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open access


Description: Continued research is reported in the areas of intrinsic radioactive tracers for industrial process control and the effects of structural factors on radioinduced graft polymerization. The use of Be-- Po neutron sources for production of short-lived isotopes is being investigated. Data are included on the effects of target volume, high-Z scattering media, target-isotope concentration, and macroscopic cross-section on speciflc and total activation produced with a 10-curie source. Research on graf… more
Date: April 18, 1962
Creator: Sunderman, D.N. ed.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stress and Deflection of Boiler Fuel Element Boxes

Description: Equations were derived by strain-energy methods for analyzing the stress and deflection in the boiler fuel element boxes used in the Pathfinder nuclear reactor. These boxes are of two types, both constructed of Zircaloy lI. One box is approximately 5 in. sq. The second is approximately 10 1/2 in. sq divided internally into four compartments (5 in. sq) by a cruciform control-rod guide structure. Stress and deflection in the box walls are caused by pressure differences across the walls. The equat… more
Date: April 13, 1962
Creator: Vlies, L. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Supplement to ANL-5607. Alterations and additions made to the Experimental Boiling Water Reactor (EBWR) plant to permit operation at power levels up to I00 Mw(t) are described. Topics covered include over-all system modifications and additions, nuclear component modifications and additions, and reboiler plant component description. (M.C.G.)
Date: April 1, 1962
Creator: Matousek, J.F. comp.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 1. Cost Analysis and Future Development

Description: First part of the "final report of a study directed toward the evolution, design, and demonstration of the principle design features of interim indirect cycle water cooled and moderated nuclear power plants which will be useful in early cooperative programs between the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States maritime industry" (p. I-ii).
Date: April 1962
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Zirconium Alloys Quarterly Report: January - March 1962

Description: The following report is one of a series of quarterly reports following the progress and development of improved zirconium alloys for service in superheated water and steam. This report covers the period between January 1 to March 31, 1962 and was conducted by the United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). The major effort in this period has been devoted to ascertaining and evaluating corrosion behavior of 75 ternary compositions.
Date: April 6, 1962
Creator: Weinstein, Daniel & Holtz, F. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Literature Survey on World Isotope and Radiation Technology : Quarterly Report Covering the Period from December 15, 1961 to March 14, 1962

Description: Abstract: "This quarterly report, ARF 1194-10, covers the work performed in the time period December 15, 1961 to March 14, 1962, on Contract No. AT(11-1)-578. In this period, Phase II, the detailed evaluation of various fields of radioisotope research, has been extended. Preliminary results on the use of radioisotopes in the industrial applications, apparatus and techniques, and metallurgy categories are presented. These preliminary studies indicate the quantity of research, growth rates, and s… more
Date: April 11, 1962
Creator: Haffner, J. W. & Terrell, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground-Water Test Well B, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada: A Summary of Lithologic Data, Aquifer Tests, and Well Construction

Description: Abstract: Geophysical logs, a summary of contract costs, detailed descriptions of drilling, casing, cementing, and hydraulic testing operations, X-ray mineralogical analyses, physical property analyses, and a detailed lithologic log are presented in the report.
Date: April 1962
Creator: Moore, John E. & Garber, M. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Removal of radioisotopes from the Columbia River by natural processes

Description: Some radioisotopes are introduced into the Columbia River by return of the water used to cool the Hanford reactors. Trace amounts of both fission product and activation product radioisotopes are present and measurable by sensitive radiochemical methods to allow determination of the self-purification processes occurring as the water moves downstream. By comparing the radioisotope input at given times with the amounts present in the river after traveling downstream, a measure of the self-purifica… more
Date: April 10, 1962
Creator: Nielsen, J. M. & Perkins, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY QUARTERLY REPORT. December 1961, January andFebruary 1962

Description: It has been known for a hundred years that formaldehyde polymerizes to carbohydrate substances in alkaline media. Although the reaction has long attracted much attention, only recently has a detailed qualitative analysis of the products been carried out by chromatographic methods. We have started to re-examine this reaction by combining chromatography with radioactive tracer techniques in the hope of refining the quantitative aspects of the analysis. Our particular interest has been to develop … more
Date: April 3, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accidental nuclear excursion recuplex operation 234-5 facility: Final medical report

Description: The April 7, 1962 criticality accident involving human exposures was the first to have occurred in any production facility at Hanford. The accidental nuclear excursion did not result in any mechanical damage or spread of contamination. Three employees received over-exposure to gamma and neutron radiation. None were fatally exposed and in each case the over-exposure was recognized promptly. Following an initial period of medical observation and testing, the men were released to work. They contin… more
Date: April 7, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A R.F. Vernier Time to Pulse Height Converter

Description: This technical report describes a pulse height converter that employs the R.F. vernier method. This particular converter has been developed for use with the pulsed beam facility of the BNL Van de Graaff. This report then details a number of tests of the converter made using a RIDL model 34-12, 400-channel analyzer. The report includes 6 figures and 4 circuit diagrams to accompany the findings.
Date: April 18, 1962
Creator: Lowe, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synergistic Effect of Tri-N-Octylamine on the Solvent Extraction of Thorium by Thenolytricluoroacetone

Description: This technical report seeks to ascertain which amine species cause the synergistic effect exerted by tri-n-octylamine (TNOA) on the solvent extraction of thorium by TTA, the nature of the species formed, and the values of the equilibrium constants involved. This report also includes 2 figures and 2 tables to accompany the findings.
Date: April 26, 1962
Creator: Newman, Leonard & Klots, Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Potassium Heat Transfer Project Loop Design and Development

Description: This technical report reviews the general purposes and immediate goals of the Heat Transfer Group at BNL's study of the heat transfer characteristics of alkali metals with phase change in forced convective flow. This report also presents a brief description of the design and development of the test loop. Figures detailing findings accompany the report.
Date: April 30, 1962
Creator: Chen, John C., 1934-2013
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equations for Bilateral Heat Transfer to Fluids Flowing in Concentric Annuli

Description: Abstract: "Theoretical equations have been derived for calculating heat transfer coefficients for fluids flowing through concentric annuli for the following two cases: (A) constant and equal heat fluxes from both walls, and (B) constant, but unequal, heat fluxes from the walls, with equal wall temperatures at a given axial position along annular channel. In the derivations, the conditions of fully-established flow, and independence of physical properties with temperature variation across the fl… more
Date: April 10, 1962
Creator: Dwyer, Orrington Embry, 1912-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low-Temperature Studies of Recoil Reactions

Description: This report investigates the Szilard-Chalmers reaction in a number of crystalline compounds with a special effort made to maintain a low temperature during bombardment, storage and dissolution.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Veljkovic, Slobodanka R. & Harbottle, Garman
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Solvent Extraction of Thorium by Thenoyltrifluoroacetone and the Influence of Aqueous Complexation by the Chelating Agent

Description: Technical report investigating the solvent extraction of thorium. The solvent extraction of thorium by the chelating agent, thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA), has proved to be a very effective tool for studying the complex ion chemistry of thorium. This study led to the establishment of the existence of aqueous complexation by the chelating agent.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Newman, Leonard & Klotz, Paul.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Brookhaven Chemonuclear in-Pile Test Loop

Description: Technical report outlining the plan to develop the Brookhaven chemonuclear in-pile test loop because the interest in utilizing reactor radiation energy (fission-fragment recoil and neutron-gamma) for production of chemicals has developed to the point where a loop to study chemonuclear system in a reactor under dynamic conditions is necessary.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Tucker, Walter D.; Waide, C.; Bezler, P. & Steinberg, Meyer, 1924-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Studies of Cell Population Kinetics in Normal and Continuously Irradiated Animals

Description: Study comparing high resolution autoradiographic techniques using labeled DNA precursors and chemical methods of comparing mitotic indexes to evaluate tissue responses under continuous irradiation.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Lamerton, L. F.; Lord, B. I. & Quastler, Henry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mitotic Indices of Human Bone Marrow Cells

Description: Technical report defining "the information needed in order to use the mitotic index for computation of the time parameters of catenated cytologic compartments such as exist in hemopoiesis"--from introductory paragraph.
Date: April 23, 1962
Creator: Killmann, Sven-Aage; Cronkite, Eugene P.; Fliedner, T. M., (Theodor M.), 1929-; Bond, Victor P. & Brecher, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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