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open access

Nuclear Port Survey of the State of New York

Description: Report of the capabilities of the state of New York to construct and service atomic propelled vessels and to handle the shipment of packaged radioactive materials, including used nuclear fuels.
Date: November 1961
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some methods of surface analysis for the prediction of thermal resistance of metal contacts

Description: "Equations for the heat-transfer coefficient existing at the interface of two metals in contact are discussed. The results of applying the equations (with a graphical determination of the geometric parameters) to an iron--aluminum contact are presented. A method is given for performing the graphical analysis by means of a general purpose analog computer. Data are included that were obtained by applying this method to Blanchard ground stainless steel surfaces in contact. Statistical analysis was… more
Date: November 1, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fifth Quarterly Progress Report on Fission Product Applications Using Gaseous Beta Sources

Description: "Rates of acetylene polymerization induced by Kr/sup 85/ in d-c fields were up to 15 times greater than those observed when no fields were imposed. Work to determine the relations between acetylene pressure, Kr/sup 85/ concentration, and the field intensity is continuing. In other activities, equipment is being designed to study the effects of megacycle electric fields on radioinduced chemical reactions."
Date: October 31, 1961
Creator: Graessley, William W. & Zufall, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Contract Report for September 1, 1959 to August 31, 1960 .

Description: "As presented in the original proposal the project consisted essentially of three parts: Phase I, Development and refinement of a radiochemical flow counting technique for the study of kinetics of reactions in solution ; Phase II, The application of this technique to the detailed study of the mechanism of solvolysis of sulfonium salts in mixed solvents ; Phase II, The further application of this kinetic technique, as a longer term aim, to other reacting systems of biochemical or other interest.… more
Date: October 31, 1961
Creator: Hyne, James B.; Abrell, J. W.; Gurst, J. E. & Jacobson, Ada L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synthesis of Semiconductor Materials by Radiation Induced Reactions

Description: ""Progress is reported on: design of a continuous flow system for the irradiation of silane using a Cos5 source; pile irradiation of silane samples at elevated temperatures; investigation of materials other than silane, including nonsilicon compounds as well as those containing the silyl group; modification of the existing vacuum system for handling larger quantities of silane as well as increasing the accuracy of the pressure measurements; and use of an electric discharge for the decomposition… more
Date: October 31, 1961
Creator: {{{name}}} & Goldman, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synthesis of Semiconductor Materials by Radiation Induced Reations

Description: "Progress is reported on: design of a continuous flow system for the irradiation of silane using a Cos5 source; pile irradiation of silane samples at elevated temperatures; investigation of materials other than silane, including nonsilicon compounds as well as those containing the silyl group; modification of the existing vacuum system for handling larger quantities of silane as well as increasing the accuracy of the pressure measurements; and use of an electric discharge for the decomposition … more
Date: October 31, 1961
Creator: Held, Kelman & Goldman, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization Untilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators

Description: "A brief examination of the post irradiation grafting of machine irradiated polyethylene film with acrylic acid monomer was made. Evidence of postgrafting was detected in samples that had been irradiated to a total dose of 10 Mrads at a dose rate of 0.01 Mrad/sec. and then exposed to a 25% purified acrylic acid solution in benzene for periods of 1 to 4 days."
Date: October 17, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Radiation Damage on SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A Reactor Vessels

Description: Report describing the status of the SM-1, SM-1A, and PM-2A reactors, specifically regarding the effects "of irradiation on nil-ductility transition temperature and the associated problem of brittle fracture." (p. iii)
Date: October 14, 1961
Creator: McLaughlin, D. W.; Rowekamp, B. J.; Chittum, R. A.; Coombe, J. R.; Kelleman, R. W.; Bobe, P. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization Untilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators

Description: "A comparison of grafting to two thicknesses of polypropylene film is made using isotope and electron accelerator initiation. The results indicate that the grafting of methacrylic acid: styrene to polypropylene is mainly a surface reaction."
Date: September 12, 1961
Creator: Odian, George; Oliver, William F. & Pierre, Karl
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PM-3A Nuclear Power Plant Secondary Shield Design

Description: "The design, analysis, and selection of system components for functions related to secondary shielding and associated auxiliary systems for the Antarctic PM-3A Nuclear Power Plant are described. Backfill material characteristics, shielding and activation analyses, heat transfer analysis, backfill cooling system, water exclusion and removal system, and instrumentation and control are discussed."
Date: September 1961
Creator: Siler, W C
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Safeguards Summary Report for the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility

Description: Summary: This report contains a description of the final design of the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF); an outline of the test and operating procedures, and the organization and responsibilities; and a summary of the hazards and safeguards analyses that have been conducted to evaluate the safety of the facility operations.
Date: August 1, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Manual of Experiments in Reactor Physics

Description: Nuclear processes are random in character, and, accordingly, are amenable to statistical treatment. In 1905, shortly after the discover of natural radioactivity, E. Von Schweldler showed that the analytical description of the decay distribution of radioactive substances followed from probability considerations regardless of the mechanism involved in the process of atomic disintegration.
Date: August 1961
Creator: Valente, Frank Anthony; Davidson, J. P. (John Pirnie), 1924-; Gisser, David G.; de Moraes, Octavio L.; Bryce, Donald H. & LoGuidice, Joseph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigations of Radioactive Fuel-Bearing Glasses

Description: "A series of glass compositions containing uranium oxide was investigated to determine fiberizability and physical properties of resultant fibers. The basic properties to be determined were the maximum U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ content in a fiberizable glass and the maximum service temperature of the fibers. Glasses containing 60 wt% U/sub 3/O/sib 8/ were fiberizable; the fibers had strengths of 100,000 psi at 1600 deg F. Fiber-forming equipment was installed at Moun Laboratory to produce glass fibers c… more
Date: July 31, 1961
Creator: Lockwood, P. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Motion of a Charged Particle Near a Zero Field Point

Description: "The behavior of charged particles in a plasma-free cusp field, or in a cusp field where there is very little plasma, is studied. The numerical computations described may provide a valid picture of the behavior of particles outside such a body of plasma or in the early stages of creation of such a cusped plasma in the low- beta limit. The computations provide a striking illustration of orbits which neither have constant magnetic moment nor behave so irregularly as to defy explanation."
Date: July 15, 1961
Creator: van Norton, Roger
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogeochemical Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Stanley Area, South-Central Idaho

Description: Introduction: The purpose of this project was to: (1) investigate the applicability of hydrogrochemical techniques to uranium exploration in the Stanley area; and (2) make a hydrogeochemical reconnaissance survey of the Basin Creek mining district and surrounding area as a step toward evaluation of the uranium potential.
Date: July 1961
Creator: Illsley, Charles T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inorganic Electrolytes in Anhydrous Acetonitrile

Description: "The properties of solutions of KI, AgNO/sub 3/, CoCl/sub 2/, and CoBr/ sub 2/ in anhydrous acetonitrile were studied by means of measurements of electric conductance, density, viscosity, and spectrophotometry. The data are examined in the light of theoretical concepts of electrolytes. The properties of acetonitrile as an ionizing solvent are discussed briefly, and a summary of existing information for inorganic salts in this solvent is presented."
Date: July 1961
Creator: Janz, George J. & Marcinkowsky, A E
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Local Fields With Terminating Expansions (x)

Description: "The quantum theory problem of constructing explicitly a local Lorentz invariant model field theory which has an asymptotic particle interpretation and gives rise to an S matrix different from unity is discussed. It is proved that if a local covariant field H(x) has a complete current, the S matrix associated with this field is identically equal to unity. Results show that in order to get an interaction, the current is not allowed to have a terminating expansion in terms of a free field. The ab… more
Date: June 2, 1961
Creator: Bardakci, K. & Sudarshan, E C.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Systematic Study of (p,xp) Reactions in the 100-400 MEV Region

Description: (p,xp) reactions are those nuclear reactions induced by high energy protons in which both the mans and the charge of the target nucleus are reduced by x-1 units. The most common type of these reactions to be expected in the 100 to 400 Mev region involves the exclusive emission of protons as a results of the interactions. The specific (p,xp) reactions investigated in this study were those where 2 is less than or equal to x where x is less than or equal to 5.
Date: June 2, 1961
Creator: Morrison, David Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Remark on the Radiative Muon Decay in the Theory With an Intermediate Vector Meson

Description: "The problem of explaining the lack of radiative muon decay in an intermediate charged vector meson theory is discussed. A possible way of introducing the charged vector meson to the theory of weak interactions is outlined in which renormalization is retained. However, if this way is used, the anomalous magnetic moment is calculated to be large, which is in contradiction with expectation."
Date: May 16, 1961
Creator: Bialynicka-Birula, Z
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comparison of Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization Untilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators

Description: "Graft polymers were made by Co60 mutual irradiation of mixtures of styrene and methyl acrylate in contact Teflon. These graft copolymers were analyzed by infra-red absorption and their composition determined. The composition of the graft copolymer formed from styrene and methyl acrylate was different from that which is predicted by the copolymer composition equation."
Date: May 8, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Influence of Isotopic Composition on the Maximum in the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra

Description: "The previously found maximum in the cosmic radiation energy spectrum is discussed, and the possibility that it arises in part from a misinterpretation of the data due to oversimplifying assumptions about the composition of the beam is examined. The importance that lack of recognition of isotopic composition may have is pointed out, and it is clear that this importance is strongly dependent on the measurements made and on the cut-off rigidity."
Date: May 8, 1961
Creator: Appa Rao, M.V.K. &
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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