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Argonne National Laboratory Idaho Division Summary Report: October 1960-March 1961

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing a summary of projects conducted with the Idaho Division. Descriptions of each project are presented. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: 1961
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory. Idaho Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Radiation Damage on SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A Reactor Vessels

Description: Report describing the status of the SM-1, SM-1A, and PM-2A reactors, specifically regarding the effects "of irradiation on nil-ductility transition temperature and the associated problem of brittle fracture." (p. iii)
Date: October 14, 1961
Creator: McLaughlin, D. W.; Rowekamp, B. J.; Chittum, R. A.; Coombe, J. R.; Kelleman, R. W.; Bobe, P. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Merchant Ship Reactor Final Safeguards Report, Volume 6: Environmental Analysis OF NS "Savannah" Operation at Camden

Description: "An analysis is presented of the accidental release of activity following the operation of the NS "Savannah" at the New York Shipbuilding Corporation docks in Camden, New Jersey. Although a number of accidents are considered, the report is primarily concerned with the environmental activity levels and subsequent exposures which would result from the "maximum credible accident" (p. v).
Date: January 24, 1961
Creator: Cottrell, W. B.; Parker, F. L.; Mann, L. A. & Schmidt, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Safeguards Summary Report for the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility

Description: Summary: This report contains a description of the final design of the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF); an outline of the test and operating procedures, and the organization and responsibilities; and a summary of the hazards and safeguards analyses that have been conducted to evaluate the safety of the facility operations.
Date: August 1, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogeochemical Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Stanley Area, South-Central Idaho

Description: Introduction: The purpose of this project was to: (1) investigate the applicability of hydrogrochemical techniques to uranium exploration in the Stanley area; and (2) make a hydrogeochemical reconnaissance survey of the Basin Creek mining district and surrounding area as a step toward evaluation of the uranium potential.
Date: July 1961
Creator: Illsley, Charles T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Port Survey of the State of New York

Description: Report of the capabilities of the state of New York to construct and service atomic propelled vessels and to handle the shipment of packaged radioactive materials, including used nuclear fuels.
Date: November 1961
Creator: Ebasco Services Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioactivity Dissemination Near Uranium Processing Mills

Description: This report follows a preliminary survey made to study radioactive contamination of the soil (and to some extent in the air and waters) in the vicinity of seven uranium processing mills.
Date: April 1, 1961
Creator: Feldman, M. H.; Troianello, Emilio J.; Coates, G. K. & Sheehan, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Systematic Study of (p,xp) Reactions in the 100-400 MEV Region

Description: (p,xp) reactions are those nuclear reactions induced by high energy protons in which both the mans and the charge of the target nucleus are reduced by x-1 units. The most common type of these reactions to be expected in the 100 to 400 Mev region involves the exclusive emission of protons as a results of the interactions. The specific (p,xp) reactions investigated in this study were those where 2 is less than or equal to x where x is less than or equal to 5.
Date: June 2, 1961
Creator: Morrison, David Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Study of the Potential Applications of Radioisotope Technology to Water Resource Investigations and Utilization

Description: The study which has been carried out under Contract AT(30-1)2477 has as its objective the review of all work which has been done on the application of radionuclear techniques to research in water resources and supply, the evaluation of this work, and the suggestions of specific experiments which must be performed if these applications are to be extended.
Date: January 31, 1961
Creator: Feely, Herbert W., 1928-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffusion of Krypton Through Uranium Carbide - Final Report

Description: This program was established to develop new information concerning the mechanism of diffusion of fission gases (krypton and xenon) through UO2 and UC. The work was to concentrated on measurements of diffusion rates in unirradiated materials in the temperature range of 1000°C to above 2000°C, these determinations being important to the projected use of refractory fuel materials in high-temperature, high-burnup reactors.
Date: January 10, 1961
Creator: Weinstock, J. J.; Pinkerton, A. P. & Ziegel, K. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Element Development Program for the Pebble Bed Reactor

Description: Previous results from the Pebble Bed Reactor Fuel Element Development Program had shown the excellent promise of vapor-deposited Al2O3 doq5intw on UO2 particles as a low permeability high temperature fission product barrier. However, since the matrix material for the PBR fuel element is a graphite sphere, carbonaceous coatings on the dispersed fuel particles might be of more interest because of improved particle coating-matrix compatibility and no displacement of neutron moderating materials. … more
Date: 1961
Creator: Sanderson & Porter, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coolball, a Machine Code for Thermal Analysis of Pebble Bed Reactor Cores

Description: COOLBALL is an IBM 650 machine program designed to calculate local gas and ball temperatures, gas flow, and pressure loses as induced by non-uniform power generation and voidage within an axial flow Pebble Bed Reactor core. This code has been used extensively to study the thermal characteristics of Pebble Bed Reactor cores in support of a broad program for the development of the PBR concept.
Date: 1961?
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Manual of Experiments in Reactor Physics

Description: Nuclear processes are random in character, and, accordingly, are amenable to statistical treatment. In 1905, shortly after the discover of natural radioactivity, E. Von Schweldler showed that the analytical description of the decay distribution of radioactive substances followed from probability considerations regardless of the mechanism involved in the process of atomic disintegration.
Date: August 1961
Creator: Valente, Frank Anthony; Davidson, J. P. (John Pirnie), 1924-; Gisser, David G.; de Moraes, Octavio L.; Bryce, Donald H. & LoGuidice, Joseph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Mechanism of Radiation Induced Gelation in Monomer-Polymer Mixtures

Description: "Polyvinyl chloride degrades quite badly under irradiation due to the ease of splitting out HC1. The incorporation of polyfunctional monomers, however, has been found to lower the radiation doses required for gelation below those which result in degradation. Thus, gelation of polyfunctional monomer-polyvinyl chloride mixtures has been achieved quite readily."
Date: 1961
Creator: Radiation Applications Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Mechanism of Radiation Induced Gelation in Monomer-Polymer Mixtures

Description: "The degree of equilibrium swelling of low density polyethylene by various di- and tri-functional monomers has been experimentally determined. Non-extractable portions of irradiated monomer-polymer and monomer-free-polymer samples have been determined by refluxing in a Soxhlet extractor. Irradiated, monomer-free polyethylene samples that give a non-extractable portion after Soxhlet, refluxing dissolve by direct immersion in the same hot solvent.
Date: 1961
Creator: Radiation Applications Incorporated
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Utilization of Radiactive Isotpoes in Coal Process Research

Description: "This is the third quarterly report on Task II dealing with Methods Development for Radio-Tracing of Coal Product Hydrocarbons With Tritium. The problem of accurate low-level tritium assay for tagged hydrocarbons has been resolved and attention is now primarily directed at the questions of tritium mobility and radio-chemical purity in tagged tracers."
Date: February 15, 1961
Creator: Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Utilization of Radiactive Isotpoes in Coal Process Research

Description: "This is the fourth Quarterly Report on Task II dealing with Methods Development for Radio-Tracing of Coal Product Hydrocarbons With Tritium. The problem of radio-chemical purity of traces is resolved by developing a new method of labeling with tritium that generates essentially no highly tagged side products or impurities."
Date: May 1, 1961
Creator: Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Decontamination and Recovery of Precious Metals

Description: "This report is the third quarterly report under Contract AT(30-1)-2528 for the decontamination and recovery of precious metals from contaminated scrap. The results described in [2nd quarterly report] and expanded in this report confirm the statement that the method achieves not only the desired decontamination but also produces a product of high purity. In addition the relative simplicity of the method makes it particularly adaptable to large scale manipulation."
Date: 1961
Creator: Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Particle Size Distribution by X-Ray Absorption

Description: "As it is frequently necessary to know the distribution of particle sizes in various products used in industrial applications, a number of means have been devised for these determinations. Some of them include direct microscopic measurement, screening of product, extraction of samples from a settling slurry as with the Andreasen pipette, air and liquid elutriation, adsorption of gases and liquids, and light absorption."
Date: 1961?
Creator: Gaudin, Antoine Marc, 1900-1974 & Fuerstenau, Maurice C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Lepton Decay Nodes of Hyperons

Description: "In spite of the present scarcity of experimental data it appears likely that the lepton modes of hyperon decay will eventually become an important source of information concerning strangeness-changing weak interactions. In this paper we use dispersion relations to estimate the effect of intermediate meson states upon the lepton decay modes of hyperons."
Date: April 1961
Creator: Harrington, David R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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