effluent into the Trinity River. The residual chlorine in the river impacted aquatic life prompting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in December 1990 to require dechlorination using sulfur dioxide. One pre-dechlorination and four post-dechlorination assessments of phytoplankton, periphyton, and zooplankton communities were conducted by the Institute of Applied Sci… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Bryan, Brynne L. (Brynne Lee)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Preparedness to Counsel HIV-Positive Clients: a Survey of Practitioners

Description: This purpose of this study was to investigate and examine the attitudes of therapists who treat HIV-positive (HIV+) clients. Specifically, therapists' perceptions of their own preparedness in dealing with specific issues and emotions of HIV+ clients were examined. Also, therapists' evaluation of their own efficacy of specific therapeutic approaches with HIV+ clients was examined. These therapists' perceptions and evaluations of all their clients in general were compared to their HIV+ clients. C… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Rowe, Christina J. (Christina Jo)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Principal Professional Development and the Effect of a Structured Management Effectiveness Profile

Description: An activity for principal improvement that has not received much attention is the structured management effectiveness profile. The concept is to provide the principal and a group of teachers at that campus with an opportunity for assessment of the principal's management and leadership skills. A comparison between the two provides the principal with information on their perceived management strengths and weaknesses. One such profile, available through the American Association of School Administr… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Jackson, Mark L. (Mark Lanis)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Provision of Mature Traveler Desired Services and Attributes by Hotel Type and Size

Description: In the past the mature market was often misunderstood and not considered to be a profitable market segment for hotel operators to pursue. Growing demographic numbers and increased affluence within the mature market are reasons for reconsideration. This study examined the business value of the mature traveler and the provision of services and attributes desired by mature travelers, as perceived by managers.
Date: December 1994
Creator: Potter, Virgil E. (Virgil Eugene)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relationship of a Spiritual Calling to Motivation, Locus of Control, Burnout and Longevity in Teaching

Description: In this study, six research questions were addressed: (1) Does a teacher who has a spiritual calling have a different motivation (self, interaction, task) to his/her work than a teacher who does not have a spiritual calling? (2) Does a teacher who feels a spiritual calling have a different locus of control (internal, external) than a teacher who does not have a spiritual calling? (3) Does a teacher who has a spiritual calling have a different degree of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonali… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Zimmer, Katrina R. Nottingham (Katrina Rene Nottingham)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Response of Aquatic Insect Communities and Caged In situ Asiatic Clams (Corbicula fluminea) to Dechlorinated Municipal Effluent in the Trinity River in North Texas

Description: Dischargers to the Trinity River in North Texas were required to dechlorinate their effluents in 1990-91. Field surveys were conducted above and below an outfall to determine the response of resident immature insects and caged in situ juvenile Asiatic clams to chlorinated and dechlorinated effluent. Within six months after dechlorination began, insect community composition and C. fluminea survival significantly improved at stations below the outfall. Significantly lower clam growth within one m… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Spon, Sandra T. (Sandra Teresa)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of Contract Training by Academic Institutions in Corporate Education and Training Programs

Description: This study explored the role of contract training provided by North Texas higher education institutions in the education and training programs administered by area businesses employing more than 100 people. A survey instrument was mailed to corporate trainers that were members of the Dallas Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development in businesses employing more than 100 people. A total list of 292 trainers generated 71 usable responses. The purposes of this study were to: (a) d… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Ball, Jennie (Jennie Lou)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

"Sorrow Whispers in the Winds" : the Republic of Texas's Commanche Indian Policy, 1836-1846

Description: The Comanche Indians presented a major challenge to the Republic of Texas throughout its nine-year history. The presence of the Comanches greatly slowed the westward advancement of the Texas frontier, just as it had hindered the advancing frontiers of the Spaniards and Mexicans who colonized Texas before the creation of the Republic. The Indian policy of the Republic of Texas was inconsistent. Changes in leadership brought drastic alterations in the policy pursued toward the Comanche nation. Th… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Lipscomb, Carol A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Analysis of Texas Special Education Due Process Hearings from September 1, 1983, to September 1, 1992: Implications for the Administration of Special Education Programs

Description: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of selected characteristics on the outcomes of those special education due process hearings brought forth in the state of Texas from September 1, 1983, to September 1, 1992. A further purpose was to determine if district characteristics of size or location affect the likelihood of a district's becoming involved in a special education due process hearing. Data for the study was collected for all special education due process hearings conducted … more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Webb, Paula J. (Paula Jean)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Appeal of Fashion Retailing as a Career: Perceptions of Fashion Merchandising Students

Description: This study investigated the (1) relationship of students' family and educational background to their opinions of fashion retailing as a career, and (2) preferences for fashion retail job attributes in relationship the appeal of fashion retail job profiles. A sample of 131 fashion merchandising students from five state-funded universities completed a four-part survey which measured two independent variables: student background and preferences of fashion retail job attributes and two dependent va… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Daniels, Susan Leigh
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Career Counseling with Academically Talented Students

Description: Academically talented college students have unique development needs that often go unmet. One area that is currently attracting more attention in the academically talented literature is career counseling. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of individual and group career counseling interventions. Subjects included 54 students from a special Texas program that provides the opportunity for gifted students to attend college during their final two years of high school.… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Rowe, Kirk (Kirk Lee)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Case Study of a School Superintendent's Decision Making in Initiating Year-Round Education in a Public School in Texas

Description: Using a case study approach, this investigation focused on the decision-making processes and leadership of a school district superintendent as he initiated and implemented the school restructuring effort of year-round education. The study was conducted during 1 school year period but was enhanced through a 3 year follow-up report. The research questions focused on the superintendent's decision-making processes and the impact that groups had on those processes. Questions also emerged during the … more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Mefford, Ellyn Eckert
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Characteristics of Texas Border and Non-Border Banks and a Comparison of their Lending Practices

Description: This thesis presents a comparison of the loan to deposit ratios of Texas banks along the Mexican border and banks located throughout the rest of the state. Mean characteristics of the two groups (i.e. border and non-border groups) are presented. A multivariate regression model is used to examine the extent to which various operating ratios of the banks and differing economic conditions of the communities in which the banks are located help explain the loan to deposit ratios of the banks involve… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Neal, William R. (William Russell)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Coping with Severe, Acute Psychological Trauma: the Killeen Shooting Incident

Description: The present study examined the relationship between coping and psychological and psychosomatic distress of 25 individuals who experienced the same severe, acute traumatic event: the violent shooting that killed 23 people and severely injured 20 more in Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas, on October 16, 1991. Distress was assessed by one-month pre-event and post-event scores on the SCL-90R, Psychosomatic Questionnaire, and by a Life Event Questionnaire score for the year before the incident. Cop… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Forté, Beverly K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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