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Primary view of Argonne National Laboratory Idaho Division Summary Report: October 1960-March 1961
Argonne National Laboratory. Idaho Division.
Primary view of Broad Range Spectrograph for Use With the Rochester 27" Cyclotron
Alford, W. Parker; Bilaniuk, G. H. & Hawrylak, R. A.
Primary view of Calibration of G.M. Counters For Direct Counting of Radon in the Atmosphere
Shirvaikar, V. V. & Sachdev, R. N.
Primary view of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 in Milk
Vohra, K. G.; Mishra, U. C.; Joshi, C. W.; Lalit, B. Y. & Deshpande, A.S.
January 1961
Primary view of Coolball, a Machine Code for Thermal Analysis of Pebble Bed Reactor Cores
unknown creator
Primary view of The Decontamination and Recovery of Precious Metals
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation
Primary view of Determination of Particle Size Distribution by X-Ray Absorption
Gaudin, Antoine Marc, 1900-1974 & Fuerstenau, Maurice C.
Primary view of Fluoroscopic Crystal Investigation
Franklin, William A.
Primary view of Fuel Element Development Program for the Pebble Bed Reactor
Sanderson & Porter, Inc.
Primary view of The Relation of Genome Numbers to Radiosensitivity
Clark, Arnold M.
Primary view of The Singularities of the Riemann Function
Ludwig, Donald
January 1, 1961
Primary view of A Study of the Mechanism of Radiation Induced Gelation in Monomer-Polymer Mixtures
Radiation Applications Incorporated
Primary view of A Study of the Mechanism of Radiation Induced Gelation in Monomer-Polymer Mixtures
Radiation Applications Incorporated
Primary view of The Sparker, a Divice to Overcome the Multipactor Difficulty in Starting the Oscillator of a Cycloton
Fulbright, H.W.
January 3, 1961
Primary view of A Hooded and Ion Source With a Magnetic Mirror Feature
Fulbright, H.W.
January 4, 1961
Primary view of Diffusion of Krypton Through Uranium Carbide - Final Report
Weinstock, J. J.; Pinkerton, A. P. & Ziegel, K. D.
January 10, 1961
Primary view of Nuclear Merchant Ship Reactor Final Safeguards Report, Volume 6: Environmental Analysis OF NS "Savannah" Operation at Camden
Cottrell, W. B.; Parker, F. L.; Mann, L. A. & Schmidt, G. D.
January 24, 1961
Primary view of Comparison of Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization Untilizing Electron Accelerators and Isotope Sources as Radiation Initiators
unknown creator
January 31, 1961
Primary view of The Study of the Potential Applications of Radioisotope Technology to Water Resource Investigations and Utilization
Feely, Herbert W., 1928-
January 31, 1961
Primary view of Utilization of Radiactive Isotpoes in Coal Process Research
Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
February 15, 1961
Primary view of Development of Techniques for Power Production From Mixed Fission Products
Eaton, D.
February 18, 1961
Primary view of A Theory of Hyperfragments
Iwao, Syurei
February 28, 1961
Primary view of Alternating Direction and Semi-Explicit Difference Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Lees, Milton
March 1, 1961
Primary view of Foothills Mine, Idledale District, Jefferson County, Colorado
Schlottmann, Jerome D.
March 1961
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