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open access

Core Band Tensile Test

Description: This test was conducted to determine the adequancy of the Core Band to withstand the forces imposed upon it during Reactor Operation.
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Allison, H. & Zibritosky, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biological Effects of Thermal Neutrons and the B10 (n,c) Li7 Reaction

Description: Boron-10 has a high thermal neutron capture cross section (3880 barns). Following neutron capture, the subsequent nuclear disintegration produces an alpha particle and a lithium-7 nucleus with the release of an average of 2.34 MeV for the particle irradiation, and in 93% of the reactions there is also the emission of an 0.48 MeV gamma ray: [equation not transcribed]. The kinetic energy is divided between the lithium-7 nucleus and the alpha particle giving the equal and opposite momentums with a… more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Archambeau, J. O.; Alcober, V; Calvo, W. & Brenneis, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dose-survival Curves for HeLa Cell Cultures Using Thermal Neutrons and the B10 (n,α)Li7 Reaction

Description: The biological evaluation of the thermal neutron capture reaction of boron-10, B10 (n,α)Li7 + 2.786 MeV, has previously been studied, using different particles from the boron-10 thermal neutron capture reaction compared with 250 kvp x-rays has been reported as 1.05 for spleen-thymic weight reduction (1), as 1.5 to 2.0 for skin lesions in pigs (2), and 1.87 for skin lesions of the rabbit's ear (3). The significance of such a calculation is felt to be unreliable for the boron-10 reaction in anima… more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Archambeau, J. O.; Drew, R. M. & Robertson, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two Lectures on the Magnetic Scattering of Neutrons

Description: In these lectures we will discuss some examples of information about magnetic properties of solids which can be obtained by neutron scattering. We consider a scattering process in which a neutron with wave vector k and spin σ is incident upon a solid in state q>. (Here q stands for all of the quantum numbers which describe the state of the solid, such as spin and orbital electronic states, phonon numbers, etc.) After interacting with the solid, the neutron goes off with wave-vector k' and spin … more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Blume, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An evaluation of the experimental determination of the effects of burnout and corrosion on spline worth

Description: Efforts have been made to experimentally evaluate and to calculate the effect of reactor environment on splines. This report follows some of these efforts and relates them to operational experience. The use of splines in the Hanford Reactors has improved the efficiency and ease of operating the reactors. With the widespread use of splines, it is important to know the effect of reactor exposure to safely and efficiently use the splines in reactor operation.
Date: July 13, 1964
Creator: Blyckert, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress report on NASA cermet studies identification SNC-12, January 1964

Description: This report details progress in an intensive investigation which was launched to determine the basic mechanisms leading to gross loss of UO{sub 2} fuel upon thermal cycling of UO{sub 2}-W cermets and to suggest means of overcoming this serious operational problem. (This problem was recently uncovered at both Lewis Research Center and at Hanford). More than 40 separate experiments were conducted in four high temperature furnaces, at temperatures to 2600 C, pressures from 10{sup {minus}5} mm vacu… more
Date: February 13, 1964
Creator: Cadwell, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Use of Activated Charcoal Iodine Monitors During and Following a Release of Fission Product Iodines

Description: The present core of the Brookhaven Graphite Reactor consists of some 4900 highly enriched uranium fuel loaded in 615 horizontal fuel channels passing through a 25 foot cube of graphite moderator and reflector. The core is divided into two halves (north and south) by an 8 cm. wide vertical gap in the center of the graphite. The cooling air enters the reactor through inlet filters, at the rate of 270,000 CFM, passes into the central gap and flows bi-directionally through the north and south halve… more
Date: January 13, 1964
Creator: Foelix, Charles F. & Gemmell, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Chinese New Year, 1964]

Description: Sound recording of Margaret Parx Hays and friends addressing Hays' mother on and before Chinese New Year in 1964.
Date: [1964-02-13..1964-02-18]
Duration: 13 minutes 15 seconds
Creator: Hays, Margaret Parx
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Hazards review: N-Reactor 1.25% co-producer fuel element test

Description: The N-Reactor Hazard Summary Report examines the hazard from operating the N-Reactor with a uniform fuel loading enriched to 0.947% U{sup 235}. Incentives have been developed for reactor testing of a block of 49 tubes loaded with co-producer elements, i.e. elements capable of producing both weapons grade plutonium and tritium. The element utilizes an outer fuel tube enriched to 1.25% U{sup 235} with an inner target lithium-aluminum rod. Criteria have been developed to guide the evaluation of sa… more
Date: July 13, 1964
Creator: Miller, N. R. & Nechodom, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Graduate Programs for the Health Physicist in the United States

Description: The first man-made nuclear reactor -- or "pile" as it was then called -- was rather hurriedly improvised and operated in a crowded space under the athletic bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago on December 2, 1942. Just prior to this time, there began the assembly of a group of physicists with an unusual assignment. They were determined that radiation hazards of unprecedented proportions must be coped with successfully in the conduct of reactor programs as planned. Since these p… more
Date: August 13, 1964
Creator: Morgan, K. Z. (Karl Ziegler), 1908-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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