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open access

Legendary Ladies of Texas

Description: Collection of historical anecdotes providing "a study of Texas women and the conflicting images and myths that have grown up about them" (back cover). The index begins on page 225.
Date: 1994
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
open access

The Texas Folklore Society: Volume 2, 1943-1971

Description: Book describing the Texas Folklore Society "includes the publishing history of the TFS books, anecdotes about the gatherings of the Society [...] and the emphasis on singing beginning at Society gatherings" (inside the front cover). The index begins on page 311.
Date: 1994
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
open access

The History of the Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development of the Dallas County Community College District

Description: The Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development is an entity created in the Dallas County Community College District to serve the community in workforce and economic development. The history of the Priest Institute over the last ten years parallels and illustrates the commitment of community colleges nationally to workforce and economic development. The history also reflects similar goals and trends within the state of Texas and, particularly, in the city of Dallas. The Priest Institute i… more
Date: April 1994
Creator: Hughes, Martha
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Factors Affecting Exercise Adherence among Participants, Nonparticipants and Dropouts of a Worksite Health and Fitness Program

Description: This study examines the relationship between exercise adherence and several factors: self-motivation; attitudinal commitment; predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing (PER) factors; and barriers related to exercise. The sample (N=431) consists of employees at Texas Instruments, Incorporated in Dallas, Texas. The sample was placed into six comparison groups: high adherers, low adherers, nonparticipants who exercise, nonparticipants who do not exercise, dropouts who exercise and dropouts who do no… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Orsak, Katherine Cecil
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Preparedness to Counsel HIV-Positive Clients: a Survey of Practitioners

Description: This purpose of this study was to investigate and examine the attitudes of therapists who treat HIV-positive (HIV+) clients. Specifically, therapists' perceptions of their own preparedness in dealing with specific issues and emotions of HIV+ clients were examined. Also, therapists' evaluation of their own efficacy of specific therapeutic approaches with HIV+ clients was examined. These therapists' perceptions and evaluations of all their clients in general were compared to their HIV+ clients. C… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Rowe, Christina J. (Christina Jo)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Hardiness, Coping Style, and Burnout: Relationships in Female Hospital Nurses

Description: This study investigated relationships among and between psychological hardiness, coping style, and burnout in 101 female hospital nurses. The third generation (50-item) hardiness scale, scored by the revised scoring procedure, was used to measure hardiness and its components. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used as the measurement for burnout. Coping style was assessed by the COPE Inventory. The components of hardiness, commitment, control, and challenge, were hypothesized to be negative pred… more
Date: May 1994
Creator: Fusco, Phylann S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Perceived Parental Goal Projections and Parental Pressure on the Development of Children's and Adolescents' Goal Orientations in Sport

Description: The present investigation evaluated sport-related motivational climates by assessing personal and perceived parental goal orientations and perceived parental pressure in children and adolescents. Data were collected from 202 middle-class, racially diverse students, including 43 male and 50 female children aged 12 or below (M age = 10.6) and 51 male and 58 female adolescents aged 13 or above (M age = 14.7), who had participated in a variety of organized sports, and were enrolled in elementary, m… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Weigand, Daniel A. (Daniel Arthur)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Role of Contract Training by Academic Institutions in Corporate Education and Training Programs

Description: This study explored the role of contract training provided by North Texas higher education institutions in the education and training programs administered by area businesses employing more than 100 people. A survey instrument was mailed to corporate trainers that were members of the Dallas Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development in businesses employing more than 100 people. A total list of 292 trainers generated 71 usable responses. The purposes of this study were to: (a) d… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Ball, Jennie (Jennie Lou)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Plankton Community Response to Dechorination of a Municipal Effluent Discharged into the Trinity River

Description: Chorine is used by the Village Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant to kill pathogenic microorganisms prior to discharge of the effluent into the Trinity River. The residual chlorine in the river impacted aquatic life prompting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in December 1990 to require dechlorination using sulfur dioxide. One pre-dechlorination and four post-dechlorination assessments of phytoplankton, periphyton, and zooplankton communities were conducted by the Institute of Applied Sci… more
Date: December 1994
Creator: Bryan, Brynne L. (Brynne Lee)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Perceptions of Site Based Decision Making Implementation in the Irving Independent School District, Irving, Texas

Description: In 1983, the report A Nation at Risk catapulted school reform to the forefront of national attention. The State of Texas responded with legislation dictating curriculum and instructional time. Failure to accomplish the desired improvement in student achievement caused these mandates to be eased. In lieu of the mandates, the Texas legislature and the Texas Education Agency have set expectation standards called academic indicators. Local districts and campuses must utilize site based decision mak… more
Date: August 1994
Creator: Watson, Larry (Larry Paul)
Partner: UNT Libraries

[RCD members at Jack Hampton Protest]

Description: Photograph of a group of people on a street corner, holding signs at a Judge Jack Hampton protest in 1994. Employees and volunteers of the AIDS Resource Center are part of the protest. Karen Estes, Craig Hess, Charles Domingues and Jamie Schield are pictured to the left. A parking lot and Luby's Cafeteria are visible in the background.
Date: 1994
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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