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Vortex Magnetohydrodynamic Generator Experimental Test Program

Description: Report describing the design of a vortex type magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generator, fabricated on the basis of currently available materials, that was tested to determine the feasibility of obtaining electric power from a seeded combustion gas.
Date: June 1962
Creator: Starck, H. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Symbols for Instrument Flowsheets and Drawings : a Recommended System for Application to ORNL Instrument Work

Description: This report supersedes ORNL CF-57-2-1, which was an extension and revision of ORNL CF-54-6-72. Details concerning a recommended system of flow-plan symbols and drawing are given. The system is designed to identify the function of all major instrument components and to show schematically the operation of the instrument relative to the particular process. The system is used for identification and designation. The system is a modification of the Instrument Society of American Recommended Practice … more
Date: June 19, 1962
Creator: Adams, R. K.; Davis, D. G.; Hyland, R. G. & Lieberman, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Estimates of Biospheric Contamination and Radiation Dose From Nuclear Explosions up to April 1962

Description: The production and dispersion of fission products and induced radioactivity from nuclear weapon tests are discussed. Estimates are given of the important radionuclides released by the tests conducted up to November 1961. Internal and external doses from fission products are calculated.
Date: 1962
Creator: Vohra, K. G.; Rangarajan, C. & Sarada, Kumari G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements on the Environmental Radioactivity in India from Nuclear Weapon Tests. Data Collected During 1956-61

Description: In this report the data on the measurements of radio activity of air, rainwater, milk and a variety of food samples is tabulated. A brief outline of the sampling and counting procedures is also given. Interpretation and discussion of the results as well as further details of the methods of sampling and counting have already been given in the various reports published by this section. A bibliography of those reports is given at the end.
Date: July 1962
Creator: Atomic Energy Establishment (India)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Hazards to Population From a Reactor Accident

Description: Consequent to an "accident" during the working of a nuclear reactor there is a possibility that radioactive fission products will get airborne. The airborne activity in the form of cloud will travel with the winds and the size of the cloud will increase as it travels downwind. There are several radiation hazards due to such a cloud and the extent of their hazard depends upon several conditions.
Date: 1962
Creator: Shirvaikar, V. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program For The Development of Plutonium Recycle For Use In Light Water Moderated Reactors : Seventh Quarterly Report October 1-December 31, 1962

Description: The objective of this program is the experimental determination of basic physical data and employment of these data to establish and confirm a theoretical model for predicting the long-term changes in isotopic composition and reactivity in plutonium-enriched, light-water-moderated reactors.
Date: December 31, 1962
Creator: Roskin, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fabrication of Zirconium Alloys For Specific Zirconium Alloy Design Program

Description: The raw materials and fabrication procedures employed in preparing thirty two zirconium alloy compositions for evaluation as described in GEAP-3979 are reported. Considerations involved in the extension of reported laboratory procedures to larger scale production are discussed.
Date: December 5, 1962
Creator: Antony, K. C. & Jones, L. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FORE - A Computational Program For The Analysis Of Fast Reactor Excursions

Description: A digital computer program, FORE, which calculates transients for a fast reactor, has been coded for the TRANSAC 2000 computer. Its purpose is to provide understanding of the dynamics of fast reactors with particular emphasis on large ceramic-fueled fast reactors. The program calculates reactor power and temperatures of fuel, coolant, clad, and structure.
Date: October 16, 1962
Creator: Greebler, P.; Sherer, D. B. & Walton, N. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies ot UO2-Cladding Mechanical Interactions (Short Time Irradiations in the GETR Trail Cable Facility)

Description: This report is a supplement to GEAP-3759, Plastic Strain In Thin Fuel Element Cladding Due to UO2 Thermal Expansion. Cladding growth results are reported for repetitively irradiated, UO2 pellet-filled, annular capsules: for two UO2 powder-filled, annular capsules: and for six solid cylindrical pellet-filled capsules. Dimensional changes of the capsules irradiated during the entire program were analyzed, and the relationship of these results to the over-all fuel development program were evaluate… more
Date: October 1962
Creator: Hazel, V. E.; Lyons, M. F. & Comprelli, F. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-Phase Pressure Losses Second Quarterly Progress Report May 12-August 12, 1962

Description: This is the second quarterly report on the work done under Contract AT(04-3)-189, Project Agreement No. 27. The results reported here have to do primarily with the loss in a rectangular (1/2" x 1-3/4") channel in the horizontal orientation, without contraction-expansion inserts.
Date: September 12, 1962
Creator: Janssen, E. & Kervinen, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program For The Development of Plutonium Recycle For Use In Light Water Moderated Reactors Program Summary and Sixth Quarterly Report, July 1 - September 30, 1962

Description: The work described in this report represents progress toward an agreement signed by the United States and the European Atomic Energy Community which provides a basis for cooperation in programs for the advancement of peaceful applications of atomic energy.
Date: October 15, 1962
Creator: Carver, J. G.; Lagache, M. P. & Morgan, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Power Cycling of High Power Density Fuel Specimens Clad With 10-Mil Wall Stainless Steel

Description: Three thin-wall stainless steel fuel specimens made using fabrication processes and materials similar to the Consumers Big Rock Plant research and development fuel rods were power cycled 3000 times between 500,000 and 75,000 BTU/hr-ft2 in the General Electric Test Reactor (GETR) Trail Cable facility. The fuel specimens were exposed to 1000 psi boiling water. All of the fuel specimens withstood the test without failing or without any significant changes in the clad characteristics.
Date: October 1962
Creator: Rowland, T. C. & Atkinson, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary Safeguards Report For The Critical Experiment Facility Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory

Description: This report contains technical specifications and supporting data for the Critical Experiment Facility, information to justify operation of the facility, procedural control to be used to ensure safe operation, changes in neutron instrumentation and safety system, an evaluation of the safety of the Facility. It also contains descriptions of the site, the facility and the Critical Assemblies, operating standards and procedures. Amendment no.18 to license application for Critical Experiment Facili… more
Date: July 1962
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Program For The Development of Plutonium Recycle For Use In Light Water Moderated Reactors Quarterly Report For Period April 1 - June 30, 1962

Description: The Program fuel element has continued under irradiation in the Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor, thermal energy group transfer cross sections for UO2 have been computed, and data have been reduced from the resonance wire activations performed last quarter. Future plans are included.
Date: July 15, 1962
Creator: Carver, J. G.; Morgan, W. R. & Robkin, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Cycle Program, A Boiling Water Reactor Research and Development Program Eighth Quarterly Progress Report April 1962 - June 1962

Description: The Fuel Cycle Program is an integrated program of investigation in the Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor (VBWR) and other facilities to improve the technological limits of boiling water reactors in several areas. This report presents updates on tasks related to those areas.
Date: July 10, 1962
Creator: Hodde, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Economic Evaluation of Control Rod Materials and Fabrication Processes

Description: Control rod materials, designs, and fabrication processes are compared for their relative economies. Control rod lifetime data are calculated with a simple approximation of nuclear worth depreciation. These data are used in conjunction with the estimated fabrication costs to determine the cost of using several absorber materials in a typical power reactor on a cost-per-year basis. The effect the control system has on core power density and fuel lifetime is included.
Date: May 1962
Creator: Williamson, H. E. & Megerth, F. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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