Search Results

Primary view of Analytical considerations for K-downcomer and bellows
Lomax, C. C.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Experimental Evaluation of a Sodium-to-Sodium Heliflow Heat Exchanger at Temperatures up to 1200°F
McDonald, J. S.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Fission Product Activity in SM-1 Core I Primary System and Surface Contamination on SM-1 Type Fuel Elements. Task XVIII, Phases 2 and 3
Hasse, Robert A. & Zegger, John L.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Improved Zirconium Alloys : Summary Report, April 1, 1960 - January 31, 1961
Weinstein, Daniel; Holtz, F. C. & Van Thyne, R. J.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Mound Laboratory Monthly Progress Report for February 1961
Eichelberger, J. F.
February 28, 1961
Redmond, R.F.; Hulbert, L.E. & Clark, R.W.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Operation and Analysis of a 3000 KW Liquid Metal Model Steam Generator
Webster, L. J.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Radiochemistry for the rupture of a Zircaloy-2 clad uranium fuel element in KER-1
Demmitt, T. F.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Tertiary Blast Effects: The Effects of Impact on Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. Technical Progress Report
Richmond, D. R.; Bowen, I. G. & White, C. S.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of A Theory of Hyperfragments
Iwao, Syurei
February 28, 1961
Primary view of VORTEX: Progress report for February 1961
Crowley, W. B.
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Nuclear Characteristics of Possible Replacement Reactors for the HRT
Vondy, D.R. & Tobias, M.
March 28, 1961
Primary view of Research project, Contract CA-264, chemical milling of counterbore recesses in the uranium wall of Zircaloy-2 clad uranium tubes. Final report
Atkins, D. C. Jr.
March 28, 1961
Primary view of TrU Facility - Alpha Box Accessories - Spherical Joint Clamp
Klima, B.B.
March 28, 1961
Primary view of Cost estimate for reduction of P{sub 32} in reactor effluent
Tolman, H. R.
April 28, 1961
Alston, Margaret H.; Alvarez, Luis W.; Eberhard, Philippe; Good,Myron L.; Graziano, William; Ticho, Harold K. et al.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of Evidence For a T = 0 Resonance in the Z[ ] System
Alston, Margaret H.; Alvarez, Luis W., 1911-1988; Eberhard, Phillippe; Good, Myron L.; Graziano, William; Ticho, Harold K., 1921-2020 et al.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of Flexible Monte Carlo Programs FMC-N and FMC-G
Loechler, J. J. & MacDonald, J. E.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of Preliminary MSRE Gamma Ray Source and Biological Shielding Survey
Vroom, D.W.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of Preliminary Studies of Scavenging Systems Related to Radioactive Fallout : Summary Report, May 1, 1960 to March 31, 1961
Rosinski, John
April 28, 1961
Primary view of A Study of the Feasibility of a Small Scale Reprocessing Plant for the Dresden Nuclear Power Station
Schneider, H.; Fletcher, R. D.; Codding, J. W.; Bearden, R. G.; Erickson, E. E.; Horn, S. J. et al.
April 28, 1961
Primary view of Analytical considerations for K-Downcomer and bellows for General Electric Company
Lomax, C. C.
June 28, 1961
Primary view of Conceptual Design of an In-Pile Package Loop for Fast Reactor Fuel Testing
Blessing, W. G.; Balsbaugh, R. R.; Bloomfield, D. E.; Busch, J. S.; Hennig, R. J.; Jens, W. H. et al.
July 28, 1961
Primary view of Test of Buried Structural-Plate Pipes Subjected to Blast Loading
Williamson, R. A. & Huff, P. H.
July 28, 1961
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