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open access

Bibliography and Index on Vacuum and Low Pressure Measurement

Description: From Introduction: "This paper consists essentially of a) a bibliography, b) an author index, and c) an index of the subject matter of the bibliography. While the primary objective is to focus on vacuum measurement, it was believed essential to include in the bibliography articles on vacuum technology in some measure accessory or essential to vacuum measurement. For maximum usefulness, an index of the subject matter of the references has been prepared. The abstract publications listed in the pr… more
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: Brombacher, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Examinations of Pump Impellers From Sodium and Fused Salt Pump Endurance Tests

Description: Examinations of three Inconel pump impellers were made to establish the extent of cavitation damage and degree of carburization sustained during pump endurance tests. The pumps, two of which circulated fluoride salt and one sodium, had operated for the bulk of the test programs in the temperature range 1000-1250 deg F. Cavitation damage was manifested in each of the impellers by the formation of deep pits (in excess of 1/4-inch), the location of damaged areas varying with impeller geometry.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: DeVan, J.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Path Scheduling in Maintenance

Description: Summary: The following narrative interspersed with figures and attached reference exhibits is designed to acquaint the reader with the scheduling procedure developed at ORGDP, trial results and evaluation, subsequent improvement, further application, and use in conjunction with our IBM 7090 Computer.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: Gritzner, C. L.; Jones, J. P. & Ellis, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Camden-Delaware Valley Area (ARMS-II)

Description: Report regarding an Aerial Radiological Measuring Survey (ARMS) of the Camden-Delaware Valley area that was part of a national program to measure environmental levels of gamma radiation. 6,000 traverse miles were examined around Camden, New Jersey.
Date: November 10, 1961
Creator: Guillou, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plutonium Release Incident at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Description: A nonnuclear explosion involving an evaporator occurred in a shielded cell in the Radiochemical Processing Pilot plant at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Plutonium released from the processing cell contaminated areas in the pilot plant building and nearby streets and building surfaces. The explosion is considered the result of rapid reaction of nitrated organic compounds formed by the inadvertent nitration of about 14 liters of a proprietary decontaminating reagent.
Date: January 10, 1961
Creator: King, L. J. & Bresee. J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Neutron Multiplication Experiments with Enriched Uranium Metal in Slab Geometry

Description: The determination of critical dimensions of both individual units and arrays of units of fissionable material, in simple shapes and with minimal interference from supports, etc., has been a continuing program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In the experiments presently reported, uranium metal slabs were assembled, and although not made critical, produced sufficient source neutron multiplication to allow quite precise estimation of the critical thickness.
Date: April 10, 1961
Creator: Mihalczo, J.T. & Lynn, J.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Writing the VARI-II Program was motivated by the need for a method of analyzing the results for the Absorber Burn-Up Experiment in progress at the Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory.
Date: March 10, 1961
Creator: Russell, J. L. (John L.), Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffusion of Krypton Through Uranium Carbide - Final Report

Description: This program was established to develop new information concerning the mechanism of diffusion of fission gases (krypton and xenon) through UO2 and UC. The work was to concentrated on measurements of diffusion rates in unirradiated materials in the temperature range of 1000°C to above 2000°C, these determinations being important to the projected use of refractory fuel materials in high-temperature, high-burnup reactors.
Date: January 10, 1961
Creator: Weinstock, J. J.; Pinkerton, A. P. & Ziegel, K. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Recovery of Fission Product Rare Earth Sulfates from Purex LWW

Description: A research and development program aimed at devising processes for the economical recovery of the potentially valuable long-lived fission products from Purex waste has been under wat at Hanford for several years. When this work has begun, the concentrated waste was primarily a nitric acid solution (6 to 10 M HNO3) containing the fission products and relatively small concentrations of iron, sulfate, and other corrosion products. Flowsheets based on classical separation schemes and rather similar… more
Date: May 10, 1961
Creator: Wheelwright, E. J. & Swift, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experiments On Alfven-Wave Propagation

Description: This paper reports an extension of previous experimental work with Alfven waves. We consider hydromagnetic waves propagating in a cylindrical plasma in a uniform axial magnetic field. The copper tube is filled with highly ionized plasma by an electrically driven switch-on ionizing wave. After the tube is filled with plasma, a hydromagnetic wave is induced by a radial current flow from the small molybdenum electrode to the copper tube. The force produced by this radial current together with the … more
Date: May 10, 1961
Creator: Wilcox, John M.; DeSilva, Alan W. & Cooper, William S., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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