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open access

The Sideband Technique In A Variable Frequency NMR Spectrometer

Description: The purpose of this Note is to point out the advantages of the sideband technique over the derivative method in wideline NMR spectroscopy. In the sideband technique the absorption spectrum is recorded directly and the modulation amplitude is no longer a determining factor in the resolution.
Date: August 1961
Creator: Acrivos, J. V., 1928-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Survey of the Hazards Involved in Processing Liquid Metal Bonded Fuels

Description: A survey of the character and magnitude of hazards involved in processing liquid metal bonded fuels was made and the scope of a preliminary experimental program outlined. Processing of SRE and CPPD fuels by mechanical decladding followed by controlled reaction of the collected methods. Simdlarly, shearing of PRDC fuel and controlled exposure of the Na in the severed portions to water appears more desfrable than chethical dissolution of the metallic cladding. (auth)
Date: August 14, 1961
Creator: Adams, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biology

Description: A review of the theories of electron paramagnetic resonance in biology is presented, including a discussion of the nature of the physical observation, followed by examples of materials of biological interest. Iq discussing these examples, information is presented in terms of the nature of the starting material under observation rather than the nature of the magnetic entities observed. The examples proceed from the simpler molecules of biological interest (metabolites, vitamins, cofactors) into … more
Date: August 15, 1961
Creator: Androes, G. M. & Calvin, Melvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

America's Search for a China Policy, 1943-1950

Description: Much controversy has surrounded recent American policy toward China. Books of various stripes--distortions, misrepresentations, emotional accounts, and purportedly scholarly studies--have dealt with the formulation of a China policy. Several of the objective studies have featured the role that politics played in reducing American freedom of action. The emphasis has been that, since American diplomatic strategy during the decade of the 1940's was a Democratic responsibility, Republican critics t… more
Date: August 1961
Creator: Bartley, Numan V.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Performance Tests of SNAP 10A Thermoelectric Elements

Description: Apparatus for the performanee testing of SNAP 10A thermoelectric elements was designed, constructed, and is now in operation. Elements may be tested for any desired length of tfme up to 1400 deg F and in a vacuum of 1 x 10/ sup -5/ of Hg. The equipment used for these tcsts may also be utilized for measuring Seebeck coefficient and resistance as a function of temperature. Element performance is derived from the data on voltages and temperatures. The performance variables which are reported in gr… more
Date: August 30, 1961
Creator: Bergdorf, C. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Isomeric cross section ratios for several nuclear reactions in the medium mass region were measured. The cross section ratios of isomers produced by the thermal neutron irradiation of Se/sup 60/, Rh/sup 103/, Pd/sup 106/ TE/sup 128/ and Cs/s up 133/ were measured. Isomeric cross section ratios for the formation of the isomeric pair In/sup 110/ and In/sup 110m/, produced in the Ag/ sup 107/ ( alpha ,n) and the Ag/sup 109/ ( alpha ,3n) reactions were also measured at several energies of the incom… more
Date: August 1, 1961
Creator: Bishop, Carl T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bobcat (Program No. 56) Code Preparation Analysis on the IBM-650

Description: The BOBCAT code that is programmed for the IBM650 is described. The code facilitates the nuclear analysis of APPR-type cores by performing many of the routine calculations necessary to obtain input to various IBM-650 and IBM-704 codes. Using fuel element geometry and U/sup 235/ and B/sup 10/ loadings as input, the code prepares input to the MUFT-III and various P/sub 3/ codes as output; in addition, a large amount of detailed descriptive core data that is useful in nuclear analysis calculations… more
Date: August 1, 1961
Creator: Bobe, P. E. & Caton, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Double Meson Production In Proton-Deuteron Collisions. II

Description: In a previous publication we reported measurements of the momentum spectra of He<sup>3 and H<sup>3 nuclei produced in collisions of 740-MeV protons with deuterium. The He<sup>3 spectrum exhibited an anomaly in the form of a peak in the region corresponding to double pion production. For reactions resulting in a He<sup>3 the two pions (or particle) can be isotopic spin states 0 or 1; if a H<sup>3 nucleus results only 1 = 1 is allowed. We have since repeated the experiment with a new arrangement … more
Date: August 1961
Creator: Booth, Norman E.; Abnashian, Alexander & Crowe, Kenneth M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Processing of Uranium Carbide Reactor Fuels. I. Reaction With Water and HCl

Description: High-purity uranium monocarbide reacted with water at 80 deg C to produce a finely divided, brown U(IV) compound, and 92 nfl (STP) of gas per gram consisting of 11 vol% hydrogen, 86 vol% methane, 2 vol% ethame, and 0.6 vol% propane. At 90 deg C, the products were the same, but the reaction rate was higher. Reaction with 5.6 M HCl was slower than with water, but the gaseous products were essentially the same. In preliminary experiments at 80 deg C with UC-UC/sub 2/ mixtures containing less than … more
Date: August 15, 1961
Creator: Bradley, M. J. & Ferris, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: As the first part of a study to evaluate the economics of the various steps leading to and including the permanent disposal of high-activity liquid and solid radioactive waste, costs of interim liquid storage of acid and alkaline Purex and Thorex wastes were estimated for storage times of 0.5 to 30 years. A 6- ton/day plant was assumed, processing 1500 tons/year of uranium converter fuel at a burnup of 10,000 Mwd/ton and 270 tons/year of thorium converter fuel at a burnup of 20,000 Mwd/ton. Tan… more
Date: August 22, 1961
Creator: Bradshaw, R.L.; Perona, J.J.; Roberts, J.T. & Blomeke, J.O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress Report for February-March 1961 - Chemical Development Section C, Chemical Technology Division

Description: This report summarizes certain activities by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Chemical Technology Division, which focused on chemical separation processes relevant to nuclear fuel reprocessing, from February to March 1961. It includes data from experiments exploring the recovery of thorium and uranium from granitic rock, fission product (cesium) recovery, final cycle plutonium recovery by amine extraction, and the separation of transplutoniums from lanthanides.
Date: August 15, 1961
Creator: Brown, K.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Annotated Bibliography of Theories of the Equation of State of Ionized Gases and Strong Electrolyte Solutions

Description: This bibliography lists 297 references on the equation of state of ionized gases and electrolyte solutions, including calculations of closely related quantities such as free energy, partition functions, o smotic pre ssure, activity coefficients, and equilibrium compositions of partially ionized systems. A subject index and a supplementary list of 42 bibliographies on plasma physics and similar topics are included. (auth)
Date: August 1, 1961
Creator: Brush, S. G. & Wensrich, C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement procedures for purified birch

Description: Since start-up of the neptunium recovery and purification program at HAPO, the neptunium-has been subjected to the following process steps: Production of crude neptunium nitrate by the Redox and Purex plants; Production of purified neptunium nitrate, using an anion exchange process, in research and development facilities operated by CPD`s Process Chemistry Operation; Production of neptunium oxide (NpO{sub 2}) by Process Chemistry. Mixing the NpO{sub 2} powder with aluminum powder and incorporat… more
Date: August 14, 1961
Creator: Buckingham, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Efficiency Studies with Gamma Ray Portion of Specialized Reactor-Shield Monte Carlo Program 18-0

Description: Application studies were made with Specialized Reactor-Shield Monte Carlo Program 18-0 to determine the efficiency and feasibility of calculating energy deposition due to primary core gamma rays throughout the XNJ140E-1 reactor-shield assembly. Monte Carlo results are presented in tabular form for all geometrical regions used to describe the shield. Described here is a means of obtaining adequate and valid heating rates in about 47 hours on the IBM-704 digital computer. Comparison of Monte Carl… more
Date: August 1, 1961
Creator: Capo, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Identification of Curium-242 in Irradiated Neptunium

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Curium-242 was experimentally identified as a minor product of the irradiation of neptunium-237 in a nuclear reactor." From Introduction : "Determinations of the half-life, alpha energy, and daughter product of the purified curium nuclide were made in this study to confirm the identity as curium-242."
Date: August 1961
Creator: Carothers, Glenn A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommended E-N charge modification (Second cycle PT-IP-350-C E-N demonstration load)

Description: The original charge for the E-N core load at H reactor, consisting of five different types of charges, each group of five containing 199 .947 per cent enriched uranium E-pieces of six inch nominal length and 16 Li-Al I&E (N) pieces of four inch nominal length plus mixers, was intended to provide enough excess reactivity to operate the reactor at all times with reasonable but not excessive flexibility. During actual operation the excess reactivity observed has been somewhat greater than conserva… more
Date: August 15, 1961
Creator: Carter, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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