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open access

Design Modifications to the SRE during FY 1960

Description: Abstract: The means to prevent the recurrence of tetralin leakage into the SRE sodium systems are discussed. Included is a description of the redesign of system components to utilize alternate coolants such as nitrogen, air, and NaK.
Date: February 15, 1961
Creator: Deegan, G. E.; Dermer, M. D.; Flanagan, J. S.; Gower, G. C.; Hall, R. J.; Hinze, R. B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brookhaven National Laboratory Annual Report: 1960

Description: Report issued by the Brookhaven National Laboratory discussing the work conducted by the lab during the fiscal year of 1960. As stated in the introduction, "the progress and trends of the research program are presented together with a description of the operational, service, and administrative activities of the Laboratory" (p. vii). This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: April 1961
Creator: Brookhaven National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report of the Chief of the Forest Service: 1960

Description: Annual report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service describing activities of the organization, expenditures and receipts, and a discussion of other relevant topics for the fiscal year.
Date: August 1961
Creator: United States. Forest Service.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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