Search Results

Primary view of Kilowatt Isotope Power System, Phase II Plan. Volume IV. Teledyne FSCD vs GDS
unknown creator
March 15, 1978
Primary view of Note on the cryostatic stability of superconducting composites
Gauster, W. F.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Comparative assessment of energy-economy interactions
Goettle, R.J. IV; Hudson, E.A. & Lukachinski, J.
December 1, 1978
Primary view of Solar-thermal energy conversion and storage: cyclohexane dehydrogenation. Progress report, 30 September 1977-30 June 1978
Ritter, A.B.; DeLancey, G.B.; Schneider, J. & Silla, H.
July 1, 1978
Primary view of Tumor production in Syrian hamsters following inhalation of PuO/sub 2/--ZrO/sub 2/ aerosol
Thomas, R. G. & Smith, D. M.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Video monitoring system for enriched uranium casting furnaces
Turner, P. C.
March 1, 1978
Primary view of Stress corrosion cracking of uranium--niobium alloys
Magnani, N.J.
March 1, 1978
Primary view of TNS Doublet tokamak ohmic-heating power supply study
Rogers, J.D. (comp.)
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Pilot plant test plan, Task IX: technical support. Industrial Low-Btu Fuel Gas Demonstration-Plant Program
unknown creator
January 1, 1978
Primary view of DOE role in nuclear policies and programs: official transcript of public briefing. Addendum December 13, 1977, Washington, D. C
unknown creator
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Compatibility testing of vitrified waste forms
Rankin, W.N.
March 6, 1978
Primary view of TCT hybrid preconceptual blanket design studies
Aase, D. T.; Bampton, M. C. C.; Doherty, T. J.; Leonard, B. R.; McCann, R. A.; Newman, D. F. et al.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Thorium fuel cycles for LWRs: fuel diversion assessments and recycle requirements
Carter, W. L.; Rainey, R. H. & Johnson, D. R.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Computer simulation of steady-state performance of air-to-air heat pumps
Ellison, R D & Creswick, F A
March 1, 1978
Primary view of X-ray measurements of stresses and defects in EFG and large grained polycrystalline silicon ribbons. First quarterly report
Wagner, C.N.J.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of SCORE-EVET: a computer code for the multidimensional transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear fuel rod arrays. [BWR; PWR]
Benedetti, R. L.; Lords, L. V. & Kiser, D. M.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Geostatistics project of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program
Bement, T.R.; McKay, M.D. & Wecksung, G.W.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Industrial Fuel Gas Demonstration Plant Program. Monthly and quarterly progress report, 1 April 1978-30 June 1978 (Deliverable No. 12)
unknown creator
July 1, 1978
Primary view of Industrial Fuel Gas Demonstration-Plant Program. Pretreatment unit options (Deliverable No. 41)
unknown creator
December 1, 1978
Primary view of ORMAK upgrade ohmic coil generator protection
Campen, G. L.; Easter, R. B. & Nickels, L. E.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Coal Technology Program. Progress report for November 1977
unknown creator
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Hot-ion distribution function in ORMAK, the Oak Ridge Tokamak
Neidigh, R.V. & Sigmar, D.J.
March 1, 1978
Primary view of Technique for dynamic range reduction for Landsat ratio images
Wecksung, G.W. & Breedlove, J.R. Jr.
January 1, 1978
Primary view of Estimates of the number of large amplitude gusts
Ramsdell, J.V.
March 1, 1978
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