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open access

Evaluation of the Fallout Protection Afforded by Brookhaven National Laboratory Medical Research Center

Description: Report regarding an experimental study to determine how much protection the Medical Research Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory provided against nuclear fallout. Fallout was simulated by pumping a sealed source of Co60 through tubing.
Date: February 1961
Creator: Borella, H.; Burson, Z. & Jacovitch, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EBR-II Dry Critical Experiments Experimental Program, Experimental Procedures, and Safety Considerations

Description: Report containing zero power (<1 kw) Dry Critical Experiments that were "to be conducted in the EBR-II Reactor prior to filling the Primary System with sodium coolant" (p. 7.) The two primary objectives of these experiments were to determine how well the system performed without sodium coolant and to "determine and/or verify certain operational data to permit modification or improvement of the system (neutron shield, instrumentation, etc.) prior to the introduction of sodium into the system" (p… more
Date: February 1961
Creator: Koch, L. J.; Loewenstein, W. B.; Lovoff, A.; Hooker, H. H.; Monson, H. O.; Ramp, R. L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Investigation of Supersaturation in Saline Water Conversion

Description: From Objectives and Outline of the Program: "The primary objective of this work has been the determination of the conditions which control the allowable level of supersaturation of the conditions which control the allowable level of supersaturation of calcium sulfate in the waste stream of electrodialysis demieralizers."
Date: February 1961
Creator: Lurie, R. M.; Berg, M. E. & Giuffrida, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Atomic Energy Levels in Crystals

Description: Report discussing discrete energy levels observed within certain crystals which are due to perturbations of energy levels of the free ion by an electrostatic field arising from the crystal lattice. The analytic procedures for determining the field from the charge configuration are given, and the resulting fields are classified according to their symmetry. After a general survey of group-theoretical ideas, the applicable groups are analyzed in detail, and characters appropriate for both integral… more
Date: February 24, 1961
Creator: Prather, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Spectrophotometric Atlas of the Spectrum of CH from 3000A to 5000A

Description: Report of the near ultraviolet and visible emission spectrum of CH presented in the form of a spectrophotometric atlas. The spectrum was recorded photoelectrically from an acetylene-oxygen flame in the region 4900 to 3000 A by use of a high-resolution grating monochromator. Each of the lines in the CH spectrum is identified.
Date: February 14, 1961
Creator: Bass, Arnold M. & Broida, H. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Southwest Retort, Volume 13, Number 6, February 1961

Description: This publication of the Dallas-Fort Worth Section of the American Chemical Society includes information about research, prominent scientist, organizational business, and various other stories of interest to the community. Published monthly during long academic semesters.
Date: February 1961
Creator: American Chemical Society. Dallas/Fort Worth Section.
Partner: UNT Libraries

[Dr. David McGuire]

Description: Photograph of Dr. David McGuire, North Texas honors professor. He teaches an Advertising Art class. Students sit at their desks while he stands in front of the blackboard.
Date: February 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Bob Stanley with Sophomore Reporting Class]

Description: Photograph of Bob Stanley, professor in the Journalism Department, sitting with sophomore students in a reporting class in 1961. In the image Stanley and the three students sitting with him are looking at a newspaper together. Stacks of newspapers can be seen in the foreground, more students are sitting at individual desks behind the central group. A bulletin covered with newspaper scraps fills the back wall.
Date: February 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dr. C. E. Shuford with journalism students]

Description: Photograph of Dr. C. E. "Gene" Shuford, professor in the journalism department, talking with students Lee Abott and Jose Cantu during reporting class. In the photograph Abott is writing notes with papers around her while Cantu and Shuford discuss a paper over a typewriter. In the background is a brick wall with a window on one side and a chalkboard on the other.
Date: February 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Bob Stanley with Sophomore Reporting Class]

Description: Photograph of Bob Stanley, professor in the Journalism Department, sitting with sophomore students in a reporting class in 1961. In the image Stanley and two of the students are reading individually, while one is looking at what Stanley is reading. Stacks of newspapers can be seen in the foreground, more students are sitting at individual desks behind the central group. A bulletin covered with newspaper scraps fills the back wall.
Date: February 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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