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open access

Hazards Summary Report for the SM-1 Core Temperature and Flow Instrumentation: Task XIV

Description: Abstract; This technical report describes the changes in the SM-1 incurred by the experiment, Core Temperature and Flow Instrumentation (Task XIV), and evaluates the possible hazard involved in these changes. Temperature and flow measurements will be taken on a Task XIV instrumented stationary fuel element, instrumented control rod fuel element and other selected points in the SM-1 core to provide data on the core steady state and transient performance. The hazards evaluation consists of a nu… more
Date: March 30, 1961
Creator: Coombe, J. R.; Brondel, J. O.; Lee, D. H. & Matthews, F. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Cold Pressing of Sinterable UO₂

Description: The intent of this work was to explore more fully the pressing of sinterable UO2 powders into cylindrical compacts in the hope that a more precise prediction of green density in terms of powder properties, pressure, and geometry could be evolved.
Date: March 27, 1961
Creator: Levey, R. P., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Influence of Design and Production Parameters on Fabrication Costs of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements

Description: The objectives for this study were to determine fuel fabrication and assembly costs in a large nuclear power industry for several reactors, fuel rod sizes, and fuel materials.
Date: November 1, 1961
Creator: Stein, P. E.; Ayers, A. C.; Braatz, R. J.; Bradford, C. M.; Holt, V. D. & Mattie, G. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Failure Test of a Double Chambered NaK-Filled Irradiation Capsule

Description: Report describing tests "in which a double chambered irradiation capsule containing NaK (sodium-potassium alloy) in its inner chamber was deliberately perforated to allow NaK (the heat transfer medium) and water to react within the capsule chambers" (p. 2). The report includes descriptions of the materials used in the tests, test procedures, and results.
Date: September 1961
Creator: Kosut, B. S.; Leggett, R. D. & Marshall, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Radiation Damage on SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A Reactor Vessels

Description: Report describing the status of the SM-1, SM-1A, and PM-2A reactors, specifically regarding the effects "of irradiation on nil-ductility transition temperature and the associated problem of brittle fracture." (p. iii)
Date: October 14, 1961
Creator: McLaughlin, D. W.; Rowekamp, B. J.; Chittum, R. A.; Coombe, J. R.; Kelleman, R. W.; Bobe, P. E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Iron- and Nickel-Base Alloys for Medium and High Temperature Reactor Applications, Part 1

Description: Report discussing the evaluation of the "behavior of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, iron-chromium-aluminum base alloys and nickel-base superalloys, in medium and high temperature simulated reactor environments" (p. 2).
Date: February 1961
Creator: Pessl, H. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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