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Search Results

open access

Effects of gamma-ray irradiation on M1 propellant

Description: Samples of M1 single-base propellant were exposed to 10{sup 5}, 10{sup 6}, and 10{sup 7}r of Co{sup 60} gamma rays. Burning rates were determined over a pressure range of 600 to 2600 psi at -40{degrees}, 21{degrees}, and 71{degrees}C. A statistical study indicated no significant change in the burning rate and a small but statistically significant increase (6%) in the exponential factor n after the 10{sup 7}r dose. Visible deterioration resulted, as the color changed from yellow to dark brown an… more
Date: April 1, 1964
Creator: Abel, J.E.; Mapes, J.E. & Levy, P.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Satin pumps

Description: Pumps of bright green dyed peau de soie (satin); Chanel style; mid-heel; woven check; square toe. Markings L&R: "Kelly Acord / Flirt / Last"
Date: 1964/1965
Creator: Acord, Kelly
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Solidification and Separation of Ice From Saline Water

Description: From Introduction: "The principal objective of this investigation is to promote fundamental understanding of the mechanism of solidification of aqueous solutions, and the effects of externally applied electrical and magnetic fields on solidification."
Date: March 1964
Creator: Adams, Clyde M., Jr. & Rohatgi, Pradeep K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Aviator's Cap Hat

Description: Hat in the form of a black leather Aviator's Cap. The domed ovoid crown is made in six triangular sections, and has straps which extend down and buckle under the chin with two oval gilt metal links. The cap is lined with black satin, and has an inner black grosgrain ribbon hatband. Designer's label: "Adolfo / New York Paris" Retailer's Label: "Amen Wardy / El Paso Texas"
Date: 1964/1968
Creator: Adolfo, 1933-
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Design and Construction of a Desalination Pilot Plant, a Reverse Osmosis Process

Description: Report containing plans for a desalination pilot plant for the purposes of evaluating the feasibility of reverse osmosis for the desalination of sea and brackish water with the capacity of 1,000 gallons of potable water produced per day.
Date: January 1964
Creator: Aerojet-General Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

B, D, F, DR, H reactor new aluminum HCR concept: Temperature study

Description: The horizontal control rods presently installed in the older Hanford Reactors have inadequate heat transfer characteristics for present and predicted future operation of the reactors. Continued graphite stack distortion, coupled with higher graphite temperatures, has resulted in ECR failure during reactor operation, such as swelling of the outer aluminum sheaths to the extent that rod movement in the graphite channel is severely restricted. Continued graphite stack distortion will tend to furth… more
Date: July 28, 1964
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

New K Reactor aluminum HCR: Temperature study

Description: Recent (HCR) Horizonal Control Rod operating problems at the K Reactors, caused primarily by graphite stack distortion, have stimulated several designs of HCR`s capable of operating under adverse conditions. One such design is an aluminum HCR, not completely dissimilar to the present HCR`s, conceived by the Research and Engineering Operation of I.P.D. The successful use of aluminum as a structural material is strongly dependent upon the operating temperature of the aluminum. This study was cond… more
Date: February 17, 1964
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Temperature calculations for a newly designed flexible HCR for the K Reactors

Description: The steadily increasing graphite stack distortion in the K Reactors has caused serious operating problems with the existing horizontal control rods. To compound the seriousness of the problems, the high level of reactor operation today and the anticipated higher level of operation in the future demands a reliable control rod system. A flexible control rod has been designed by Reactor Design, IPD, to facilitate reliable operation of the HCR system in spite of channel bowing arising from graphite… more
Date: January 27, 1964
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Top shield temperatures, C and K Reactors

Description: A modification program is now in progress at the C and K Reactors consisting of an extensive renovation of the graphite channels in the vertical safety rod ststems. The present VSR channels are being enlarged by a graphite coring operation and channel sleeves will be installed in the larger channels. One problem associated with the coring operation is the danger of damaging top thermal shield cooling tubes located close to the VSR channels to such an extent that these tubes will have to be remo… more
Date: December 28, 1964
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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