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open access

Influence of access hole parameters on neutron moisture probe readings

Description: Computing soil moisture content with a neutron probe requires use of a calibration curve that considers the thermal neutron capture cross section of the hole liner as well as the hole diameter. The influence of steel, polyvinyl chloride, and aluminum casings that fit 0.051 to 0.102-hole diameters was determined by comparison with neutron probe readings in uncased holes of corresponding diameters. Eccentricity of probe location was considered a potentially significant variable. The relationship … more
Date: April 1978
Creator: Abeele, Willy V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of powdered activated carbon addition to anaerobic digesters at Salt Lake City, Utah

Description: The Salt Lake City Water Reclamation Plant has added powdered activated carbon to its influent wastewater since January 1977. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory has gathered and analyzed operational data from the treatment plant in an effort to identify beneficial effects of the carbon. Benefits occurring during anaerobic digestion were of principal interest. Three potential areas of enhanced treatment were investigated: reduced solids in the primary clarifier effluent; increased anaerobic d… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Ahlstrom, S. B. & Spencer, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extraction of tritium from liquid lithium by permeation

Description: This paper assesses a method for extracting tritium from liquid lithium for specific application to the conceptual laser fusion reactor that uses a continuous lithium ''waterfall.'' The tritium diffuses through a refractory metal that contains a getter and is then stored in a hydride-forming alloy. There are various uncertainties with this method including helium-4 extraction, unknown impurities that may accumulate in liquid lithium, the effects of these impurities on tritium separation, and th… more
Date: April 12, 1978
Creator: Alire, R.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Liquid-fluidized-bed heat exchanger design parameters

Description: Liquid-fluidized-bed heat exchangers prevent scale accumulation on heat transfer surfaces and reduce the required heat transfer surface when scaling fluids, such as geothermal water, are used as the primary or working fluid. Liquid-fluidized-bed heat exchangers, principles of operation, and design parameters are described. Horizontal and vertical assemblies are discussed, including problems encountered with both designs. Bed-side heat transfer coefficients are given for limited cases, and a cor… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Allen, C. A. & Grimmett, E. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics evaluations and applications. Quarterly progress report for period ending January 31, 1978

Description: Progress is reported for the following activities: (1) Advanced System analyses of the heterogeneous core design concept for small and large LMFBRs; (2) Full implementation and utilization of the ERDA supported three dimensional burnup diffusion theory code, VENTURE, at ARD for the design verifications and development of future tools required for LMFBR designs; (3) Utilization of the ERDA developed two-dimensional kinetics code, FX-2, for the transient analyses and HCDA energetics studies of ad… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Arakali, V. S.; Calamai, G. J. & Yarbrough, M. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Community Systems Program: Its Goals and Accomplishments, 1978

Description: The Community Systems Program is concerned with conserving energy and scarce fuels through new methods of satisfying the energy needs of American communities. These programs are designed to develop innovative ways of combining current, emerging, and advanced technologies into Integrated Community Energy Systems (ICES) that could furnish any, or all, of the energy-using services of a community. The key goals of the Community System Program then, are to identify, evaluate, develop, demonstrate, a… more
Date: April 1978
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent results from the PLT tokamak

Description: Impurity behavior is discussed, specifically the control of oxygen by discharge cleaning and the identification and quantitative measurement of tungsten radiation. The main types of PLT discharges are compared, classified by tungsten content and MHD instability properties. Plasma confinement is then discussed.
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Arunasalam, V.; Barnes, C. & Bol, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sourcebook on the Production of Electricity From Geothermal Energy. Draft: Chapter 4, Section 4. 4. Status of the Development of the Total Flow System for Electric Power Production From Geothermal Energy. [Includes Glossary]

Description: Discussion is presented under the following section headings: introduction; characteristics of wellhead fluid; energy conversion concepts (including subsections, the flashed steam system, the total flow concept, and comparison of total flow expanders); brine chemistry effects; a possible total flow system design; and references, bibliography, glossary, and figures. (JGB)
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Austin, A. L. & Ryley, D. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Review of particle properties. Particle Data Group. [Tables, diagrams, update, evaluation, averaging, summary]

Description: This review of the properties of leptons, mesons, and baryons is an updating of Review of Particle Properties, Particle Data Group (Rev. Mod. Phys. 48 (1976) No. 2, Part II; and Supplement, Phys. Lett. 68B (1977) 1). Data are evaluated, listed, averaged, and summarized in tables. Numerous tables, figures, and formulae of interest to particle physicists are also included. A data booklet is available.
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Authors, Various
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Infrared absorption spectroscopy of surfaces: a low temperature thermal detection scheme

Description: A sensitive spectroscopic technique has been developed by which infrared surface absorptions are detected thermally in a sample cooled to liquid helium temperature. A tiny doped germanium thermometer attached directly to the sample crystal measures the temperature increase resulting from infrared absorption. The assembly is mounted in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber and can be repeatedly cleaned, heated, exposed to chemical reactants, and cooled to 1.5 K for spectral measurements. Preliminary data … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Bailey, R.B. & Richards, P.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of the General Atomic codes TAP and RECA for HTGR accident analyses

Description: The General Atomic codes TAP (Transient Analysis Program) and RECA (Reactor Emergency Cooling Analysis) are evaluated with respect to their capability for predicting the dynamic behavior of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) for postulated accident conditions. Several apparent modeling problems are noted, and the susceptibility of the codes to misuse and input errors is discussed. A critique of code verification plans is also included. The several cases where direct comparisons could … more
Date: April 4, 1978
Creator: Ball, S.J.; Cleveland, J.C. & Sanders, J.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrothermal alteration at the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah: Petrographic characterization of the alteration to 2 kilometers depth

Description: Hydrothermal alteration in drill cuttings from Thermal Power drillhole 14-2, Roosevelt Hot Springs Thermal area, has been studied petrographically. The hole is sited in alluvium approximately 1.6 km southeast of the old Resort and was rotary drilled to a depth of 1866.0 m. The exact hole location is 2310 FNL, 350 FWL, Sec. 2, Twp 27S, Rge 9W, elevation 1908.5 m. Core was extracted from 792.5 to 795.5 m. Thin sections were made from samples at 15.2 m intervals of drill cuttings collected at 1.5 … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Ballantyne, J.M. & Parry, W.T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Charged and neutral current couplings of quarks (as seen by neutrinos). [Cross sections]

Description: Aspects of charged-current scattering including the question of whether the cross sections are ''anomalous'' in any sense and the subject of limits on the production of new heavy quarks are discussed. A new, unique determination of neutral-current couplings is discussed using data from deep-inelastic and elastic neutrino scatterings and from neutrino-induced exclusive and inclusive pion production. Charged-current couplings are treated in the context of the Weinberg-Salam (WS) theory of weak an… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Barnett, R. Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gasification in pulverized coal flames. Semi-annual progress report, September 1977--March 1978

Description: This project concerns the production of power and synthesis gases from pulverized coal via suspension gasification. Cyclone and confined jet gasifier configurations with swirling flow are being investigated. Emphasis is on the final design and construction of the test facility and the two experimental reactors. Calibration procedures are presented, as are data reduction techniques and preliminary experimental results for methane and coal combustion tests.
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Barnhart, J. S.; George, P. E.; Thomas, J. F. & Laurendeau, N. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development, characterization, and evaluation of materials for open cycle MHD. Quarterly report for the period ending September 1977

Description: The objectives of this program are to develop, test, characterize, and evaluate materials for open-cycle, coal-fired MHD power generators. The specific immediate goals emphasize electrode and insulator materials, including: (1) testing and evaluation of the enhanced effects of alkali seed on materials in a dc electric field; (2) development and testing of improved electrodes and insulators with controlled microstructures, compositions and properties; and (3) characterization and evaluation of m… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Bates, J. L.; Marchant, D. D.; Daniel, J. L. & Griffin, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ORIS: the Oak Ridge Imaging System program listings. [Nuclear medicine imaging with rectilinear scanner and gamma camera]

Description: The Oak Ridge Imaging System (ORIS) is a general purpose access, storage, processing and display system for nuclear medicine imaging with rectilinear scanner and gamma camera. This volume contains listings of the PDP-8/E version of ORIS Version 2. The system is designed to run under the Digital Equipment Corporation's OS/8 monitor in 16K or more words of core. System and image file mass storage is on RK8E disk; longer-time image file storage is provided on DECtape. Another version of this … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Bell, P. R. & Dougherty, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of a mobile laboratory for ventilation studies and indoor air pollution monitoring

Description: The design and fabrication of a mobile laboratory for research and development studies of ventilation requirements and energy utilization in residential and commercial buildings are described. Functionality, flexibility, and versatility have been stressed without sacrificing appearance and operator convenience. It is believed that modifications of and additions to the mobile laboratory (such as adding the capability to monitor building energy flow) can be made with a minimum of inconvenience. T… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Berk, James V.; Hollowell, Craig D.; Lin, Chin-I. & Pepper, James H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of a mobile laboratory for ventilation studies and indoor air pollution monitoring. [Residences and commercial buildings]

Description: A mobile laboratory for research and development studies of ventilation requirements and energy utilization in residential and commercial buildings was designed and fabricated. The mobile laboratory contains sampling, calibrating, and monitoring systems to measure the concentration of CO, CO/sub 2/, NO, NO/sub 2/, NO/sub x/, O/sub 3/, and SO/sub 2/, and infiltration rates can be monitored continuously using a tracer gas system in which the tracer is injected into the room, mixed with room air, … more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Berk, James V.; Hollowell, Craig D.; Lin, Chin-I. & Pepper, James H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimating population sizes in a mixture of two radioactive populations

Description: The event times are observed of a mixture of two kinds of radioactive atoms, each producing alpha particles. The probability of observing an event is p, 0 < p < 1, and of missing the observation is 1 - p. A maximum likelihood statistical method is given for estimating the size of the two populations. A second discussion assumes that the populations themselves are samples from parent populations. Bayesian methods are given for estimating parameters of the parent populations. An example is presen… more
Date: April 1, 1978
Creator: Beyer, W. A. & Qualls, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Non-Electric Application of Geothermal Resources at Desert Hot Springs, California: A Discussion of the Final Conclusion of Agricultural and Space Heating Applications

Description: This final discussion summarizes the investigation performed throughout the project on geothermal applications to agricultural operations, and the study work done on the suggested follow-on project. The purpose of the studies was to determine whether an economically feasible project could be developed utilizing the geothermal aquifer for heating and cooling of a greenhouse complex, or the heating of a number of municipal buildings.
Date: April 28, 1978
Creator: Bickerstaffe, John A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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