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open access

1977 environmental monitoring report

Description: The environmental levels of radioactivity and other pollutants found in the vicinity of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) during 1977 are summarized in this report. As an aid in the interpretation of the data, the amounts of radioactivity and other pollutants released in airborne and liquid effluents from Laboratory facilities to the environment are also indicated. The environmental data includes external radiation levels; radioactive air particulates; tritium and iodine concentrations; the … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Naidu, J R
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Absolute measurements of the /sup 233/U (n,f) cross section between 0. 13 and 8. 0 MeV. [Cross sections, 0. 13 to 8. 0 MeV]

Description: The fast neutron fission cross section of /sup 233/U was measured absolutely between 0.13 and 8.0 MeV. The absolute cross section values were obtained by low geometry alpha counting and isotopic dilution analysis of various /sup 233/U samples, 2..pi..-detection of the fission fragments with an ionization chamber, and the measurement of the neutron flux with several black neutron detectors. Absolute cross sections were obtained with a 2 to 3% uncertainty over the most important energy range.
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Poenitz, W.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AFCT/TFCT/ISFS Program. Technical progress report for the period January 1, 1978--March 31, 1978

Description: This is the ninth in a series of quarterly progress reports on Fuel Cycle Technologies/Thorium Fuel Cycle Technologies/International Spent Fuel Receipt and Storage (AFCT/TFCT/ISFS) program. This program provides information needed by industry to close the back end of the power reactor fuel cycle. Included in the program are activities supporting specific design studies, as well as activities for general fuel cycle technology. Studies were conducted in the following tasks: thorium resource price… more
Date: April 1978
Creator: Hill, O. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air-core kicker magnets with and without metallic enclosure

Description: Estimations have been made for the design of air-core kicker magnets with the given specification, under the condition of having and without having an enclosure. It is found that the kicker magnet contained in a cylindrical enclosure of a radius equal to the spacing of the fields winding will require an amount double the electrical power and 40% more in excitation current. However, these quantities decrease rapidly with the increase of the cylinder's radius. It is recommended that a radius of 1… more
Date: April 1978
Creator: Sun, Rai-Ko
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Allocation of petroleum feedstock: Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Sollers Point SNG Plant, Sollers Point, Baltimore County, Maryland. Final environmental impact statement

Description: An allocation of naphtha feedstock up to 2,186,000 barrels per year to Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG and E) to operate its synthetic natural gas (SNG) facility is being considered. The allocation would enable BG and E to produce 10,800,000 mcf of SNG during a 180 day period. Operation of the plant at design capacity is expected to result in annual pollution emissions as follows: 626.4 tons of sulfur oxides, 168.5 tons of nitrogen oxides and 21.6 tons of particulate matter. Incremental … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of multiple faults in synchronous sequential circuits by Boolean difference techniques

Description: The Boolean difference is a mathematical concept which has found significant application in the study of single and multiple ''stuck at'' faults in combinational logic circuits. The concept of vector Boolean difference is extended to the analysis of multiple stuck-at faults in synchronous sequential circuits. A vector Boolean difference technique is utilized to determine the set of input/state pairs that will produce a difference in either output or next-state between the fault-free and faulty … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Goldstein, L.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of small business participation in the photovoltaic area of solar technology

Description: The level of participation of small businesses in photovoltaic technology was ascertained and recommendations were made relative to improving the level of participation. Hypothetical examples were developed of small businesses in the various stages of entry into or participating in photovoltaic activities and an analysis was made of the methods which could be used by the Division of Solar Technology (DSI) to encourage and strengthen the participation by small business in the photovoltaic activi… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of SORS: a computer program for analyzing fission product release from HTGR cores during transient temperature excursions

Description: The code SORS was written by General Atomic to calculate the release of fission products from the fuel into the primary coolant during a hypothetical uncontrolled transient temperature excursion. The code assumes that the graphite core remains structurally intact. The release from the fuel particles is calculated using a coarse time step for several sections of the core. For the non-volatile elements, the code calculates a diffusion rate and an evaporation rate in each section of the core. The … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Dickey, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis, scale modeling, and full scale tests of a truck spent-nuclear-fuel shipping system in high velocity impacts against a rigid barrier

Description: The report describes analyses conducted to predict the response of a truck tractor-trailer system with a spent-nuclear-fuel shipping cask in very severe (98 to 135 kilometers per hour) head-on crashes into a rigid concrete structure. The analyses include both mathematical and physical scale modeling of the system. The results of the analyses are compared to the results of instrumented full-scale tests conducted as the last step in the research program described in the report.
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Huerta, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analytical calculations of neutron slowing down and transport in the constant-cross-section problem

Description: Aspects of the problem of neutron slowing down and transport in an infinite medium consisting of a single nuclide that scatters elastically and isotropically and has energy-independent cross sections were investigated. The method of singular eigenfunctions was applied to the Boltzmann Equation governing the Laplace transform (with respect to the lethargy variable) of the neutron flux. A new sufficient condition for the convergence of the coefficients of the expansion of the scattering kernel in… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Cacuci, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Anomalous electron--muon and electron--hadron production in electron--positron annihilation. [Branching ratio l/sub h/. -->. charged hadron + 2. nu. ,. nu. + n. gamma. , tau. -->. nu. /sub tau/e/sup -/. nu. /sub e/sup -//,. nu. /sub tau/. mu nu. /sub. mu. /, rare modes, cross sections]

Description: Results of studies of anomalous electron-muon and electron-hadron events produced in electron-positron annihilation are presented. The data for this work were obtained with a lead-glass counter system, which was added to one octant of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center-Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory magnetic detector at the electron-positron storage ring SPEAR. The lead-glass counter system provides good electron identification for part of the magnetic detector. The events under study have tw… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Kwan, B. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Arc-discharge system for nondestructive detection of flaws in thin ceramic coatings

Description: The feasibility of nondestructively detecting small cracks or holes in plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings with an electric arc-discharge system was studied. We inspected ZrO/sub 2/ coatings 0.46 mm (0.018 in.) thick on Incoloy alloy 800 substrates. Cracks were artificially induced in controlled areas of the specimens by straining the substrates in tension. We designed and built a system to scan the specimen's surface at approximately 50 (0.002 in.) clearance with a sharp-pointed metal-tipp… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Scott, G.W. & Davis, E.V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Arc modeling for welding analysis

Description: A one-dimensional model of the welding arc that considers heat generation by the Joule effect and heat losses by radiation and conduction has been used to study the effects of various gases and gas mixtures currently employed for welding applications. Minor additions of low ionization potential impurities to these gases are shown to significantly perturb the electrical properties of the parent gas causing gross changes in the radial temperature distribution of the arc discharge. Such changes ar… more
Date: April 1978
Creator: Glickstein, S. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aspects of the winter predator--prey relationship between sauger and threadfin shad in Watts Bar Reservoir, Tennessee

Description: This study sought to determine the impact of cold-induced mortality and impingement of threadfin shad (Dorsoma petenense) on the food consumption and prey selection of sauger (Stizostedion canadense), and to estimate the ability of sauger to digest meals consumed at low temperatures in winter. Prey selection of sauger was monitored from November 1976 through April 1977. Stomach contents of 536 sauger indicated threadfin provided the entire forage base for sauger through January. Food consumptio… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: McGee, M. V.; Griffith, J. S. & McLean, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of powdered activated carbon addition to anaerobic digesters at Salt Lake City, Utah

Description: The Salt Lake City Water Reclamation Plant has added powdered activated carbon to its influent wastewater since January 1977. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory has gathered and analyzed operational data from the treatment plant in an effort to identify beneficial effects of the carbon. Benefits occurring during anaerobic digestion were of principal interest. Three potential areas of enhanced treatment were investigated: reduced solids in the primary clarifier effluent; increased anaerobic d… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Ahlstrom, S. B. & Spencer, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automated Array Assembly, Phase 2. Quarterly technical progress reort, First Quarter 1978. Texas Instruments report No. 03-78-12

Description: The Automated Array Assembly Task, Phase 2 of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array (LSSA) Project is a process development task. This contract includes solar cell module process development activities in the areas of Surface Preparation, Plasma Processing, Diffusion, Cell Processing and Module Fabrication. In addition, a High Efficiency Cell Development Activity is included. The overall goal is to advance solar cell module process technology to meet the 1986 goal of a production capacity of 500 meg… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Garbajal, B.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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