Search Results

Primary view of The Cold Pressing of Sinterable UO₂
Levey, R. P., Jr.
March 27, 1961
Primary view of The Influence of Design and Production Parameters on Fabrication Costs of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements
Stein, P. E.; Ayers, A. C.; Braatz, R. J.; Bradford, C. M.; Holt, V. D. & Mattie, G. P.
November 1, 1961
Primary view of Radiation Safety and Control Training Manual
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
June 1, 1961
Primary view of Engineering Evaluation Studies: Heavy Water Moderated Power Reactor Plants
Chittenden, W. A. & Hoveke, G. F.
June 30, 1961
Primary view of Status of the Application of Nuclear Reactors in the Process Industries: 1961
unknown creator
December 1961
Primary view of Supplemental Report on New Production Reactor Power Plant Economic Feasibility Study: Volume 1-S
unknown creator
February 1961
Primary view of Health Physics Division Annual Progress Report, July 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Health Physics Division.
October 31, 1961
Primary view of Chemical Technology Division Annual Progress Report, May 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chemical Technology Division.
September 21, 1961
Primary view of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Intrumentation and Controls Division Annual Progress Report: 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Instrumentation and Controls Division.
February 3, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1961 - June 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
July 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1961 - September 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
October 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: September 1, 1960 - December 1, 1960
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
January 9, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1960 - March 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
April 1, 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: September 1, 1961 - December 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
December 30, 1961
Primary view of Numerical Results for EGCR Moderator-Element Stress Problems
Hulbert, Lewis E. & Redmond, Robert F.
July 3, 1961
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: December 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Superposition of Forced and Diffusive Flow in a Large-Pore Graphite
Evans, R. B., III; Truitt, J. & Watson, G. M.
Primary view of Fabrication Development of UO2-Stainless Steel Composite Fuel Plates for core B of the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor
Cherubini, J. H.; Beaver, R. J. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
April 18, 1961
Primary view of Inline Densimeter for Pulsed Column Liquid Density Pulse Amplitude, and Pulse Frequency Measurements
Mackey, T. S.
July 19, 1961
Primary view of Large-Scale Slurry-Circulation System, 300-SM
Parsly, L. F., Jr.; Falkenberry, H. L.; Harley, P. H.; Miller, I. M. & Kenyon, V. L.
December 21, 1961
Primary view of Evaluation of Ultimate Disposal Methods for Liquid and Solid Radioactive Wastes: Part 2, Conversion to Solid by Pot Calcination
Perona, J. J.; Bradshaw, R. L.; Roberts, J. T. & Blomeke, J. O.
October 16, 1961
Primary view of Mathematics Panel: Annual Progress Report for Period Ending December 31, 1960
unknown creator
April 6, 1961
Primary view of Molten-Salt Reactor Program Progress Report, August 1, 1960 to February 28, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
June 27, 1961
Primary view of Thermonuclear Division Semiannual Progress Report, January 31, 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
May 31, 1961
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