Search Results

Primary view of Intergovernmental responsibilities for mass transportation facilities and services in metropolitan areas
United States. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.
April 1961
Primary view of Intergovernmental responsibilities for mass transportation facilities and services in metropolitan areas : summary of Commission report A-4.
United States. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.
April 1961
Primary view of Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1960 - March 1, 1961
Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
April 1, 1961
Primary view of The Attenuation of Natural Environmental Radiation by an Automobile
Shambon, Arthur; Lowder, Wayne M. & Solon, Leonard R.
April 19, 1961
Primary view of Experimental Evaluation of the Radiation Protection Provided by an Earth-Covered Shelter
Burson, Z. G. (Zolin G.) & Borella, H. M.
April 1961
Primary view of Bibliography of Temperature Measurement: January 1953 to June 1960
Halpern, Carl & Moffat, Robert J.
April 6, 1961
Primary view of Causes of Variation in Chemical Analyses and Physical Tests of Portland Cement
Bean, B. Leonard & Dise, John R.
April 27, 1961
Primary view of Corrected Optical Pyrometer Readings
Poland, D. E.; Green, J. W. & Margrave, J. L.
April 21, 1961
Primary view of Summary of the APDA Fuel Development Programs
Blessing, W. G.; Busch, J. S.; Duffy, J. G.; Hennig, R. J.; Jens, W. H.; Knight, F. W. et al.
April 1961
Primary view of Southwest Retort, Volume 13, Number 8, April 1961
American Chemical Society. Dallas/Fort Worth Section.
April 1961
Primary view of Brookhaven National Laboratory Annual Report: 1960
Brookhaven National Laboratory
April 1961
Primary view of A Study of the Feasibility of a Small Scale Reprocessing Plant for the Dresden Nuclear Power Station
Schneider, H.; Fletcher, R. D.; Codding, J. W.; Bearden, R. G.; Erickson, E. E.; Horn, S. J. et al.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of [Band - Lab - Spring Concert 1961 #1]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Band - Lab - Spring Concert 1961 #2]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Band - Lab - Spring Concert 1961 #3]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Band - Lab - Spring Concert 1961 #4]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Band - Lab - Spring Concert 1961 #5]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Man Standing on Diving Board]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of Steam Cooled Power Reactor Evaluation - Beloyarsk (Ural) Reactor
Hanford Works
April 1961
Primary view of [Snow at Administration Building]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of [Snow at Administration Building]
unknown creator
April 1961
Primary view of Sulfex Process: Engineering-Scale Semicontinuous Decladding of Unirradiated Stainless Steel-Clad UO2 and UO2-ThO2
Finney, B. C. & Hannaford, B. A.
April 4, 1961
Primary view of Fabrication Development of UO2-Stainless Steel Composite Fuel Plates for core B of the Enrico Fermi Fast Breeder Reactor
Cherubini, J. H.; Beaver, R. J. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
April 18, 1961
Primary view of Polfit II, an IBM 7090 Program for Polynomial Least Squares Fitting
Lietzke, M. P.
April 24, 1961
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