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open access

HRT Corrosion Samples -- Additional Data on Specimens Removed Prior to Run No. 20.

Description: Results of the examinations of corrosion specimens exposed in the HRT are presented. Specimens examined included (1) core screen samples, (2) core specimen array No. 1, (3) blanket specimen array No. 2, (4) core solution line specimen arrays No. 103 and 103A, (5) blanket solution line specimen array No. 203. Complete information is still not available on all the specimens removed from the reactor, however, those data which have been accumulated are presented. These include corrosion rates, com… more
Date: February 2, 1961
Creator: Baker, J. E.; Silverman, M. D.; Jenks, G. H. & Olsen, A. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of the Six Turbulent Reynolds' Stresses by the Hot Wire Method for Arbitrary Intensity and Geometry with Special Application to Axisymmetric Flow

Description: A relationship is derived the mean square fluctuating current of a hot wire anemometer and the sic turbulent Reynolds stresses in the stream-coordinate system without employing the usual low turbulent intensity approximation. The relatively simple result is a consequence of assuming proportionality between the wire current reading and the perpendicular velocity component instead of the non-linear dependence required by King's law. The assumption is valid for instruments equipped with the proper… more
Date: February 21, 1961
Creator: Wichner, R. P. & Peebles, F. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HFIR Beryllium Reflector Preliminary Design Report

Description: This report considers the HFIR reflector design criteria and presents a summary of the reflector design. The reflector type chosen as complying best with the established criteria consists of a 3 in. thick removable beryllium annulus utilizing four concentric cylinders with cooling water flowing through the annuli between cylinders, and an outer 9 in. thick permanent beryllium annulus with axial circular coolant holes. Reflector support structures and experimental facilities are described and pr… more
Date: February 21, 1961
Creator: Hilvety, Neil
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Apparent Observations Ionic Sound Waves in an Arc Plasma

Description: Oscillations have been observed in a magnetically supported cylindrical rod of plasma. This rod of plasma can be the discharge occurring in the defining aperture of a Mode II, pressure gradient arc. Similar oscillations can also occur in the column of a Mode I arc. These oscillations appear to be the mechanism that drives the Mode II blowup phenomena.
Date: February 13, 1961
Creator: Alexeff, I. & Neidigh, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel-Cycle Analysis and Proposed Fuel and Burnable Poison Distribution and Loading for the HFIR and HFCE-2

Description: Further calculations have been made to determine the desired radial fuel distribution in the HFIR and in the forthcoming HFIR critical experiment. In the process the design of the core was changed to include a 1-cm-thick annular space of water between the two nearly equally thick fuel annuli, a metal-to-water ratio in the fuel annuli of 1.0 (0.050 in. thick plates and coolant channels ) was specified, and the active length of the core was increased from 18 to 20 in. Results of the calculations … more
Date: February 2, 1961
Creator: Cheverton, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal Cycling Test of 3 1/2-in. and 4-in. Freeze Flanges

Description: A total of 104 thermal cycles between 250°F and 1350°F were imposed on a 3 1/2-in. and a 4-in. freeze flange to determine their susceptibility to thermal fatigue. The flange clamping arrangement was modified and various gaskets were used during the cycling in an effort to reduce the gas leakage problem.
Date: February 2, 1961
Creator: Moyers, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Generalized Heat Conduction Code for the IBM-7090 Computer

Description: The IBM-70% code GHT has been programmed for the 7090computer, to be run under control of the IBM-7090 FORTAN Monitor System. By eliminating the use of tapes for intermediate number storage, it has been possible to reduce computing time by a factor of 26 over the 704. A minimum of three tapes are required; one for input, one for output, and the System tape. One scratch tape is required for transient problems, and one punch tape is required if the steady-state temperature distribution is to be p… more
Date: February 9, 1961
Creator: Fowler, T. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equilibrium Adsorption of Krypton and Xenon on Activated Carbon and Linde Molecular Sieves

Description: Equilibrium krypton and xenon adsorption isotherms were obtained for four varieties of charcoal and for Linde Molecular Sieves Types 4A and 5A, generally at 0, 25, and 60°c. Such data are of interest in connection with design and evaluation of adsorbers for radioactive noble gas fission products. The isotherms were fitted, by linear regression analysis, to straight-line forms of the Freundlich and Langmuir equations. The Freundlich linear equation gave the better fit and the parameters of this … more
Date: February 14, 1961
Creator: Ackley, R. D. & Browning, W. E., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Processing of Beryllium Oxide Fuels

Description: Preliminary results from experiments on the dissolution of beryllium metal and sintered UO2-BeO fuel pellets are reported. In all cases the pellets were fired in hydrogen at 1650-1800°C. Uranium, from UO2-BeO pellets containing more than 60% UO2, is readily leached with boiling 6-13 M HNO3 in about 6 hr. The BeO in these pellets dissolves only slowly in nitric acid; however, in 8 M HNO3-0.2M NaF, it dissolves at about the same rate as the UO2. Sintered pellets containing less than 10% UO2 do no… more
Date: February 13, 1961
Creator: Warren, K. S. & Perris, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Useful Solution for Short Cylindrical Shells and Other Applications

Description: The general solution to the basic differential equation d^4w/dy^4 +4w= -4f(y) is transformed from the primary form treated in most texts to an alternate form in which each integration constant corresponds to one edge condition at y=0. The relationships between the integration constants of the two forms are derived and the values for the transformed functions are tabulated. The particular solution is derived in general and given in unique form for various functional forms of f(y). Matrix notatio… more
Date: February 14, 1961
Creator: Moore, S. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fission Product Release from UO2 and by High Temperature Diffusion and Melting in Helium and Air.

Description: The experimental demonstration of fission product release from over heated reactor fuel is necessarily subject in many respects to the arbitrary conditions imposed by the experimenter. Since an almost infinite latitude exists in the choice of materials, atmospheres, gas, velocities, temperatures etc., some allowance for an extrapolation to alternate conditions is definitely in order. The conditions imposed in this study are best described as those most likely to maximize fission product release… more
Date: February 8, 1961
Creator: Parker, G. W.; Creek, G. E. & Martin, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Letter from Pedro J. Gonzalez to the secretary of a radio workers union]

Description: Letter from Pedro J. Gonzalez to secretary of the "Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria del Radio." Multiple short lines of text and a column of paragraphs are printed to the right of handwritten words, filling the page.
Date: February 19, 1961
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006 & Gonzalez, Pedro J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Pedro J. Gonzalez to Manuel Guereña Valle]

Description: Letter from Pedro J. Gonzalez to Manuel Guereña Valle. Gonzalez's name is printed at the top of the letter's first page, above multiple short lines of text. A wide column of paragraphed text is printed across the rest of the page and continues down the letter's second page, ending above a closing statement and Gonzalez's signature.
Date: February 11, 1961
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Compilation of Techniques Used By Vallecitos Radioactive Materials Laboratory

Description: Equipment and techniques for remote examination of irradiated fuel assemblies applicable to the Maritime Program are described. The following subjects are covered: visual and photographic examination, dimensional measurements, gamma activity scanning, fission gas release and fuel rod void volume determinations, density measurements, metallographic examination, and radiochemical burnup analysis.
Date: February 1961
Creator: Brandt, F. A.; Mathay, P. W. & Zimmerman, D. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maritime Loop Irrradiation Program - Savannah I Fuel Irradiation: Progress Report First and Second Quarters, July, 1960-January, 1961

Description: The General Electric Company is proceeding with an irradiation program to proof test a representative array of Savannah I fuel rods. Irradiation of a test assembly containing Savannah I fuel rods has begun and it is proposed that the results of this irradiation will permit an advance evaluation of the fuel performance and fuel burnup in the Savannah I reactor. This report covers the first two quarters of the reporting period. All aspects of the subject program have been consolidated and applica… more
Date: February 13, 1961
Creator: Marburger, I. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Large High Power Density Core - Interim Report I: Physics Description of Reference Design

Description: A reference design of a large high power density core has been established representing the available technology as of August, 1960. Reference core performance and cost should improve considerably after incorporation of improvements now under study.
Date: February 3, 1961
Creator: Miller, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Hazards Summary Report For The Vallecitos Superheat Reactor

Description: This Preliminary Hazards Summary Report has been prepared for submission to the United States Atomic Energy Commission in compliance with Part 50 of the regulations governing the licensing of production or utilization facilities, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and contains the general information required by 10 CFR 50.34.
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bond Energies, Valence State Energies And Resonance¹,²

Description: Previous attempts to interpret chemical structure in terms of x-electron resonance have been recently criticized. A reinterpretation of the lengths of the C-C bonds in terms of orbital radii has not revealed any effects of x-electron resonance in the ground states of classical molecules such as 1, 3-butadiene, methyl acetylene, etc. Even in a non-classical molecule such as benzene, resonance shortening of the CC bond is only in terms of the strengths of the hybrid orbitals. If the lengths and f… more
Date: February 1961
Creator: Somayajulu, G. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Infrared Spectra Of Marginally Metallic Systems, Sodium-Ammonia Solutions

Description: The sodium-ammonia solution system permits investigation of an array of compositions spanning the transition from non-metallic to metallic bonding. Reflection spectra in the range 1-20 [ ] were measured for solutions of mole ratio 5.5 to 168 [ ] per Na. The dilute solutions show peaks characteristic of the vibrations of ammonia and a strong peak near 1.5 [ ] which is assigned to the solvated [ ] species. Concentrated solutions show high reflectivity over broad wavelength ranges. The results for… more
Date: February 1961
Creator: Beckman, Tad A., 1936- & Pitzer, Kenneth S. (Kenneth Sanborn), 1914-1997
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An electron can suffer a very large acceleration in passing through the Coulomb field of a nucleus, and in this interaction the radiant energy (photons) lost by the electrons is called bremsstrahlung (also, bremsstrahlung sometimes designates the interaction itself). If an electron whose total energy [formula] traverses matter of atomic number Z, the electron loses energy chiefly by bremsstrahlung. This case is considered here.
Date: February 1961
Creator: Kenney, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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