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Notes on Lattice Parameter Calculations

Description: In the last two or three years there has been a notable improvement in the knowledge and understanding of reactor lattice physics. During this interval, measurements of parameters have been improved and the methods of analysis have been greatly strengthened. It has become apparent that the classical ways for computing the lattice parameters are not sufficient. It is the purpose of this report to publish under one cover as much of the most recent information as possible.
Date: October 6, 1960
Creator: Joanou, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

APDAC-I, A PCTR Data Analysis Code for the IBM 709

Description: A flexible foil data processing program is described. Raw data on foil radioactivity are the basic input information required. Output may consists of relative activities, saturated activities, and/or cadmium ratio and flux spectrum data. A statistical analysis of the data is executed with the direct calculation, and errors estimated for the output data.
Date: September 7, 1960
Creator: Lilley, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dissolution of Power Reactor Fuel Cores

Description: Report discussing the dissolution of simulated fuel cores. Equipment and procedures are discussed along with significant characteristics of the core materials.
Date: August 26, 1960
Creator: Blaine, H. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculated Equilibrium Distributions for the Uranyl Nitrate - Tributyl Phosphate - Dilute Nitric Acid System for Temperatures Between 25 and 75 C

Description: Report discussing the "equilibrium uranium distribution between an aqueous nitric acid solution and a 30 per cent by volume solution of tributyl phosphate in a hydrocarbon diluent" (p. 2). This includes the necessary equations.
Date: August 12, 1960
Creator: Wilburn, N. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hazards Summary Report for the Hanford Plutonium Critical Mass Laboratory

Description: Report that summarizes the potential hazards of the Hanford Critical Mass Laboratory and presents operation procedures which will limit the probability of a nuclear accident. The report also outlines the planned experimental program, descriptions of the facility, and the administration of nuclear safety in the laboratory.
Date: August 1, 1960
Creator: Reardon, W. A.; Clayton, E. D.; Brown, C. L.; Masterson, R. H.; Powell, T. J.; Richey, C. R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Project CGC-830 Plant Modifications for Reprocessing Non-Production Reactor Fuels

Description: Facilities are to be designed for installation at Hanford for the reprocessing of irradiated, low enrichment fuels from non-production reactors, see Reference 1 and 2. The initial design of the processing facilities is to be based on processing the fuels discharged from the Dresden, Yankee, Piqua, Pathfinder and Shippingport (blanket elements only) reactors. Properties of the fuels and cladding make it impossible to completely process them in existing equipment, although the separation and deco… more
Date: July 29, 1960
Creator: Bierman, S. R.; Graf, W. A.; Kass, M.; Kligfield, G.; McKee, R.W.; Patridge, L. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Coagulant Aids as Filter Aids

Description: The Hanford water treatment plants were operated for a number of years with alum as a coagulant and activated silica as a coagulant and a polyacrylamide as a filter conditioning agent. (other polyelectrolytes may be used.) Sufficient time has elapsed to make a comparison of the two methods of operation valid and useful. Such a comparison is the purpose of this paper.
Date: July 21, 1960
Creator: Conley, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PCTR Measurement of EGCR Control Rod Worth

Description: This paper describes the measurement of control rod strength in the PCTR. The first section outlines the theory and method of such a measurement, and the second section presents the results of the measurement of the Experimental Gas Cooled Reactor (EGCR) control rod strength. The reactor parameter actually inferred is the difference in the infinitive multiplication factor for a control rod supercell with and without the control rod in place in the supercell. These measurements are, therefore, v… more
Date: July 20, 1960
Creator: Nichols, P. F.; Engesser, F. C. & Oakes, T. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Core Tester - UT-2

Description: Report that "describes an instrument that nondestructively tests uranium fuel element cores by ultrasonic methods" (p. 2).
Date: July 18, 1960
Creator: Frederick, C. L. & Waldkoetter, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated Radiological Instrumentation System Planning

Description: In recognition of the need for an integrated system plan for future development requirements for radiological instrumentation, this information report was written to provide the initial step concerning such a planning. The report is to be considered a basic information analysis of the present in-use plant radiological instrumentation, of the instrumentation now undergoing active development, and of the future development work contemplated.
Date: July 14, 1960
Creator: Spear, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Invention Report: Hermetically Sealed Closure on a Sheathed Thermocouple

Description: Applications of sheathed (metal) thermocouples may require in many instances, the insertion of the thermocouple thermal junction into an area that must be hermetically sealed to the outside. This same area usually contains highly reactive heat transfer medium such as an eutectic alloy of sodium and potassium of sodium alone. When fissionable materials are being irradiated, fission products that are driven off would also be present and must be contained under varying temperatures and pressures.
Date: July 12, 1960
Creator: Kosut, Bert S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PRTR Calandria Fabrication Report

Description: The Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor is heavy water moderated with a heavy or light water reflector contained by a complex aluminum vessel called a Calandria. ( See Figure 1). Construction of this vessel started in August, 1958, at a large West Coast vendor's plant and was completed at Hanford in December, 1959. The fabrication problems associated with a high integrity welded aluminum vessel were generally unrealized prior to this period. This report covers the fabrication of the Calandria and li… more
Date: July 12, 1960
Creator: Pedersen, L. T. & Kreiter, M. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Controlled Potential Coulometer

Description: Report describing the Hanford Laboratory controlled potential coulometer. This includes the theory behind the coulometer, details of its circuitry, and performance tests. Appendix begins on page 23.
Date: July 11, 1960
Creator: Connally, R. E. & Scott, F. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Model of the PRTR Mark I Fuel Element for Heat Transfer Experiments

Description: The purpose of this document is to describe the design and construction of a full-scale, electrically-heated model of a 19-rod PRTR fuel element for use in heat transfer experiments.
Date: July 6, 1960
Creator: Hammond, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Wear and Galling of Autoclaved Zircaloy-2 By Various Materials

Description: This is the third of a series of reports describing the phases of a study of the wear and galling of autoclavedZircaloy-2 by various bearing surface materials. The first report (1) showed that increasing contact area between the autoclaved Zircaloy-2 surfaces will not prevent scratching. It also showed that metals softer than Zircaloy-2 in general do not scratch it. The second report (2) described how eight metals and alloys were wear-tested on autoclaved Zircaloy-2 as prospects for fuel elemen… more
Date: July 5, 1960
Creator: Weber, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Tests for PRT Reactor

Description: This document authorizes the performance in accordance with the specifications noted, the PRTR Critical Tests described herein. The experiments described have the following objectives:
Date: July 1, 1960
Creator: Triplett, J. R.; Anderson, J. K.; Peterson, R. E.; Regimball, J. J.; Russell, J. T.; Schmid, L. C. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Portable Radiation Instrumentation Standardization

Description: This development work was undertaken to investigate and standardize scintillation detector and transistorized circuitry techniques in instruments used for detecting and measuring alpha and beta particles, gamma photons, and both slow and fast neutrons. At the present time, the standard radiation detection instrumentation used at Hanford employ vacuum-tube circuitry with typical detectors being ion chambers, G-M tubes, HF3 tubes, etc. The vacuum tubes require excessive battery power, and some of… more
Date: July 1, 1960
Creator: Spear, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Depassivation of 304-L Stainless Steel in Sulfex Decladding Solutions

Description: In the Sulfex process, stainless steel cladding, generally 304-L, is removed from fuel elements by dissolution in boiling four to six molar sulfuric acid. When cladding removal is complete, the decladding solution is removed is removed to waste. The exposed fuel cores are rinsed and dissolved in nitric acid.
Date: June 30, 1960
Creator: Duke, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thickness Measurement by Ultrasonic Frequency Modulation

Description: A prototype instrument has been designed and built which demonstrates an ultrasonic pulse echo technique of measuring metal thickness in the range .010 to .080 inches. Extension of the range of measurement on the thick side appears straightforward, however, transducer frequency response considerations may limit the extension of the method for very thin sections. The instrument is based upon the principle that sections, when driven by pulses of vibratory energy, resonate at frequencies dependen… more
Date: June 28, 1960
Creator: Lambert, T.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Termination Report for Development Test IP-306-K Spline Coilers at K Reactor

Description: A reliable spline disposal system is necessary for full utilization of the Poison Spline Control System. The spline choppers were not reliable enough so a spline coiler was developed and designed to replace the choppers. A Development Test, IP-306-X (HW-63820), was issued authorizing on-pile testing of the spline coiler at X area. This report closes the Development Test and discusses the use of spline coilers.
Date: June 24, 1960
Creator: McCarthy, P. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Non-destructive Testing Hanford Fuel

Description: At present, emphasis is being given the application of nondestructive testing to the inspection of nuclear fuel in conjunction with complete product specifications. The objective is to quantitatively specify fuel quality parameters, and to measure the entire fuel production against these specifications nondestructively. Under this concept the acceptability of a given fuel element becomes a well-defined factor readily determined by appropriate nondestructive tests.
Date: June 22, 1960
Creator: Worlton, D.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Steam Water Pressure Drop and Critical Discharge Flow - A Digital Computer Program

Description: It is the purpose of this report to explain the bands and uses of a digital computer program for the calculation of steady state steam-water pressure drop and critical flow in pipes. The program has been coded for the IBM 709 computer. While so attempt has been made to obtain improved models of two-phase flow, it is believed that the numerical integration technique used in the code will permit more accurate calculation where pressure drops are large compared to the upstream pressure. The techni… more
Date: June 17, 1960
Creator: Massena, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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