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open access

Propagation of Density Disturbances in Air-Water Flow

Description: From Introduction: "In this work, a forced-circulation air-water loop was employed for investigating the behavior of void perturbations. Upon attaining steady-state conditions, disturbances in the void fraction were superimposed at very low frequencies (~0.4 cps). A better understanding of hydrodynamic transient behavior will generate more confidence in the design of boiling-water reactor systems."
Date: June 1965
Creator: Nassos, George P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Liquid-Metal Heat-Transfer Experiment

Description: From Introduction: "The primary objective of the Boiling Liquid Metal Program in the Reactor Engineering Division at Argonne is to be obtain experimental information pertinent to the the boiling-heat transfer and fluid-flow behavior of the alkali metals, especially sodium."
Date: June 1965
Creator: Holtz, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 6/2/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Berlioz's Roman Carnival Overture and Strauss's Blue Danube Waltz and Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, and features an interview with NBC's vice president of p… more
Date: June 2, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 46 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 6/9/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Brahms's Hungarian Dances and Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries, and features an interview with Harry Kugel and Gilman Collier about Kamp Kohut.
Date: June 9, 1965
Duration: 29 minutes 52 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 6/16/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes a performance of Verdi's Te Deum and features a visit to Casa Verdi, a rest home for elderly musicians.
Date: June 16, 1965
Duration: 31 minutes 05 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 6/23/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Thomas' Mignon and Ponchielli's Dance of the Hours, and features an interview with baritone Salvatore Baccaloni.
Date: June 23, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 49 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 6/30/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment features Toscanini: The La Scala Years.
Date: June 30, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 51 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

Oral History Interview with Fred H. Minor, December 10, 1964

Description: Interview with former Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Fred H. Minor, an attorney from Lewisville, Texas. The interview includes Minor's personal experiences as a member of the Texas House of Representatives and Speaker of the House, 1931-33, as well as funding for highway construction and his philosophy concerning functions of Speaker of the House.
Date: June 30, 1965
Creator: Kamp, H. W. & Minor, Fred H.
Partner: UNT Oral History Program
open access

Liquid MHD Power Cycle Studies

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power cycle for liquid metals. The benefits, and different phases of the MHD power cycle are presented. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: June 1965
Creator: Petrick, Michael & Lee, Kung-You
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Development of Literature as Social History in the South

Description: Glasgow, Faulkner, Warren and Caldwell, while probing "the human heart in conflict with itself," portrayed the South in transition. Each of them made substantial contribution to a deeper understanding of the region, its people and problems, and their work was only a part of the vast literary heritage established by their generation.
Date: June 1965
Creator: Bartley, Glenda Hebert
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Relationship of Mental Ability Levels to Reversal of Learning Sets by the Retarded

Description: Using postulations formulated by Harlow, very few investigators have experimented with discriminative learning in relation to various levels of human mental abilities to the pattern of forming a set. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of different levels of mental abilities on the formation of these sets, using mental retardates, and analyzing the formation of these sets and the abilities of these retardates to shift dimension of cues by reversing the response conditions. more
Date: June 1965
Creator: McDaniel, Willard Vearl
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Mark Twain's Writings on Oral Interpretation

Description: Mark Twain is universally recognized as an important author in American literature, and in addition to his success as an author, he was equally successful as an oral interpreter. His career as an interpreter and lecturer commenced at the age of twelve in Hannibal, Missouri, and in later years expanded to cover the globe. Twain lectured throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, India, South Africa, England, New Zealand, Scotland, and Canada. Throughout his writings, Mark Twain included s… more
Date: June 1965
Creator: Mello, Edward C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Women in Christopher Marlowe's Tamburlaine Plays

Description: The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of whether or not the female characters are lively, active, and essential in the Tamburlaine plays. The study has been broadened to include a consideration of the general attitudes toward women expressed in the plays. However, the central emphasis is on Zenocrate's characterization and function.
Date: June 1965
Creator: Owens, D. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Effects of Selected Algicides and Some Coordination Complexes upon the Apparent Photosynthesis of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa

Description: Many experiments have been performed with the Warburg apparatus, or variations of this manometric technique, since Warburg's experiments (52, 53) where the effects of cyanides upon dark reactions and of urethanes upon light reactions of photosynthesis were demonstrated. The same basic techniques were utilized in this research in attempting to determine the effects of some coordination complexes upon the apparent photosynthetic rate of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. A second goal of the present paper wa… more
Date: June 1965
Creator: Phelps, Robert G.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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